first: Is the bottom picture from e3 or from earlier in the year?
second: Out of curiosity where did you find the bottom picture?
third: the second picture from the top is not from last years e3 or anything up until
this point look at the date at the bottom of the pics in ign. it is one of the
newly released pics on 05/08/2006. its the bottom left one
i ask all of this because the pic second from top looks not that bad (not nearly as good as last years e3 showing) but not bad. I think the bottom picture looks like shit so I was just wondering the first two questions because the site it is from is a photo sharing site under somones profile " QuezcatoL" and I can' t figure out how to see any info on when it was posted etc... If there is any (info of when this pic was released) please let us know. And how did you find this I typed in Motorstorm, Motor Storm and alot of other things in the search bar of their site and didn' t come up with that picture. Just fill us in Thanks.
I think its funny how you totally bought into that picture being from e3 last year. seems like sony would be laughing at your expense not ours.
I agree it is hard to tell how it looks with all the blur effects ]GaNgStA[
< Message edited by C*Dub -- 12 May 06 12:32:52 >