Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy?

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 09, 2006 19:00
One thing I love with HDD' s is that you don' t need memory cards.
I always fill my memory cards with data very quick and they' re expensive so in the long run a HDD is cheaper. I' ve got like five Dreamcast VMU' s and those cost a bunch. The HDD was pretty much the only thing I really liked with the Xbox hardware. Memory cards are evil!

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 10, 2006 15:55
I' m a Nintendo fanboy, but I can see the flaws in the company. Especially with the GameCube. There was alot of good games, but I kept looking at a PS2 inbetween the game breaks of the GameCube. The games came out way too slowly. But Resident Evil 4 was a blast to play. Better than the PS2 version (I don' t like loading times). And Metroid Prime revived a classic. So I can' t say all of the GameCube was too bad. Its all going to turn around with the Wii though. Did you guys see the lines at E3 compared to Sony' s?

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 00:09
Its unlikely to turn around this gen, Little Nintendo' s wii isnt mainstream enough for the no.1 spot. That dosent mean it wont get good games, and it will certainly do better than the Gamecube, but Sony e3 only had a handfull of games, while Nintendo had about a million. Wait till TGS Because that is going to be all about ps3. But who knows, anything could happen.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 00:36

Little Nintendo' s wii isnt mainstream enough for the no.1 spot.

While i kind of agree, i also never expected DS to give PSP the kicking it has.

Wait till TGS Because that is going to be all about ps3. But who knows, anything could happen.

Wasn' t E3 2006 supposed to be all about Sony?! I believe both Nintendo and Microsoft had the far better showings.

TGS certainly will be important for Sony as titles like RE5, DMC, Tekken 6 etc were held back purposefully so that they' d have maximum impact at TGS, just weeks before the systems launch, but i still think Wii will steal the show.

The Japanese haven' t accepted Sony price, with every poll showing that it' s putting people off, even if Sony have a strong lineup. It seems that the industry is changing there, partially due to DS. I think they' ll embrace Wii 110% abd Japanese developers will definately take notice of that.

I don' t see Microsoft putting on a strong show. I think they' ll concentrate instead on getting as much western coverage as possible at the same time, pushing GoW, Mass Effect and other games due around PS3' s launch period. Saying that, they' ll certainly have some interesting stuff at TGS like RE5, DoAX, Galaga, Blue Dragon, Lost Oddysey (hopefully) and hopefully games like Ninja Gaiden 2. If they also announced a price drop and that online play would be made free they could certainly have an effect.

Still, i want to see what Japanese games will be available for PS3 early in the consoles life. DMC4 as a launch title would be nice!

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 00:49

Saying that, they' ll certainly have some interesting stuff at TGS like RE5, DoAX, Galaga, Blue Dragon, Lost Oddysey (hopefully) and hopefully games like Ninja Gaiden 2.

I dunno... maybe it' s just me...

But I swear there is a certain Witch missing off that list..

Could be just me though... Or that list is broken..

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 00:55
Well, i was hoping that Bullet Witch and Dead Rising would launch before TGS and so would have large presences...

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 01:40

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on

TGS certainly will be important for Sony as titles like RE5, DMC, Tekken 6 etc were held back purposefully so that they' d have maximum impact at TGS, just weeks before the systems launch, but i still think Wii will steal the show.

I think PS3 will steal the show. I' ll be pleasently surprised if Nintendo has anything left that can steal the show. We' ve seen the top 1st party titles, the controller, the console, the gameplay, the graphics, and lots of other things. Graphics will pretty much look as they did at E3. All that' s left is a price and a date.
Sony on the other hand has the potential to make a great impact with lots of great titles. And their online service might have some nice surprices.
Microsoft don' t have much left to show unless they can get their hands on some really amazing 3rd party titles (Shenmue). Of course they still have Halo 3.

About the Wii, as Matt at IGN said in a podcast, I think that Nintendo are in danger if there is a 360 price cut that would make the Core pack cost $199. That' s probably why Nintendo haven' t announced the price yet, they' re making sure they can compete with Microsoft.
On the other hand I don' t think Microsoft wants the Wii to be unsuccessful because it' s important that the Wii steals market share from Sony in Japan. If the japanese first buy a Wii and then see the japanese developer support for the 360 then it has a better chance against the PS3 Japan, and ultimately, in all regions. Especially after a price cut. Maybe.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 Jun 06 17:43:55 >

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 01:53
On the other hand, Sony' s already put out their Ace in the Hole. Their price tag and release date was their biggest mystery, and now that all their info is out, there' s nothing more than good software to draw people to their chunk of the show.

Wii, on the other hand, still has price and date to be set...

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 01:59

Wii, on the other hand, still has price and date to be set...

And possibly more...

What i would like to know for certain is number of units Sony will have available for launch. They were talking last week about " seed quantities" which would NOT be a good thing!

I guess we' ll see though. They NEED to do better then E3.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 02:04
Sony fanboys disgust me,if i saw you irl i would shoot you in the head.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 02:10
Who are you talking about? ginjirou?

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 02:32


Sony fanboys disgust me,if i saw you irl i would shoot you in the head.

Ah, I see. It' s not videogames that makes people violent. It' s MS games that makes people violent. Just look at quetz. We Sony/Nintendo gamers are more civilized.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 02:36
It' s amusing to listen to Sony' s fans defend everything they do though. I realise YOU' RE not doing that, and i agree with both yourself and bomber that Sony will have a big presence at TGS, i just don' t get why you can be so optimistic in the face of all the bad press they' ve recieved recently.

E3 2006 was supposed to be a BIG deal for Sony and all they did were embarrass themselves.

You don' t think stuff like " even if we only have seed quantities available" and " marketshare isn' t important" (not direct quotes) is worrying?!

Terry Bogard
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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 03:02
Sony: " We will be the first to launch a console without ANY games! Launch games are no longer important. Gamers should worry about getting the hardware into their homes first and then worry about games later!"

Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 03:21
Well, Sony sucks in many ways but I don' t think they can go any lower when it comes to bad press.
I think Sony have done some serious mistakes with the PS3, some Kutaragi comments have been... " amusing" and their showing at E3 wasn' t as impressive as Nintendo' s or Microsoft' s.
But I don' t think they failed at E3. They showed playable games and announced launch prices and release dates, all of which I think was very straightforward.
Kaz Hirai admited his love for Ridge Racer and they showed us how stupid we' ll look when we play Warhawk.
But there were many big titles they didn' t show that probably disappointed lots of people but those titles are what will help Sony steal the show at TGS.
Microsoft and Nintendo gave E3 everything they had. That' s why I think Sony has the upper hand when it comes to future showings, especially TGS.
All the bad press is only seen in videogame magazines and sites. Regular people, causal gamers and such, don' t read such media and therefor the bad press haven' t reached them.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 Jun 06 19:23:55 >

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 03:38
Now I as a “neutral” have to say I think both Microsoft and Sony have both made seriously embarrassing statements (though Sony has more), and I even remember that Nintendo once said something silly, which I would kill to remember right now. I think most here really dislike Sony’s statement, but I still think Peter Moore’s “Zen” poem advertisement takes the price. Also, the 1 billion goal as well as when they said no other company could possibly dream of coming close (performance wise) to their 360, are some other goodies.

But so what? We where raised by commercials, and I expect people to lie, so I will buy. Also, I think gaming isn’t about what a spokesperson or president of a company tells us and the silly things they say when they do so. A console (now a computer) is neither Ken nor Peter in plastic, standing in your living room. And even though I find it rather sad to say, I believe Sony’s statement “I we make it, they buy it” is actually true. Many I know has already stated they will buy a PS3, even though they know almost nothing about it (though they do know the price and didn’t care), and I think this is because they felt pleased with their PS2 and therefore Sony has earned their trust for at least another generation. Not to say I think anything bad about the PS3 at all, and I myself look forward to it more than I did the 360 (Wii comes first though), but I wouldn’t think twice about changing my mind if I think it looks like it will be a waste of precious cash (a lot of it to). I am, after all, only out to play entertaining games and NOT to become a soldier of a multinational corporation.

It’s all about personal preferences, and though I’m might sound selfish when saying so, I only care about myself when it comes to gaming (and possibly the three others I tend to play multiplayer with). Though I admit, at the moment I am at loss. All three companies offer great exclusives and games I feel I wouldn’t want to miss any of. When that happens, all that matters is yourself! Do you want to play Halo/Final Fantasy/Zelda? If so then pay up or shut up!

Actually, don’t shut up. This is a forum and you are supposed to discuss.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 03:47
Granted, but those same people won' t be affected by TGS either.

Sony WILL put on a far better show than E3, that' s obvious, but we also don' t know what else Microisoft and Nintendo have up their respective sleeves.

I don' t expect anything great from Microsoft at TGS, just a re-showing of what they had at E3, and announcements of Japanese games and XBL stuff.

It should be noted that the XBL update the other day added a ' TV' menu to marketplace, validating my December claims of downloadable TV shows through Marketplace. When the bigger HDD' s arrive i' m hoping they' ll pull through on their DirectTV-esque function allowing people to record TV direct to and watch from the HDD.

So, things like partnerships with anime and Japanease film studios could very well be announced with downloadable content appearing on XBLM the same day (like at E3). That in itself would be very cool, but as for games, Sony and Nintendo will obviously " steal" the show.

Sony will be pushing the tilt function as hard as they can. They have to make the Japanese accept it and have to make good on it' s support from developers. I expect many games to be shown that take advantage of said function. I also expect all the game that should have been at E3 but weren' t, just as everybody does. Devil May Cry 4, Tekken 6, Resident Evil 5 etc will all be there and they NEED to look awesome (i' m less worried about RE5 than any other).

But Sony showing great looking games might not be enough to keep Nintendo at arms length. Nintendo showed way more games than had been speculated at E3 and the feeling all round was that Nintendo " won" E3 this year. I' d agree.

Whilst Nintendo will obviously continue to push the controller, there' s also the possibility that something originally planned to be unveilled at E3 was pulled because of Sony' s controller announcement. Nintendo have since said that they understand the importance of keeping their secrets close to their chest. It' s just speculation, but it' s definately possible.

I' m certainly hoping to see more games than we saw at E3 and get a confirmed launch lineup and price.

If say DS games were going to be made available through the Virtual Console, and Nintendo had another secret. They could easily steal Sony' s thunder.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 03:49
I don' t know if “I we make it, they buy it” still works with a $600 price tag. Maybe for hardcore fans but not for sane people.
If the PS3 would' ve been $400 then it would' ve worked even though the PS3 would' ve sucked ass.
This generation it' s not only about the exclusives as the different consoles offer very different things at very different prices.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 04:00

I don' t know if “I we make it, they buy it” still works with a $600 price tag. Maybe for hardcore fans but not for sane people.

Actually, those people I mentioned are only casual gamers and so they don' t really care if it was a Sony or a whatever... Even so, they are going for the PS3. Undoubtaly the PS3' d price will have an effect on consumers, but it might not be as big as we might think it is. Or it might be bigger, time will tell and I' ll take the safe bet of not saying anything is certain.

This generation it' s not only about the exclusives as the different consoles offer very different things at very different prices.

As I said, when it comes to gaming I only care about myself, and I only care about the games. Therefore, if it isn' t multiplattform and it looks great, it' s one hell of a temptation for me.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 05:17
Hopefully Tri-ace RPG and Square-enix action shooter is playable at E3,and that some nice suprices shows up.
Would be ignorant of MS not to attack with something very nice before or under and after TGS.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 11, 2006 22:33

If say DS games were going to be made available through the Virtual Console, and Nintendo had another secret. They could easily steal Sony' s thunder

That would seem like the next logical move for Nintendo. It' d be goot to have some kind of distribution point for budget titles and the Virtual Console is the best solution i can think of. The only bummer is the lack of memory storage on the DS. None of your games could be very long, It' d be like trying to play FF7 in one day, without a memory card. Now granted, It' s possibe someone' s figured out a way to store things from the DS, on to some kind of external drive, but if nintendo decides to ever start making storage devices, that idea could really take off.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 12, 2006 09:53
Every one has there Fav in my opinion i' d have to say Ps2/Ps3 is the best but im sticking to gamecube/Wii since it has Super Smash Bros. Super mario games and The legend of Zelda wich are my favs
Long Live The Legend of Zelda!! :)

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 12, 2006 16:35

Every one has there Fav in my opinion i' d have to say Ps2/Ps3 is the best but im sticking to gamecube/Wii since it has Super Smash Bros. Super mario games and The legend of Zelda wich are my favs

So you' re a Sonintendo person? Or just confused? Which do you solidly support?

By the way welcome to the forums, the beanbag is mine, but you can touch
anything else.

.....And the fish have been fed..
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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 13, 2006 00:20
I killed the fish and stuffed them in your beanbag...

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 13, 2006 01:07

I killed the fish and stuffed them in your beanbag...

No wonder something smelt *can' t stop himelf* fishy..

That explains why the bean bag makes a squishing noise..

You b*stard!
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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 13, 2006 05:36

I killed the fish and stuffed them in your beanbag...

You killed MY fish?! -- Vengance will be mine!!!!!!!!!

Ninja' s assemble!!!

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 13, 2006 06:18
No Tiz im not confused i like sony but im sticking with nintendo since its my fav

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 13, 2006 06:21


No Tiz im not confused i like sony but im sticking with nintendo since its my fav

His point was that you started out by saying...

Every one has there Fav in my opinion i' d have to say Ps2/Ps3 is the best...

...and then went on to proclaim Nintendo as your company of choice. It looks confusing. Sh*t, i' d like to know where you played PS3 though...

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 23, 2006 00:57
MSoft Fanboy.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 23, 2006 01:25
Nintendo Forever

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 23, 2006 01:39
I don' t like the name of this thread! All I see in the title is Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft.
SEGA is missing!!


< Message edited by ginjirou -- 22 Jun 06 17:39:11 >

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 23, 2006 01:45
*thumbs up for the Sonic Fan!*

I am a fan, not a fanboy.
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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 23, 2006 01:45
I' m a Sega fan-man.
That' s more mature .

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 23, 2006 01:53

I' m a Sega fan-man.

Hmmmm... Can' t you just be a fan?
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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 23, 2006 01:56
Isn' t that a part that keeps sthings like PC' s from overheating?

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 23, 2006 02:00
Or 360' s from overheating. But you can be the biggest PS3 fan, and I will
be a tiny Wii fan. (HAHAHAHAHAHAH ahh... er-herm)
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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - Jun 23, 2006 05:54
Its ok Tiz size doesn' t matter, its how u use it!!

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