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Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 08, 2006 18:34
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spring 2007 - PS3 Exclusive there' s something interesting about this announcement : Expect the same top-notch, almost-human A.I. found in VF4 and VF4 Evo, and a faithful port of the arcade version' s Lindbergh-based graphics, as the PS3 is apparently more readily able to emulate games developed on that hardware than the Xbox 360. Virtua Fighter 5 will also support 720p high-definition resolution, which will enable gamers with pimped-out rigs to really bring the arcade experience home. While the game won' t be playable at this E3, Sega plans to show footage on the show floor, and we presume at the Sony E3 press conference. Stay tuned for further details and the eventual home version of what promises to be the true next-generation of fighting games. I suppose they meant that PS3 GPU (a PC GPU) is closer to what' s in Lindberg than ATI' s card in 360... 720p? yeah so there you have it - your 1080p :) It sux that it' s only on PS3, but we knew it was going to happen - it' s awesome that it comes out nezt spring.PS3 might have some incredible killer apps in it' s first year of existence - I wasn' t expecting that. GO TO http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3150470 for more info and screens from PS3 version. I don' t think 360 can do better than xbox now ...but who knows
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 8 May 06 10:54:35 >
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 08, 2006 19:19
I doubt very much that the key in terms of success lies in one game.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 08, 2006 20:07
Nope but this is a good sign. There are more great games coming to the PS3 than VF5. Besides, VF5 does play an important part in Japan.
< Message edited by GINJIROU -- 8 May 06 12:08:12 >
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 08, 2006 20:56
I don' t think 360 can do better than xbox now ...but who knows I dont think the 360 will do less well than xbox, it' s had a strong start. Its really great that the PS3 is getting this title, a strong start by both is warranted and its in our favour! The financial times had an interesting article, quoting the Merrill Lynch financial body We think that Microsoft is in a position to take the lead, materially, in the fifth-generation game console fight,†said Merrill Lynch analysts in a report last week. They expect more than 12m Xboxes to ship in this calendar year and Microsoft to have 47 per cent of the market by the middle of the new console cycle in 2008, with Sony taking 33 per cent and Nintendo 20 per cent. That would be a sharp reversal for Sony, now dominating the market with a 64 per cent share against Microsoft’s 16 per cent. Microsoft is promising aggressive investment in the Xbox 360 over the next 12 months to maintain its lead and, at E3, will preview its Halo 3 game – a key title that should bolster its console sales as Sony enters the market. accurate? Not sure.. relying too much on halo 3... yup! but traditionally these anylists tend back the right horses.. its going to be an exciting E3 anyways!! I cant wait to play VF5
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 08, 2006 21:51
Well So it' s not coming to the 360 doesn' t mean that all of it' s hope of any success is limited, it makes more sense than putting it on the 360 seeing as it' s ben home to the game for a long time, I thought it was strange how it was always listed as a ps3 game though or rather in the ps3 section on a lot of sites. We still haven' t heard their (microsoft) announcements...
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 8 May 06 13:53:31 >
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 08, 2006 22:44
Well It would be nice to have it multiplatform but atleast it is going to a powered system that the bulk of it' s fans will support. I wonder what extras will be on the their
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 08, 2006 23:17
Imagine how pissed off all the japanese gamers would be if VF5 was exclusive to 360. I think this is a good decision because it prevents a japanese gamer riot. I think SEGA would lose face and support in Japan if they released it exclusively for the 360. But maybe this is just time exclusive as with many other titles nowdays.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 08, 2006 23:51
Yeah I think even if it was 360 exclusive it wouldn' t have been well swallowed in japan so in a way it' s a good thing but I have a feeling microsoft is getting a series of it' s own for this gen....could be wrong.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 09, 2006 00:40
The only thin thats sad about that announcement is: 1.) Most 360 owners would now never know how crap the DOA seris really is. 2.) I' ll have to now buy a Sony Console FFS..
Terry Bogard
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 09, 2006 00:56
I think SEGA would lose face and support in Japan if they released it exclusively for the 360. They also would have lost their damn minds if they released it exclusively for the Xbox360.... Japan is the biggest deal the Virtua Fighter series has, and with the 360 succeeding everywhere else EXCEPT for Japan, it just makes no sense to release it exclusively or First for the 360.. A game like Metal Gear Solid 4 ( or any game from the series) isn' t as ' BIG' / important in Japan so a company like Konami could risk releasing it exclusively for the 360 or PS3 given that both consoles will do well in the U.S. and Europe where the games are MUCH more popular, or in the case of the 360, IS doing well in those regions. But maybe this is just time exclusive as with many other titles nowdays. Sadly, as was the case with Virtua Fighter 4, I see the game remaining on the PS3. I always wanted Sega to release an Xbox version of Virtua Fighter 4 after the PS2 version but that never happened.. The PS2 got the original version and its update, Evo.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 09, 2006 01:26
ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard They also would have lost their damn minds if they released it exclusively for the Xbox360.... Japan is the biggest deal the Virtua Fighter series has, and with the 360 succeeding everywhere else EXCEPT for Japan, it just makes no sense to release it exclusively or First for the 360.. A game like Metal Gear Solid 4 ( or any game from the series) isn' t as ' BIG' / important in Japan so a company like Konami could risk releasing it exclusively for the 360 or PS3 given that both consoles will do well in the U.S. and Europe where the games are MUCH more popular, or in the case of the 360, IS doing well in those regions. Well maybe Sega would' ve thought that a 360 exclusive VF5 along with some other big japanese games would make the 360 more popular than the PS3 in Japan. But maybe that' s stupid, I can' t see the 360 being more popular than the 360 in Japan no matter what anyway. I hope Tekken won' t be released near the VF5 release since then they' ll be competing with each other.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 09, 2006 03:21
ORIGINAL: f3hunter The only thin thats sad about that announcement is: 1.) Most 360 owners would now never know how crap the DOA seris really is. 2.) I' ll have to now buy a Sony Console FFS.. I think that' s a bit of a stretch to go there. Doa is a brillian' t series and in my opinion it' s more free flowing than vf but vf has more background. Doa has it' s unique feature of fighting for instance you have two kinds of holds, the counter attack system is flexible (and not very stiff in it' s execution with most fighting games) and it delivers bits of the story slowly throughout the series (which can a bit of a downer). but to say doa is a crap series wtf are you on.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 09, 2006 04:01
Nope but this is a good sign. There are more great games coming to the PS3 than VF5. Besides, VF5 does play an important part in Japan. That' s precisely what I had in mind 1.) Most 360 owners would now never know how crap the DOA seris really is. Seriously man you keep saying that shit over and over again - people who played VF games can also like DoA series for what it is - live with it.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 09, 2006 04:07
I like both series along with soul calibur so I don' t even see why there' s a need to pit them against each other to see which is ' ' crap' ' anyway.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 09, 2006 05:12
it all depends how serious u take ur fighting games,, sure if u want a no-brain scrap.. DOA could well be fine for that, but for a serious in depth-one on one, its simply lacks the backbone for it.. And the countering system in DOA 4 is total random, eghh its a mess.. erh.. ill leave it there, yuk.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 09, 2006 05:25
ORIGINAL: f3hunter it all depends how serious u take ur fighting games,, sure if u want a no-brain scrap.. DOA could well be fine for that, but for a serious in depth-one on one, its simply lacks the backbone for it.. And the countering system in DOA 4 is total random, eghh its a mess.. erh.. ill leave it there, yuk. Wow your resoning and logic has totally convinced me as to the differences between the two especially the lovely structured format of your argument displaying solid evidence. Now i' ll go put more money into my sony funds to purchase it' s console just to get vf5 on it....... Taking your fighting games seriously? *laughs* that' s your basis or rather grounds on comparing the two? if that' s so doa is far from being lacking in backbone infact I could turn around and say that that statement would probably be more true applied to vf (but I won' t as I like both), and how can you disreguard doa as not being in depth have you not played it at all?. Seriously I think thats a bit contradictory. Lastly as for the no-brain scrap I thought when I got the game first i' ll just tapp random buttons and go on live to see how far I get to see if ' ' those' ' people were right...guess what annihilated...but when I went and actually learnt the moves much much different so....brain dead punch up...really?.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 8 May 06 21:28:35 >
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 09, 2006 07:53
Dasher please don' t provoke any of those stupid anty Doa comments :)
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 09, 2006 07:57
Your right but I couldn' t help myself that time.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 09, 2006 08:31
IS DOA liked in Japan?? No!! and why is that? becuase its a badly made fighting game, and very little structure that is anywhere near the likes of VF!!.. Very simple. END!!
Terry Bogard
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 09, 2006 08:34
There' s only one badly made fighting game franchise on the planet and it' s not developed by Sega, Namco, Capcom, or Tecmo 
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 09, 2006 08:47
Your right but I couldn' t help myself that time. Yeah I know it' s hard sometimes :)
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 10, 2006 07:34
...best Sony related news so far.... ....so tell me.... ...how will the motion sensing dual shock affect Virtual fighter' s game-play?.....
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 10, 2006 07:56
oh that' s simple - it won' t Who plays VF on dualshock? Arcade Stick only baby :)
Terry Bogard
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 10, 2006 09:13
Forget the arcade stick.... Lightgun only baby!!1!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 10, 2006 09:59
this is heartbreaking. One more generation i won' t have virtua fighter. Might as well give up hope.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 10, 2006 10:24
Light gun, huh? We are not talkin Virtua Cop here. Gee, yeah, Dead Or Alive is definately a faster, more accessible, and highly button masher friendly than other fighters. It is just as well. Some people just can' t handle the more intricate fighters. What the heck are you staring at? No, I' m not one of them! Others are skilled in the gamut, and like the gamut. That is me. Then there are those that prefer 2D. Still others prefer pure skill based. All depends on what you like, really. VF5 for PS3?  Makes sense to me. I like the VF series. Although not my regular cup of tea, I bust the VFs out from time to time, just as I do the DOA series. Still, I tend to play Guilty Gear XX#Reload, Soul Caliber 3, and Tekken 5 more, which is still not often, since I play virtually every type of game.
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 version revealed - all the Details
May 11, 2006 11:57
There' s only one badly made fighting game franchise on the planet and it' s not developed by Sega, Namco, Capcom, or Tecmo You' re mean Bloody Roar aren' t you >_< I' m a fangirl, but yeah, good gawd does its fighting system SUCK! Not too bad in the first and second games, but damn if it was stupid from then on!!! Otherwise, I still support it for the beast forms ^^