Hey Tiz, did you say Kikizo was a Japanese site? I' m not going to pretend i' ve read through the posts since my last, -- i haven' t, -- but i' m sure i saw you call Kikizo Japanese. It isn' t.
I meant it was similar to a japanese house where they always take their shoes
off before entering. I stated that people leave their fanboyish shoes at the door
or something or other, i just likened it to a japanese house, but I know its
a british webiste (It' s run by people called Adam and Terry....... isn' t it?

Ginjirou and myself, along with newer users like Tiz and the Dinosaur guy have tried to explain the inaccuracies stated by Centra, tried to show him that the information he has read is false and have seemingly failed.
The Dinosaur guy was an idiot!
He/she didnt say anything about games, but just came in and blindly assaulted
all my comments!
And then started name-calling....
On top of that, then said something about there' s a difference between being
there and watching on gametrailers..

(E3 that is...)
More or less insulting every1 that didn' t go to E3, advising that if we were there,
we would probably be singing to a different tune.
And all that guys posts were oddly complicated, like he tore out a dictionary and
just thought... hmm but then got muddled up with bad grammar.
I think the Dinosaur Guy is an advanced fanboy, a new breed... or I' m
gonna start calling Sony Fanboy' s
< Message edited by Tiz -- 25 May 06 9:09:43 >