Actually, ever since legislation passed the amended copyright law to OFFICIALLY ban the mod chips, noone has dared to mod or sell pirated Xbox/games anymore =/
The only place to get pirated games now is over the causeway in Malaysia.
And anyway, affluence isn' t THAT bad in Singapore

We' re the economic hub of Asia (the powerhouse is China, but we' re the hub =p) Besides, as officially about 4-6 years ago, my house has been only filled with real goods (and no, they' re not made in China)
It' s hard to explain, and I don' t want to sound braggy. Singapore really is like, an island of first world considerations in a sea of close to second/third world countries. We' re small, the government has a bloody tight grip, you can' t SNEEZE in Singapore without bumping into someone.
Current price is $660 for the Xbox 360 premium, games are around $60-$70. To put that into perspective, Xbox 1 games are now about $40 and below, PS2 games (only imports from Japan) are priced $80 and above (for something majority of the population can' t read...).
You guys forgot. The World Cyber Games was just held in Singapore

Didn' t you watch the coverage (okay, that' s PC gaming)?
Also, the PS3 prices were just direct converts. I didn' t take into account possible Made in China parts