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Dante on 360?!
May 21, 2006 02:40
It' s being reported on a number of sites that the special edition of Devil May Cry 3 will be released on Xbox 360 later this year. In can' t seem to find a link now, but i' ll post it when i do. It DOES make sense in that RE4 and DMC3 are being ported to PC anyway. I just hope this is a prelude to DMC4 being announced multi-format. Capcom have so far announced more games exclusive to 360 than they have PS3 and were the biggest Japanese company to immediately lend their support to Microsoft when 360 was announced. DMC3 was awesome on PS2 and a visually upgraded special edition version of the game would certainly be welcome. As long as it sold well it could open up the possibility to DMC4 appearing on the platform too. Note that nothing has been officially announced and until it has it' s simply speculation and rumour.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 20 May 06 18:55:01 >
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 21, 2006 03:37
Interesting. Capcom re-made Resident Evil Zero and Resident Evil 1 for the Gamecube, as well as released Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil 4 on it so maybe they' ll make a platform switch again but this time from PS to Xbox.
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 21, 2006 03:58
i think again sony plays dirty.......... like xbox1 they give them onimusha ...they get .... onimusha 2..3..4.. they give mgs 2...........they get mgs 3...................... i think they try to make their games more famous ?? if someone play dmc 3 on 360...and like it.........then if he sees on the selves dmc4... on ps3 then maybe just maybe bought ps3 too ???? but again this is my thinking and dont know........... ( i wonder why mgs was released on gc and xbox.....and mgs 3 and 4 are sonys exclusives ???? ) ba.....rds konami.....
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 21, 2006 04:10
Also the creator of DMC said in early 2006 that he might do DMC4 also to 360. Then some months later he said,no 360 version i dont think we can make one. This he said in famitsu. But now we heard DMC3 is supposed to come to xbox360... Hmmm...mayby to see what xbox owners thinm of the serie...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Game Junkie
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 21, 2006 06:12
Meh, its not my type of game. I love the combat system but I hate everything else. Running around in mazes and backtracking, puzzles, and keys. I dislike the DMC series for the same reason I don' t like the Resident Evil series. I don' t care for linear adventure/action games.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 20 May 06 22:12:40 >
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 21, 2006 08:15
I didn' t like DMC3 - not even a bit... One thing I know for sure is that Capcom learned it' s lesson and they know that the only reasonable way is to release games on the best selling system. If some games are going to appear on 360 ,they won' t be exclusives, at least that' s what I think.
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 21, 2006 08:30
Lost Planet and Dead Rising are exclusive to 360 already though.
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 21, 2006 08:37
Maybe they flipped a coin for each title. Heads = PS3, tails = 360. That makes lots of sence doesn' t it?
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 21, 2006 09:19
Lost Planet and Dead Rising are exclusive to 360 already though. Are they only on 360 right now or are they exclusives? that' s a big difference - they can' t be on PS3 since it hasn' t been released yet. I' m not sure , but maybe you' re right.
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 21, 2006 09:25
RE4 was supposed to be GC exclusive but as we could see it changed becuase it was such a success. I think the exclusivity of the mentioned titles depends on the success of the PS3. If the PS3 does great it might get those 360 titles, get special editions or maybe share the sequels.
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 21, 2006 10:19
Well neither are being published by Microsoft, so there' s the possibility of seeing PS3 versions, but Microsoft have paid for them so there' s some kind of exclusivity there.
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 21, 2006 18:56
Maybe they flipped a coin for each title. Heads = PS3, tails = 360. That makes lots of sence doesn' t it?  More than likely, but with Ninja Gaiden 2 and Code Chronus coming out (and Ninja Gaiden pisses all over DMC) what if they don' t release it because of the threat of not being the number 1 action/adventure game? It would be a nice kick in Sony' s *****.....
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 21, 2006 22:17
RE4 was supposed to be GC exclusive That is Capcom for you though, Viewtiful Joe, killer 7, and even going back to the likes of the vs street fighter series that i believe was supposed to be exclusive to sega saturn, to even street fighter arcade games back on the snes (where capcom changed the names and outfit colour and released it on megadrive) As gangsta says it' s not exclusive until it never appears on another system, if ps3 does well i have little doubt capcom will port them over, they like to milk things for all the money it' s worth... Strangely still no Street Fighter 4, regardless of rumours a while back...
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 22, 2006 22:01
Correct me if i' m wrong, but microsoft' s fanbase is mainly adults. And the games reflect it, more militant content and arcade, then androgynous anime games. And i think dante is ill suited for master chief' s roost. I could be wrong.
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 22, 2006 22:23
I dunno, i' d love DMC to end up on 360 too. I think DMC and Ninja Gaiden would make perfect stablemates!
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 22, 2006 22:39
Whiteguysamurai you' re right,there for MS is dev VIVA PINATA that also will have a Cartoon show,and also why they did KAMEO. Ofc any adult can love Kameo and ofc VIva pinata as in pokémon,but they basically aim so girls or kids can like them. Also XBL arcade is a way to get the youngster and the girls intrested. heck even my mother loves ZUMA,as bill gates does,and HEXIC.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Dante on 360?!
May 22, 2006 23:32
ORIGINAL: whiteguysamurai Correct me if i' m wrong, but microsoft' s fanbase is mainly adults. And the games reflect it, more militant content and arcade, then androgynous anime games. And i think dante is ill suited for master chief' s roost. I could be wrong. I think you' ll see that begin to change soon I was a little worried about the catering mainly for adults thing. But so far iv' e seen Viva pinyata Rayman raving rabbids (which i' m hoping is hela fun) Open season (which looks kinda fun aswell) Blue dragon On a sidenote is anyone here planning on getting alone in the dark when it comes out it looks really dark.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 22 May 06 15:33:59 >