Tekken 6, looks like crap!

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Tekken 6, looks like crap! - May 11, 2006 12:46
So much for those fabled screenshots.

here' s the video http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/748/748466/vids_1.aspx

Joe Redifer
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RE: Tekken 6, looks like crap! - May 11, 2006 15:22
I agree, it looks much worse than Tekken 5. I have not heard one good thing about Tekken 6' s graphics yet. I wonder if Namco actually thinks that they look acceptable?

Game Junkie
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RE: Tekken 6, looks like crap! - May 11, 2006 16:12
Who cares thats not even ingame, I' m sure they will pull their shit together and make a decent fighter. They better, Tekken is one of Sonys last hopes.

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RE: Tekken 6, looks like crap! - May 11, 2006 17:36
I hope so as that trailer looked awful in terms of visuals for a next-gen system.

At this point I don' t expect Namco will beat or come very close towards Virtua Fighter 5' s visual standard. Looking back at VF4 Evo on PS2 compared to Tekken 5, the chracters are more detailed and some of the environments are too. Texture work in Evo may not be as nice on the arenas, but chracter wise still despite a two year gap for Tekken 5, Evo is evidently more detailed.

I' m sure Tekken 6 will play very well though. Especially if they use T5 as a base for the engine. Let' s hope subtle elements of undulation come back into play too.
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RE: Tekken 6, looks like crap! - May 12, 2006 01:11
Who cares , VF5 is going to be for the same platform :)

Anyway what the fuck were they thinking showing that crap (T6)?
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RE: Tekken 6, looks like crap! - May 12, 2006 03:12
No,it doesnt,however everyone seem to bash everything they see,expecting something as seen in halo3...
or Mgs4.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.