I' d like to see in fighting games characters clothes get torn, and in all violence games, to take damage and it be seen, bleed in the right places, bruise, scar (like what fable did a bit of)
Sometimes they don' t do that in games because it harms the image of the
character. Imagine DOA where the characters fall from dazzling heights and they
got up and their necks were broken, or glass shards cut them up.... It wouldn' t be
known for its pristine approach to scantily clad women..
These characters go through hell, and if they were to only make it half-realistic
(ie bruises, cuts) then they may as well go all they way (impalement, loss of limbs).
The whole point is they don' t want to give players an inch, so they can take a mile,
it gives way for iconic markings like scars on characters faces that hold in them
a deep and disturbed past... Now, put loads of scars on the face and bruises, and
that one scar the character had from that all important battle becomes
meaningless, leading to better dialogue like:
" That scar, where did you get it?" Rather than:
" Jesus! You fall out with a butcher?" So it' s not that they can' t do it, its more like it makes the story interesting and at
the end of the game you don' t want to have an unrecognisable character...