How long do you guys play gmaes each day?

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How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 22, 2004 23:45
I realize that many people play games 24/7. I only sometimes play games during the 5 day week, maybe 3 hours total during the week. On weekends I play about 6 hours total. So about 9 hours total a week, wow I never realized how much I play games. How long do you guys play for each week?

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 23, 2004 00:23
God, I wish I had that much time to play games. In the average week I MAY get 3-4 hours of play time, but that is rather rare. It really depends on schedules and homework. Next year though, my brother is moving in and bringing his collection with, so I can see the play time increasing and sleep time decreasing.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 23, 2004 00:31
An hour here another there...many hours here and there. Depends really. I often have nothin to do, especially for the next 3 weeks. Avg weekly would have to be around 14+. Seems no matter what I at least get 2 hrs of game time per day. Thats the minium...god I have no life.

Terry Bogard
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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 23, 2004 01:15
It REALLY depends nowadays..

Back then I used to average quite a healthy amount of gaming hours, but now on average I probably get around 2 hours per day except for on the weekends. Last Saturday I logged over 11 hours of gaming time, playing through Gun Grave and Gun Grave OD.

So in a nutshell, regardless of how little playing time I' ve averaged per day so far this year, I can usually make it up with just one day focussed to gaming only.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 23, 2004 02:21
Just depends I guess...on average I would have to say around 2-3, but that' s really dropped off lately due to school.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 23, 2004 02:40
I play maybe an hour or two a day on average.
Sometimes a lot like on weekends and sometimes not everyday.
I play when I feel like it.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 23, 2004 03:35
Umm... earlier this year it was about 4 hours a day or more, 7 days a week. Heh, now I haven' t touched a game, or even turned on my xbox in over a week I believe. The last couple months have been really slow as far as gaming goes for me.
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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 23, 2004 05:03
Ya Ive had them moments when I just isolate the gaming. Its liek an automatic body responce. Your body demanding you to do other things. It also keeps the life in games so I dont overplay soming into nothin.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 23, 2004 12:35
I' m all over the place on the amount of time I play games a day. Sometimes I play 5 minutes others I play 5 hours +... sometimes I go months without playing.
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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 26, 2004 23:29
I average about 10-15 hours per week. It' s about all I can do with a full-time job and other activities I participate in.
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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 27, 2004 19:31
Right now I play about 50 hours a week... not by choice though.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 27, 2004 19:50
Geez! 50 hours! I didn' t think i was that bad for playing 9.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 27, 2004 23:47
Not much atm. Probably about 30 mins a week day on average (if that). More on the weekend, but still not a fraction of how much I used to. I' m busier with school work, have a more active social life and find the majority of games uninteresting nowadays, so that probably explains why I play so little.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 28, 2004 00:38
I seem to be hovering around the 10-15 hour mark as well. Like most of the posters here, I too have other demands on my time (I' m glad to see we attract such well rounded people :-)

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 28, 2004 19:51
I find that as i get older, I get more bored with newer games. I also find that I have less and less time to play games, and spend more time with friends or family.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 29, 2004 00:36
Woohoo! I managed to play on my Xbox for the first time in a couple weeks last night! Two whole hours of Halo
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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 29, 2004 03:39
I haven' t had much to do for the last week or so, so I' ve been spending a lot of time on the couch playing my PS2
Beat Legaia 2: Dual Saga and started Soul Caliber 2 like 3-5 days ago and am almost finished unlocking everything.
I' ve put like 20 hours into soul caliber over the last couple of days

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 29, 2004 20:01
I got to play games last night too I have been so busy with other stuff lately, I was glad to finally play some rainbow six 3 and PGR 2!

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 29, 2004 21:18
For now im only playing about 2-3 hours aday.When PGR2 just came out i played about 5-6 hours.Now i play DDR for 2 hours and then some Ninja gaiden and PGR2 and thats it.When HALO 2 comes out ill be on that 24/7.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Apr 30, 2004 15:21
i play for about 4 hours a day for me. that RE:outbreak is frustaing but in a good way. metroid Prime is taking up more and more time than i normally play. i got up to 7 hours yesterday! i can live on 5 hours of sleep anyway.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - May 01, 2004 05:36
Usually no more than a few hours a day, sometimes not at all. However, if a game happens to really suck me in I find myself making time to play it.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - May 01, 2004 12:25
I really got sucked into Shenmue 2, I got it for Christmas one year, and I just kept playing it, like 8 hours all Christmas vacation. I just loved that game! Did anyone else get sucked into the shenmue series? I know i did, but not many people seem to get into that series too much .

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - May 01, 2004 14:23
Umm... Shenmue owned me. I took forever to complete the game because I just loved wondering around. The first one sucked me in more though. I found the second to be less interactive and engrossing. It was still one of my favorite games ever but the first just packed more of a punch. I had dreams about the first one. I desperately wanted revenge on Lan Di. Heh, it' s crazy but true. It is the only game that really brought out true emotion from me.
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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - May 01, 2004 18:51
Same here! I never played the first, i watched the movie that came with the 2nd.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - May 01, 2004 19:12
I' ve been playing a ton of game' s lately for long periods of time... at a time and I still have 2 game' s in the mail that should be here soon. I' ll be pretty busy for a long time.
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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - May 01, 2004 20:55
I have also been playing alot
Its Great!
Within the last week I finished Legaia 2:Dual Saga, unlocked and beat everything in Soul Caliber 2 and almost finished the Front mission 4 demo I got yesterday

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Jun 03, 2004 23:50
2 hours aday onaverage

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Aug 23, 2004 13:05
I used to play 8 (or more) hours a day...

Now, I play an average of 1 hour a day, ' cause I gots obligations like family, work, and a mortgage.

Every once and a while, I get the chance to play for 4-6 hours.

If I was rich, I would have my very own gaming room and would play at least 8 hours a day...some of the time with buddies or my kids, the rest by myself...
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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Aug 24, 2004 03:19
I play about 5 hours a day. I remb when I played FFX I would play like 8 hours a day. What a waste I could never beat Yunalisca (Spelling) I am now playing the Onimusha series. so I am back at playing more then 5 hours. Also I am not working anymore so that leaves more time for me to play. I don' t however stay playing straight I get up after 2 hours go out and get something to eat or run around outside by the lake. Then come back and play so that I wont get fat.

Terry Bogard
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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Aug 24, 2004 03:26
Come this Fall my gameplaying time will increase significantly.. There' s just TOO much good $hitte coming out STARTING this week and just continuing on to the end of the year and beyond.

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RE: How long do you guys play gmaes each day? - Aug 24, 2004 03:30
When Kotor came out...i played it straight from start to finish.... a 40+ hour bender from start to finish...

I usually play the crap out of games I buy, then sit around excited waiting for my next purchase...

interspersed with lots of online FPS

I sleep less so I can play more

I work, go to school, drink with friends, have a girlfriend and I' d say I still get 15+ hours in a week.