Cetra,you said i was wrong and that russia was allied to japan under ww2,and that japanese people got rich by being hard working fishermans,i mean where do you learn your things?
You also said being a producer means nothing,attacking Sakaguchi,then when i say Shigeru has been producer of all his games you dont responde to me,thats not childish?
Just say you' re wrong when you are,we others do it,but you cant " be wrong" apprently you just leave.
You say now its because of majiks behavior,but when we have chatte dyou only dissapear when you have no facts to back up your claims.
The rumble is perfect feature,i just came from 4 sweaty games of table tennis,when i hit the ball,the rumble pack let me know what kind of spin is on that ball,and how much i dare to hit it with.
WIthout rumble in Table Tennis it would have sucked,also FPS should have rumble pack,and racing games should have that shaking feeling.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 6 Jun 06 23:56:15 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.