why did bill gates created the xbox

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why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 04:00
i think why bill gates created the xbox dynasty from what i heard he wanted to expand his dynasty so that computers wouldn' t be his only great thing( thats how i feel)
< Message edited by brick_boss -- 25 May 06 20:11:08 >

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RE: why did bill gates create microsoft - May 26, 2006 04:02
What? I don' t get it.
Computers became his big thing after he created Microsoft.
Maybe you mean Xbox. That he created Xbox so that PC' s wouldn' t be his only great thing?

Or what?

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RE: why did bill gates create microsoft - May 26, 2006 04:08
yea u kno wat i mean my nizzle

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 04:14
Bill gates said,he was gonna make worlds strongest console with the best games at a price every kid could buy it at.

Clearly he must have changed his mind with XBOX....

I refer to the price...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 04:18
Bill Gates has a vision: To be responsible for all the digital entertainment in your home.
Microsoft has a vision: To get as much money as possible and conquer the world.

There' s the reasons why there' s an Xbox. Simple as that!

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 04:18
" microsoft" made the xbox because video games are now big buisness, and they wanted to get into that market.

The same reason sony,panasonic(3do) and NEC got into the market, to make money.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 04:30
What' s a " nizzle" ?

Sony and Microsoft both want to control your livingroom. They have both been thinking about it for a long time now.

Microsoft got into the games industry to keep their rivals at arms length. Microsoft don' t want Sony getting into things like software development.

Apple and Sony are Microsoft biggest competition and Microsoft' s plan is working because Sony have spent much of the past 4 years worth of profit on develoing CELL and Blu-Ray. Sony can' t afford to do anything else right now and Microsoft are giving them serious competition on the games front.

Microsoft won' t make any money from games, but they won' t be looking at it as losing money. They' ll be looking at it as buying marketshare.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 04:33
I think Bill Gates has the same right to create a console like everyone else. But that doesnt mean he aint power hungry. But thats the bonus with him anyways.

I remember him sharing his love for how consoles worked, you could just put a game in, and it would play he said. Unlike with computers which you have to install the games on.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 04:38
I think Bill Gates likes money.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 04:40
You know, as one of the few if not the only person with the access here at kikizo to have met Mr. Gates, i can tell you he' s a pretty nice guy, you would be surprised.

But his parents are lawyers, blame his upbringing, not the man.
< Message edited by whiteguysamurai -- 25 May 06 20:40:49 >

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 04:41
He seems kind of nice. I' ve read that he' s a pretty shy guy. Is that correct?
How did you get the opportunity to meet Mr. Gates?

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 04:46
So because he is kind he doesn' t like money?

Next time you meet him could you tell him there is a poor person in Sweden who goes by the internet alias dionysius, and he wants Bill Gates money.

Oh, and I think Kutaragi likes money too.
Not Shiggy though. He gives all his money to orphans and sick people… and so he have to live in a box.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 25 May 06 20:54:10 >

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 04:58
Samurai' s a Naval techie, right Sam?

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 05:04
Bill Gates is one of the people in the world who donates most money to charity of all. Him and Michael Jackson

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 05:10
yup, at sub base keyport in bremerton washington.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 05:15

Bill Gates is one of the people in the world who donates most money to charity of all. Him and Michael Jackson

Well he' s got a lot of it, so... [:' (]

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 05:19

He seems kind of nice. I' ve read that he' s a pretty shy guy. Is that correct?
How did you get the opportunity to meet Mr. Gates?

He runs a charity called the gates foundation that pays for the admiral theatre here in bremerton, and he attended the local warren miller film, one of those skiiing films.

We didn' t have beer or anything, but he seemed like a nice dude, when i told him how much i liked his xbox idea he talked about dragon' s lair, and how he' s always liked that game.

He didn' t attempt to harvest my soul, and he had very little security around him for such a wealthy guy.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 05:29

He didn' t attempt to harvest my soul, and he had very little security around him for such a wealthy guy.

Imagine the planets you could buy if you pickpocketed him?

Most of the Microsoft guys seem approachable and not very up themselves.

I would never like to meet these 3 down an alleyway:

Ken Kutaragi
Kaz Hirai
Phil Harrison

There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 05:33
I think if i tried to touch him any more then shaking his hand and talking about the xbox, his huge samoan body guard would have turned me into a jacket.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 05:35

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 05:36

I would never like to meet these 3 down an alleyway:

Ken Kutaragi
Kaz Hirai
Phil Harrison

I would, maybe i could slap some sense into the poor fools.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - May 26, 2006 05:39
wats good homie

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 19, 2006 12:09
Bill Gates didn' t create x-box. J Allard did. J works for Microsoft and was the one to persuade Bill into joing in the internet industry. Look at it now. J has Bill' s respect. J was always a fan of video games as a kid and it also brought him and his family close together because they played together every day. As a kid he made games for the fun of it and even sold some of them. Bill Gates and Microsoft were happy to publish the x-box becuase it was a way of bringing and connecting digital entertainment in a household. Bill' s foundation is alled the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. He dosen' t make computers he makes computer software-most notably their operating server-Windows.Sony makes more money from SCE(Playstation department) then Nintendo' s whole company does. Sony didn' t create Playstation because they wanted money-they don' t need it. They were supposed to help Nointendo create their newest console which would have been the Playstation but instead they worked with Philips instead creating the N64. Sony was so pissed they created the Playstation which would become the highest selling video game console and Sony Product evr. Thanks Nintendo for being complete idiots. At least Ken Kutaragi, Kaz Hirai, and Phil Harrison are human beings unlike those deformed freaks with no lives at Nintendo. I think you idiots should get your facts straight before you talk.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 19, 2006 17:04

Bill Gates didn' t create x-box. J Allard did

The kid meant Microsoft, not Gates himself. We managed to figure that one out fairly quickly, shame you didn' t because you just made yourself look a little daft...

Sony makes more money from SCE(Playstation department) then Nintendo' s whole company does. Sony didn' t create Playstation because they wanted money-they don' t need it.

Then it' s a damn shame that Sony' s game division have wasted the past four years worth of profits made from the sales of the PS2, in creating CELL.

Sony' s financial reports are made available to the public, maybe you should go find it.

They were supposed to help Nointendo create their newest console which would have been the Playstation but instead they worked with Philips instead creating the N64. Sony was so pissed they created the Playstation

Sony wee greedy and wanted 100% of the rights to the drives technology. Nintendo had funded it' s development and so said 100% was out of the question. When Sony maintained it wanted 100%, Nintendo f**ked them off and went to find another partner.

At least Ken Kutaragi, Kaz Hirai, and Phil Harrison

That' s the funniest thing i' ve read in ages!

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 19, 2006 17:53
Sony perhaps didn' t need the money when they launched the PSX, but they certainly do these days, infact their margins are so slim currently that where as electronics rivals such as panasonic have up to 30% profit of all their turnover Sony is down to less than 1% profit for all of their turnover!

With their hopes pinned firmly on PS Hardware / Software and their flat panel TV' s for financial stablility in the future (oh and BR) they plan to providing massive financial support to other flailing divisions such as their computers (Vaio) which although well specced machines in themselves, as a division struggle, to break even...

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 19, 2006 18:24
I could never in my life imagine a global company to do something without any thought of profit.
Sony made the PS1 to make money, not because they were pissed at Nintendo.
Microsoft made the Xbox because they saw the possibilitiy to make big money, as well as strengthen their brand and prevent Sony from competing at software level.
Nintendo makes consoles to make money, not because they love the world. They don' t know much else than making videogame consoles so they don' t really have a choice.

What makes the three companies different to me are:
Microsoft makes wise bussiness decisions.
Sony makes stupid bussiness decisions (lately).
Nintendo makes daring decisions that in the end brings innovation and great fun.

< Message edited by ginjirou -- 19 Jun 06 10:25:36 >

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 19, 2006 18:32
I agree ginj, and I think that all of those compaines have made the other companies mistakes at other times, and that these opinions are only valid of a console life cycle or so, its a wheel of corporate fortune!!

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 19, 2006 18:44
I think we can mention one console per company that could be concidered a failure (design or sales):

Sony: PS3 (so far anyway)
Nintendo: Gamecube
Microsoft: Xbox (also, Windows Me uugh)
Sega: Saturn
Tiger Telematics: Gizmondo ( https://forum.kikizo.com/tm.asp?m=47157&p=1&mpage=1&tmode=1&smode=1 ) Buahahahaha!

< Message edited by ginjirou -- 19 Jun 06 10:44:57 >

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 19, 2006 22:56
What was wrong with Windows Me? i had it, and I thought it was ok. Didnt crash much and done what i told it to do.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 20, 2006 21:59
The xbox is just like House of a 1000 corpses.
There only there to prove there ceators have money.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 20, 2006 22:01

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

What was wrong with Windows Me? i had it, and I thought it was ok. Didnt crash much and done what i told it to do.

Well it wasn' t that bad but compared to 2000 I think it' s like a... demo or something. It has lots of minor flaws that bugs me and some people say that there are some major ones too but I' ve never noticed them.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 20 Jun 06 14:01:48 >

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 20, 2006 22:03
Ive never even heard of Windows Me?

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 20, 2006 22:05
Not many had, or has it. The Millenium Edition.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 20, 2006 22:07
I have heard of windows millinium edition

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 20, 2006 23:37
ME was simply a very unstable ' home' version of 2000. Almost everything was tweaked and altered to make it easier for home users to use.

It sucked.

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 21, 2006 01:24
They still send it out in those little aol disks dont they?

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 22, 2006 11:25
Melenium edition is based of the 9x core, starting with windows 3.1 through windows 98.

It was also the last 9x system to be made, in favor of the nt core that was used in windows 2000 through xp.

they stopped support because ME was messy and crash prone, unlike windows 2000 which is neat and (mostly) solid.

And thank god for that.

Vx Chemical
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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 22, 2006 17:07

Melenium edition is based of the 9x core, starting with windows 3.1 through windows 98.

3.11 was not 9x, 95 was a total redesign from scratch!

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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 22, 2006 19:12

ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical

Melenium edition is based of the 9x core, starting with windows 3.1 through windows 98.

3.11 was not 9x, 95 was a total redesign from scratch!

You worked for Microsoft didn' t you?

Vx Chemical
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RE: why did bill gates created the xbox - Jun 22, 2006 20:28
thats why im rich!

Ohhh no, im not! damn

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