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RE: Too harsh on Sony or justifiable critism?!
May 14, 2006 07:01
Another one who doesnt know most of square FF dev has left to feel plus or that FF creator himself make 3 rpg for 360 and isn' t even there,or the music composer nobuo isn' t even gonna do the music for FF serie anymore. But go ahead and buy a ps3 just to play FF13 which has the name of a serie which the people who' s behind it already left. Ofc kitase is still there and nomura,but wow,ff7 dirge cerbues was awesome wasn' t it? 28/40 in famitsu... ;)
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Too harsh on Sony or justifiable critism?!
May 14, 2006 16:36
Don’t underestimate me.  I know all about it. Just as I knew about Sakaguchi-san making RPG’s for the 360. It’s just that I’ve almost always found Final Fantasy to be great games and I believe Square Enix don’t really dare letting it be turn sour (it’s what puts food on their table). The title Final Fantasy has never really been of any importance to me as I tend each game as a stand alone game (except perhaps the direct sequels). To me, if anything, the name might stand for a sort of stamp of guarantee, saying they will do their best to make a good game. It’s just as with the name of a game designer you like, you tend the expect at least some degree of quality from them.
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RE: Too harsh on Sony or justifiable critism?!
May 14, 2006 23:46
I don' t think that the criticism is too harsh, they made several obvious mistakes with this console. However, it might be better in the long run. If the PS3' s sales aren' t good, then Sony might wisen up and get their act together. It' s possible... ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on To remove the force feedback is bad enough, but then to go and claim that it interferes with the tilt tech is just stupid because Nintendo have got it working fine. Actually, that' s probably because the Wiimote uses different technology than the PS3 controller' s accelerometer. The nunchuk attachment for the Wiimote uses an accelerometer, but it doesn' t have rumble, so it doesn' t suffer from that problem. Page 6 might be a little late to point something like that out, but I found this thread late.