Prey Trailer

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Prey Trailer - May 11, 2006 17:21
I downloaded it to my 360, wow that game looks so sweet. It can' t be much longer before it' s done.
I' m guessing Fall of this year but hoping sometime this summer.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."

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RE: Prey Trailer - May 11, 2006 17:58
after the last batch of vids came on live last night my mate came round (who has just scrimped and saved for a 360) and he actually got angry at the fact that too many of the games (prey, gow etc..) looked fantastic and he was pised that he wouldnt have enough money for them all...

Then when he saw sonic, SF2 and Mortal K on arcade as well as my fave time / space pilot (depending on bootleg!) he felt a load better as he knew they would be cheaper to tide him over! He said " jesus, just how many games are comming out for this thing"

Which made me laugh as we are critical at games, as a noob he was completely blown away by it all, and coupldnt believe E3 stuff was even available on live. When I showed him prey he said.. finally got a console that can run decent FPS wohoo!

I cant wait for this personally, even if it is another FPS!

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RE: Prey Trailer - May 11, 2006 21:19
Thats like what I was saying there' s so many games i' m a bit worried about what to play first, if i' m gonna be able to get all of them when I want them seeing as i' m moving soon so I should be more focused on new stuff but some of the games just looks great, by the way did they say 160 games by the end of the year? or did I miss hear.