Wow. That was a hideously freaky, but simultaneously cool, photoshopped Wii60 pic.
Good to see the confidence Sony and Microsoft both have about the Wii. The Toronto Sun made it look bad, but if the competition (I know, Nintendo does not think of themselves as traditional rivals this time around) insists the public will lap up Nintendo' s new offering, then even the naysayers should watch out. This is tremendous publicity for Nintendo. Hopefully, because of this, we get to see more titles that would normally not come from Japan due to it being quirky. After all, Wii is the epitomy of quirky, and we are ready for it. It' s about time I got hyped by Nintendo. I' ve missed their form in regards to grabbing my attention that they once had during the great NES days. I know it got M$ and Sony' s attention, that' s for sure.
Now for the hard part - the waiting. November seems so far off... hopefully there are no delays, like a certain Zelda title....
Edit: I feel like contributing something, but I can' t draw for beans. Therefore, here' s a link to somebody who can - and it is relatively on topic to boot.
Innovation. PS. This web site is home to a creature/superior being called Bleedman. Check out his PPG and Grim doujins - they are bloody sweet, even for those who don' t necessarily like the origional shows. Heck, he made Mandy look hot in his latest page. HOW DOES ONE DO THAT?!
Edit 2: Hmm... is this topic dead? Maybe I should post the above elsewhere....
< Message edited by vdig -- 16 May 06 20:23:49 >