info on sequal to Bourne Identity

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Mass X
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info on sequal to Bourne Identity - May 07, 2004 01:21
Matt Damons first actaul action movie will now has a follow up coming out July 23 (us)

The Bourne Supremecy

< Message edited by Mass X -- 5/7/2004 1:25:37 AM >

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RE: info on sequal to Bourne Identity - May 07, 2004 04:40
Honestly, I fell asleep during the first one. But that isn' t saying much...wait a minute, yes it is I rarely fall asleep during a movie. But still, I think I should watch it again, especially if it warrants a sequal.

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RE: info on sequal to Bourne Identity - May 11, 2004 21:35
awesome....cant wait....was a big fan of the first one...