Microsoft E3 Conference Begins

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Mass X
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Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 03:54
Apparently its already started...

No Live stream tho. I wouldve loved to have seen that GoW demo dammit! Have to wait an hour or so I guess.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 9 May 06 20:05:11 >

Game Junkie
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 04:05
Gamespot shows it time delayed.

Goddamit I can' t even open the fucking window!
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 9 May 06 20:09:08 >

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 04:16
The window isn' t opening for me either sucks it should have started now right?
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 04:17

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 04:18
Yeah it should have started now but the window is taking so long to open for me aswell.

Mass X
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 04:18
Right now im just reading the play by play on gamespot. Is the video stream or anything up yet?

Theyve announce Fable 2 and Forza 2 and Xbox Vision (cam). DAMMIT WHERES A VIDEO!

The Halo 3 announcement trailer is slowing shit down...the trailers they showing at the conference on up on Live right now.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 9 May 06 20:19:14 >

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 04:26
OOooo i' m so excited but can' t see it yet..xbl tv show..sounds good.

Gta4 for 360 only wooooo.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 9 May 06 20:30:00 >

Mass X
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 04:38
That will definatly play a part later much as the people here hate GTA ( I enjoy it so :P ) its still one helluva game to have.

Alan Wake exclusive to 360 now? Cool. They certainly have been busy.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 9 May 06 20:43:28 >

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 04:44
I am sure this will steal a lot of thunder from ps3, the gta 360 onl, not that i give a damn, but the general masses will... well done M$
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 04:47
My goodness ms have been more than been busy...

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 04:53
Crap my worst fear confirmed.... It seems alan wake has gone 360 exclusive! Crap, now I' ll have to get a 360 when they are much cheaper
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 05:04
*shrill high pitch scream* ahhhhhhhhhhh halo finish the fight 2007.

Game Junkie
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 05:10
I' d rather wait for a AAA title then have a rushed piece of shit.

Mass X
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 05:10
So wait GTA getting simulataneous release on 360 and PS3..? confusion abound.

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 05:11
Yeah that was confusing I thought it was an exclusive....well at least it' s on 360 so thats something at least.

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 05:16

halo3 pic on standard tv.

tons of cool trailers,of gears of war,too human,fable2 and many more over market place :)
And ofc the demo of Lost planet released today.
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 05:19
I don' t give a fuck about GTA - I' ll keep sayin that untill I see that GTA4 is better than you avarage GTA and has some good (for a change) gameplay to it.

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 05:57
so gta is ps3 bound too, not such a loss for sony then, but still Alan Wake, major dissapointment.
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Game Junkie
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 06:23
Still waiting to watch MS press event...

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 06:24
Wow, MS has Alan Wake? The 360 just retook the priority back from Sony pretty quick for me. Sony may have MGS4 looking like it will be incredible... but we have yet to see gameplay on that sucker. Further, 360 will be cheaper than the PS3, so I can blow my w... cash, on the 360. Still, if the Wii plays as well as their conference panned out, I will be getting some WiiDS, and getting quite high in the process.
You wa Shock!!!

Game Junkie
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 07:25
we can watch the MS conference now, GOW looks wicked.

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 07:46
WHAT?! Thanks for the heads up. I' m out for an hour, guys, or however long it is.
You wa Shock!!!

Game Junkie
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 08:41
So I' m watching the MS conference and something occurs to me. Bill Gates is talking about the success of xbox brand... I' m watching him on my Windows Media Player on my Windows xp os as he' s talking about Microsoft games on the two platforms he spearheads (pc and 360). No fucking wonder he' s the richest person in the world. The man is so successful it makes me want to vomit.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 10 May 06 0:44:02 >

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 08:47
.....currently downloading the Halo 3 trailer (it' s either gonna be really awesome or really sh*t)... what else has the big M$ got then?.... rush, cause i' m off to bed (again)...

...- g' night!...
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 08:51
360 getting GTA the same time as PS3 has to be a bitter blow for Sony. Many people still don' t have a next gen console and after PS3 is released many more still won' t. When the next GTA rolls around if the 360 is much cheaper than the PS3 (and looking at the PS3' s price point that’s not going to be hard to do) which console do you think the desperate will opt for?

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 09:44
I' m back at last. Live Anywhere. Yeah, my productivity would go down too. That is the type of integration I' d like to have as a gamer. Yeah, if my friend wants a cool car for Forza, I give him one in a message. That. Is freaking sweet.

Still, I was most raptured when they showed the games, minus the pinata one.
You wa Shock!!!

Mass X
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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 11:40
Aww whats wrong with the Pinata one? I could message you a cute little teddy with a rainbow theme ya know maybe evena cute little pirate hat!

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 13:53
Seems 360 does have a fairly solid catalogue growing so it' s certainly a capable player, and witht he headstart the installed base is gonna be inflated, I think judgement will have to be a time-delay on sales figures, namely, days from launch x sales. If it comes to comparison. Live anywhere seems decent enough to integrate into windows, but when it comes to mobiles, it just starts turning into a gimmick in my opinion, xbox arcade games are about as good as it gets for mobiles, cheap and quick games for playing on the go.

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 18:17
Not just that but i' m excited about this xb live' ' soap' like installment and this week it' s something about gears of war.

Oh it' s a docu-drama.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 10 May 06 11:26:20 >

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 19:53
I think MS won big time,great show ms!
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 20:47
Yeah they did well sony really disappointed I feel really sorry for people who attend it everytime charts and graphs about how much sales they generate and how good they are....thats why i just watched it after everyone and fast forward to the end (the best bit), nintendo was ok I usually love their conferences but I just didn' t feel that to much this year.

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 22:49
I have to agree that while Peter' s applause for himself was silly and they did have some bullshit on stage (the racing wheel is wireless and has forcefeedback!!! - but to have forcefeedback you need to plug AC adapter - and some more tiny lies), this conference had really interesting games shown and they definitely killed Sony on E3.

Nintendo in my opinion walks all over MS when it comes to entertaining their crowd plus their announcements had a huge impact on me - especially the way they want to use that speaker and how Red Steel plays (and what cool features it has , cause this game is revolutionary even without this controller).Then they introduced so many incredibly hot games that it was amazing.

and the best way to describe ist is:

Sony does both HD and some (copied) innovation, but both are made better on xbox and Wii and you can have both 360 and Wii for the price of PS3.

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 10, 2006 23:24
now you tell me Gangsta exactly what are the things that make you say MS walk all over sony, what are the things that impress you that much, see i didn' t see MS conference (there was no live on gamespot), but i' m really excited to know what really impress you . may be i' m missing a lot of stuff
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 10 May 06 15:25:04 >

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 11, 2006 01:56
Strong first-party support with third party support,awesome real time videos and gameplay and hearing Bill gates speaking on how making the connection from windows vista to live,to let pc gamers be able to chat with us or mobile phone gamers and even play games together if we want,and ofc the halo3 video.
Then putting out around 30 trailers over marketplace with 2 demos,at the same time,now thats inovation O_o and brining e3 to our homes.

The thing is that MS job was to deliver great game videos and playable games of the future AAA and showing how to fully use xbl and its future,and they delivered perfectly,sony' s job is to sell off the ps3 but rerally never showed much " wow" ,as with nintendo wii.

The tennis scene and red steel and halo3 +gow gameplay demo is the things that i will remember from this e3.

< Message edited by quezcatol -- 10 May 06 17:58:46 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 11, 2006 02:06
Unlike Sony and Nintendo, Microsoft showed pretty much everything hardware related last year so I was really impressed that they still managed to make their 2006 conference as interesting as the other two this year.

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RE: Microsoft E3 Conference Begins - May 11, 2006 02:32
I have to admit, while the line-ups of games was worthwhile, I was again falling asleep watching the Microsoft console once Gates came on and started blabbering. I got the jist of what he was saying. I also thinkt he mainstream image they' re putting on is putting me off a little. But then I' ma core gamer and they want mainstream people in thier userbase too, so can' t complain.