Favourite film

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Favourite film - Feb 28, 2003 19:58
Just a suggestion. But i think it wuld be great to have some kind of reader' s choice: favourite film spot. Where you get to write 500 words or so about one of your favourite films. We could do it on a weekly or fortnightly basis.

It could be a big blockbuster to the most obscure film... i suppose it' s pretty cool just to converse with others on a more fun platform than in threads because you just don' t get the chance.

I absolutely adore films - so i' d be up for seeing it. Adam?

Shiek Abdul III
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RE: Favourite film - Feb 28, 2003 20:03

Fight Club is rrrruff x 500.

In all seriousness. Tis a sterling suggestion Ms K.

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RE: Favourite film - Feb 28, 2003 21:47
ha! Watched Fight Club ...AGAIN....just last night. Great movie! Gotta love the special edition DVD set.

my favorite movie is still held by " Braveheart"

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RE: Favourite film - Mar 01, 2003 14:00
I don' t have exactly time for a 500 word essay, but I can say from the bottom of my heart that Akira rawks all other movies! The incredible animation, storyline and characters make all other movies absolete!

Phear My Taste In Music

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RE: Favourite film - Mar 02, 2003 00:11
Life is Beautiful. All the way.

Then theres Crouching Tiger: Hidden Dragon. I don' t care about Chinese sales, that movie was better than all of the anime (or any Jap/Chinese-produced film) I have seen thus far.
< Message edited by Atari81 -- 3/1/2003 6:11:57 PM >
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RE: Favourite film - Mar 02, 2003 05:14
Do I need to even say it? This one goes out to all you deadites out there, one in particular, Deadmeat.


Closely followed by, and I mean closely, perhaps the greatest horror comedy of them all...BAD TASTE!!!
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RE: Favourite film - Mar 02, 2003 06:05
This is toughy. I also don' t have time for 500 words, but I' ll just reply.

Heat (hint hint for all those in the " Guess the Movie" thread)
Forrest Gump
Sand Pebbles
Enter the Dragon
Lately, Road to Perdition
I dunno, the list goes on and on.

Shiek Abdul III
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RE: Favourite film - Mar 02, 2003 08:37
I still haven' t got the DVD :(

Got to be said though - the Terminator 2 DVD is probably the best I' ve seen for extra stuff. The scenes with the T1000 in John Connor' s room and the extra ending - no wonder they cut though scenes out.

And Jackass is awesome.

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RE: Favourite film - Mar 02, 2003 16:20

Coming to America
A few Good Men
Full Metal Jacket
Lion King

Office Space almost makes the list

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RE: Favourite film - Mar 03, 2003 18:52
Monty Python' s Search for the Holy Grail
...and from way back, The Cat From Outer Space

....wardo, u should continue your list....give me some ideas for rentals.

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RE: Favourite film - Mar 03, 2003 22:14
Shawshank Redemption ..
' Im old enough to know better but young enough to not give a fuck!'

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RE: Favourite film - Mar 04, 2003 03:50
I can' t believe I forgot Shawshank...

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RE: Favourite film - Mar 04, 2003 13:20
The Shawshank Redemption DOES rule. And my list of favs.:

Citizen Kane
Forrest Gump
Dr. Zhivago
Philadelphia Story
A Few Good Men
A Beautiful Mind
The Fugitive

I probably forgot about a zillion, but these are all definitely at or near the top of the list, IMO.
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RE: Favourite film - Mar 05, 2003 04:21
I was tempted to put The Fugitive, but it is more of a guilty pleasure. I used to want to be a US Marshall until I learned how much they made.

" I didn' t kill my wife!"

" I don' t care!"

I love those lines. US Marshalls don' t care if a person is innocent or not. It' s just up to them to find the person.

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RE: Favourite film - Mar 05, 2003 13:14
Heh...that is an awesome line.

I actually wasn' t going to put it either, just because it doesn' t seem to.....well, fit, I guess. But I couldn' t help it; I find little wrong with that movie.

Just out of curiosity, do U.S. Marshals have more authority than the FBI?
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RE: Favourite film - Mar 05, 2003 17:36
And a close 2nd place for me is Monthy Python and the Search for the Holy Grail.

" I cut off your arm man!"
" No you haven' t."
" The bleed is flowing out of there!"
" It' s just a scratch, I' ve had worse..."


Phear My Taste In Music

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RE: Favourite film - Mar 06, 2003 20:26
FBI has more power. Marshals mainly focus on the judicial system and to maintain it. There are 5 main objectives a Marshal does: Protect witnesses, hunt down fugitives, sieze property, transport fugitives, and protect juries. Atleast I think that' s how it goes. You get shot at more in the FBI, though.

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RE: Favourite film - Mar 07, 2003 19:21

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RE: Favourite film - Mar 08, 2003 01:29
Though it sounds cheesy it has to be the Star Wars Trilogy, younno the original films not the new plastic crap. Oh and the Matrix and Reloaded looks awesome!

I love my films, spend far to much cash on a regular basis on em. My room' s turned into a cinema now. But I like everything, its now just about the best acting or the best script or the most technical piece of film-making its about your enjoyment. The feeling it gives you inside and thats what counts.