Hmm...toughie. I have about 3 main game ideas, 2 RPGs and a Fighting game. I' ll start off with the fighting game cos if I wrote all of them today, it would be one phreaking long post
You know the Bloody Roar/Beastorizer series? It' s a fighting game where you can transform into half-man/half-beast in the game and it' s really all button-mashing (I don' t think there were even counters or reversals ever in the game

But anyway, it survived for like, 6 games (BR3 had 3 different versions for the 3 consoles GC, PS2 and Xbox) until BR4 for PS2. No next-gen version has been announced by Konami.
Konami destroyed the game. Sure, it was definitely no fighting game that any self-respecting fighting gamer would exactly call ' technical' . But it was fun as heck to slice and dice people, and it had an X-men rip-off of a storyline! The first two were great, they were under Hudson, then Konami bought over it and had STUPID supernatural thingies inputted, ending up with BR4' s laughable LACK of a storyline ANYWHERE.
Anyway, my idea is to revitalize the series for the next-gen. Basically, since the game is called BLOODY Roar, and has fangs, claws, jaws, wings etc. etc. We should capitalize on those.
Inspired by Fight Night Round 3' s excellent no HP bars and realistic battle injuries style, the next-gen BR would be similar. Also, Tao Feng' s visible and lasting injuries. None of that stupid ' hitting the leg and having the top break off' but the injuries are too remain. A slight first-person view and such.
The REAL fun is when you transform! I want snarling, salivating werebeasts squaring off.
Imagine, one is Yugo the Wolf, the other is Long the Tiger. They' re both transformed. From Long' s viewpoint, you see a clear view of Yugo. He snarls, his wolven lips curl up at the edges, barring blood-red gums and canines. Saliva dribbles, hackles are raised, the tongue flicks back and forth. Suddenly without warning, Long lunges and hits him on the head with a slash of claws.
Yugo rears back, shaking his head in pain, his hand comes out to shield his face as he takes a steps back. He growls in retaliation, and blood is flowing down his scarred face, a fresh gash clear across his forehead.
With a roar, he pounces forward, and in that first-person view you see a clash of gnashing teeth. You respond frantically and the whole ordeal becomes a mass of mincing fur and teeth.
THAT' s a visceral feeling that REALLY fits the name of Bloody Roar! Of course, I want more strategy in there too so that people can' t say it' s just plain button mashing. Which means, a total revamp of the battle system, and yet to not alienate old players and to not present a steep learning curve like Soul Calibur II. Something like Guilty Gear which has easily pulled off yet highly technical gameplay.
Also, a first-person is naturally not very handy, but I love the idea of a first-person cam, so that the full graphic impact of the whole thing hits home.
That' s my first idea for now, more on my two RPG ideas later