1) Kitase-san on - Sakaguchi' s (the writer' s) Vision
" Sakaguchi had a great vision of the force behind the universe. He wanted to
explore the idea that planets and people share the same basic energy and so
are, in some way intrinsically linked. He developed this philosophy from
drawing upon other cultures that stated when a planet disappears and invisible
energy is released in space. This energy goes to some lace and concentrates to
give life again when certain conditions are met. The same energy drives
people. So matter who or what this energy comes from, it will concentrate all
together to give life to something or someone again."
2) Kitase-san on realising that Vision
" Sakaguchi' s ideas were incredibly difficult to represent in the game since
they involved and invisible abstract concept. It was something I had never seen
done in a game before. So, I came up with the Life Stream. This was an idea
that planets have the same kind of life systems and people' s blood or nerve
network. It allowed us to more clearly examine the issues we wanted to."
3) Kitase-san on the link between FF7 and Final Fantasy the Move
" Sakaguchi-sans main ideas for FF7 and the world he imagined for the game were
very closely integrated into the Final Fantasy Movie. FF7 and Final Fantasy
[the movie] started at the same time in their development process and they
share nearly identical roots. I may have to play/watch both again and compare
all their common elements."
See? Typical Executive producer, only main ideas, and hints and suggestions etc. A person who kicks off the production. You see here kitase is the man who actually has to make it what it becomes.
< Message edited by Cetra -- 25 May 06 21:13:04 >