WTF???!!! Motion Sensing DUALSHOCK???!!!

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 00:06
Yeah, I have no problem that it has happened, it' s just the smug look on there faces. woohooo six degrees of freedom, they even fucking named it. I agree, about all the other ripoffs that have happened in the past, but I do remember that when the analog stick was copied, it was much more of a " hey, great idea, we' re doing it too"

Terry Bogard
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 00:07
Hopefully the next time Nintendo comes up with a great idea they' ll ignore gamers completely and NOT reveal their hand until NEARING the launch of their console, lol. I' m one of the shmucks who could have easily waited till the very end to find out any of the secrets of the Wii controller. Hopefully now Nintendo sees how right they were to be secretive for as long as they were and next time they' ll just hold out MUCH longer and slap developers with the tightest NDAs the industry has ever seen.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 00:19
that' s a two sided sword though. I rememebr how much everybody made fun of Nintendo for being so paranoid. They were a joke, and it was getting to the point that if they didn' t reveal, they weren' t going to get ANY support, or press. I think Nintendo' s just going to have to live with the fact that they will always be copied. Maybe word on getting more patents to make copying harder, but I doubt it could ever be stopped. A third option is to flat out lie next time. Tell us nothing new is happening, same controller, more powerful machine. That' s what Sony and M$ were going with basically. Than a month before say " actually, this controller you sit on and play with your ass" or whatever the hell they think up.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 00:57
So wait, when I come back from a hard days work or a hard session at the gym
(no jokes please)..... I can come home...


Oh wait, there' s a choice between two controllers and a merger of 2 controllers..

Now that I am relaxed.....

What to do?...


Get up like an f-ing IDIOT and shake my joints about, contracting arthritis and
Parkinsons on the way down!!!

No-one plays game' s energetically! Most of the time I start to play games I
always think of something lazy and entertaining I can do; and that is play games.

The PS3 controller makes me laugh, everyone (including the OMG I love sony
fan boys) knows that the controllers " We copied Nintendo' s" 6 degree' s of
motion pad will not be incorporated in all their games. So the rest of the time
they will be playing with a lifeless pad:

" Sh!t, I am being shot, the screens flashing but no force feed back!"

Now, I am thinking on a multiplayer aspect here.. Just imagine u
3 of your friends meet up and you are all
grouped around a TV and a Revolution or PS3 ......... to f-ing bump and grind
whilst playing multiplayer Smash Bros or Killzone.

Well done Sony, way to branch out your games to 6 year olds grannies and

Expect to see PS3' s in all insane asylums; now they have an excuse to move
like that.
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1. Never tell all you know.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 01:03

mention the name pelase next time, you won' t get people confused, since i feel like i' m the only " sony dude" here which i' m not , i' m being objective like not many fanboys around here. dumb@$$... ...i ment this:

...PIMPED-OUT Sony dude....

...d' oh!...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 10 May 06 17:05:07 >
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 01:13
I hereby award you post of the year tiz. Here' s your trophy.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 01:13

Yes you got a point in saying that there have been so many things stolen in console buisness(but the analog stick isn' t by nintendo if I remember correctly. Sega released a special controller for NiGhTs a bit earlier I think) but the problem with Sony' s stealing is that everything halfway interesting(beside the games) Sony showed at the press briefing was actually stolen. The online plattform (will they call it Playstation LIVE?), the controller (take the old design, mix it with Microsoft' s Sidewinder, the XBox 360 Pad and the Wii-Remote and you get the new PS3 Pad...without a rumble feature) and even the 2 SKU approach. If there would have been more innovations and new things by Sony itself I dont think people would have minded that much.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 01:24
Bishonen that' s the exact face that make me laugh with tears, that and he was standing next to Phil while he was explaining stuff about the pad..

Evilkiller you are damn right, but isn' t it after all good for sony ? would all this talk matter in one year , i really don' t think so ...

what i thought really bad from sony is the stealing from microsoft, i mean the thing in the middle of the controler, with the 4 numbers like xbox360 pas... that' s amateurish ... but as i said it won' t mater afterwards , only games will matter and that controler will deliver IMO.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 02:23
I really, really liked the Dual Shock 2 with the exception of the d-pad because it doesn' t suit some of my favourite genres.
The symmetry sure is fascinating and it' s interesting to se that a picture of the " traditional controller" for the Wii has got its analog sticks symmetricly placed.
I would' ve been really happy with a Dual Shock 2 WITH force feedback and the little tweaks they made on the analog sticks and the triggers but instead they REMOVED the force feedback and put in some stupid motion-sensing things that just makes this unnecessarily complicated.
And having motion-sensing in a controller designed as the Dual Shock 2 is a bad idea. I picked up a Dual Shock at home and pretended it had motion-sensing and started twisting it and such and it really hurt my vrists. It really did, and I can' t imagine how it' ll feel after several hours of playtime. Try it yourselves.
So I hope the feature will be used as little as possible (which makes the stuff worthless).
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 May 06 18:25:03 >

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 06:27
Constant moves like this are leading to playstation' s death. They had a chance to go into this generation as a powerful leader and they are already losing power.

Even sony fanboys will eventually be convinced things like this controller are stupid.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 07:41
Do not underestimate the blindness of Sony fanboys :)

(but the analog stick isn' t by nintendo if I remember correctly. Sega released a special controller for NiGhTs a bit earlier I think)

< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 10 May 06 23:48:24 >

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 07:57
Speaking of NiGhTs... now is the time for a sequel to come out. Wii stick demands it. The prerequisite of unique control is met. Cough up Sega!

Never underestimate the fanboys. They are scary, and gang up on you like swarms of killer bees. They would tear anything you threw at them up, even if it is pure fact. They are religious conservative types, only they worship Sony instead of a traditional god and or prophets. Fanatics to the core, they are violent and quite mad. Therefore, I say again, sharing ]GaNgStA[' s sentiment - never underestimate the fanboys.

Doctors rejoice! You will see PS3 gamers who use the motion sensing function of that controller within a year or two, due to arthritis in the wrists.
You wa Shock!!!

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 08:06
dont worry you wont find any sony ones here, alltough, i cannot speak for nintendo/microsoft...
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 08:12
lol, ive missed something, apart from plenty of fanboy bashing, which is always good. People have to open their eyes.

I know people are tiring, but it hink the whole sony > nintendo > MS Sony > MS > Nintendo whatever arguments fascinate me!

Although with that said I thought this PS3 controller was actually a joke, and im being deadly serious, (at first!)

I know people say it will function, but so will an N64 or nights pad, but they still evolved.

The real reason is that its a way to keep costs down for such an expensive console, steal a bit of thunder from their rivals, and use ideas (regardless of their origin) which are part of modern gaming culture.

The trick is, not to come across so arrogantly that you pretend you invent them!

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 09:37
Hey man, I still want a PS3. Need the RPG fix. Only thing is, the RPGs I want probably will not be at launch, which is just as well. The price hurts bad. Also, you bet I would not like to miss MGS4 either.

Don' t call me a fanboy of any corporation. Call me an all round video game fan. Still, I like pointing out the big plays and misplays of each corporation. They all do it. Heck, I dismissed the Cube during the start of the previous generation. Said it would have barebones third party support, and that only the marquee titles could save it.
PS2... wanted one badly, and got it. GTA 3 was the Iblis Trigger for that one. X-Box seemed like something that would prove to be more than what it seemed, and boy was it a good first console.

Still, one has to wonder about Sony these days. What are they thinking?
You wa Shock!!!

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 13:35

Hey man, I still want a PS3.

....yeah... ...i think all the haters are gonna miss out on some great games...

...their loss, huh?....

Bishonen that' s the exact face that make me laugh with tears, that and he was standing next to Phil while he was explaining stuff about the pad..

...that' s his " hey i' m rich, and all you kids are about to make me 3x richer" face dude...

...i bet he' s got an island just like that dude form ' Enter the Dragon' too...

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 22:36
I don' t think of myself as a hater but I don' t ike sony' s attitude when it comes to the treatment of their fanbase and consumers for the following reasons:

#1)With Sony you have no innovation whatsoever. If there had been no Nintendo, Sega, or Xbox for that matter, Sony wouldn' t know what to do next. The creative geniuses at Sony tried their hand at redesign by introducing the original boomerang concept controller for the PS3 last year (which a cave man could have done). And when they actually wen' t back to the drawing board, had a brilliant chance to develop something sleek and new what did they do.....recycle the original controller that' s been in use for years and spray a bit of glossy paint on it, and it also looks very cheaply made in comparison to the 360 stuff.

#2) The sony entertainment division when it comes to gaming they are so convinced that gaming is their no.1 priority yet most of their marketing are solely based on formats, i.e the umd and blu ray.

#3) Lack of flexibility this I can go on forever with but i' ll name a few. Example microsoft made a hd-dvd add on for it' s console giving the consumer the choice to join the ' ' hd generation' ' if you like when they feel like it or can afford to. Now if you take the time to look at the ps3 you' ll notice the fact that everything is built in... that might sound good untill you realize you cant add a hdmi cable or swap that drive.

#4) Exclusivity, I don' t particularly care that much about whats exclusive or not but i' m using this to show exactly how economical other companies are nintendo included. Now gta4 for instance is cross platform (ps3, 360) but microsoft has actually gotten one over on them...they got the exclusive rights to the extra content to extend the game (so ps3 wont get downloadable addons to extend the episodes only 360) they had the opportunity to take the entire GTA4 and make it fully 360 exclusive but decided against the move (according to what I heard) so that in it self saves them a bit of money but shifts the balance in their favour automatically.

#5) Regurgitation: Grand t hd (whats that about?) as far as I know it' s just an old game with new they spent so much time coming up with that?. Tekken doesn' t impress me this time round and sorry to offend the metal gear fans but that just bored me when I saw it simply because it' s always the same.

So all in all my point is I dont think sony has exactly given people much of a reason or rather enough reasons to cross over to or stay in their cam it was all well and good when they caught people off guard when they were movie fanatics with their overly hyped machine that killed the dreamcast. However this generation is really about innovation good games and consumer satifaction at a reasonable cost and more importantly fun,

what sony has done with this machine (imo) is more or less stolen, they stole time to make it better (apparently) they stole their fans faith in them and let down and shamefully they stole ideas from their competitors.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 23:10
Dasher232 believe me you' re going too harch on sony.

i believe that without sony, video games won' t be what they are today, they made video games look cool, they made it mainstream and they made it really big... if it wasn' t sony, i don' t think Microsoft will join.

Nintendo was always a stubborn headed company that get its ass kicked shameful, they were humilitaed so many time because of some of their stupid moves, until recently that they start to wake up... Nintendo is very mean, just look at the Portables, i bet if sony didn' t want to launch the PSP , we will see a gameboy advance 2 with nothing special... it' s only competition that pushed them forward and slap them at the face.

sony is a colossus in electronic, nintendo can' t match them, the only way around is innovation and delivering good ideas, this time i think they made it great.

as for sony and its games, they have a lot of big Guns, let' s make a small comparaison with each AAA titles

Virtua fighter 5 vs DOA 4 1 - 0
Metal gear solid 4 vs any 360 action game 1- 0
Final Fantasy 13 vs any 360 RPG 1 - 0
Devil may Cry 4 vs Too human 1 - 0
Killzone 2 vs Halo 3 0 - 1

this is a small comparaison and i' m talking only about the promises of each game and basing my opinion on the last experiences.

as for the ps2 controler , for me it' s better than the 360 pad , overall, i read some previews and it says it' s really good so what' s the problem ?? if you don' t agree about which is best, at least we can safely say that it' s a very good pad regardless of the stealing shit , that' s not my business here.

SOny deserved to be teh leader, in psone era , hey were the best and nothing could came close even N64 with many of its AAA titltes and saturn let' s hide it away please.

Playstation 2 killed the dreamcast so badly for a simple reason , it was better , sure the hype helped but what really made the difference are the support of 3rd party, i owned a dreamcast and oh my god i was soo excited at the time, seeing this huuuuuge jump from previous generation, i could only dream of the next metal gear solid , final fantasy and much more games from sega stuff but boy was i disapointed !!

No metal gear
no RPG' s and i' m a diehard fan of good RPG , dreamcast had 2 rpg' s for god sake ( Grandia 2 and skies or arcadia ) and don' t mention the orther crap.
castlevanie was canceled !!
no soccer game, i was dreaming of seeing Pro evolution soccer !
and i can' t stop this list , if you love arcads dreamcast is for you , if you biuy console to play serious games , this console is not for you ... well almost

so sony won and it deserves all what it has today.

in the past generation, sony' s mistakle was the online part, no they catch up and they making it much better, what i love about sony is that they react as fast as possible, they are not stubborn.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 23:23
No offense to you abasou...but my argument wasn' t ' ' sony doesn' t deserve what it has' ' i' m more foucsed on what their company leads towards these days I don' t live in the past. And I highly doubt that the ps2 was a ' ' better machine' ' in my opinion dreamcast had a vast library of much better games than sony did but it all came down to format I know a lot of people that only bought it cos it had a dvd drive. And that seems to be what sony' s counting on yet again. Also apart from that I find a lot of things they do to my displeasure so whether it' s me and my opinion alone I don' t really see my valid points as being too harsh...the harsh reality of it is that a lot of those things aren' t far from reality.

And in reply to the controller thing that' s your opinion I find the 360 controller much more comfortable than the ps2 one so that' s an opinion not fact.

And as for comparing the games you have to consider that microsoft is a relatively new comer so their stuff are not that much stretched out as in terms of duration.

I still stand by my opinion and quite frankly don' t believe i' m being too harsh.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 23:28
Sony won? Nah. I would think that each company is playing to their strengths, which is good for all of us gamers.

Sony has the power and a great lineup of software that everyone will anticipate, and eventually shell out $$$$ for.

Microsoft has a sweet lineup that is almost ready to hit the market. Has sweet integrated gaming experience throughout all M$ products. I personally want to open my e-mail and find I got a digital car from a pal. Even if I don' t have the game...

" Wow. Too bad I don' t have the game. That' s 12 cars already... maybe I should buy it, since my pals all think it rocks."

Nintendo looks like it has awakened to the challenge by the two usurpers of the prior generations by attempting to recreate the rennaisance that was the NES launch. Now however, many of the ideas present during the NES days may become fully realised with the Wii. I mean, let' s face it - the powerglove simply did not have the appropriate technology nor the software to properly work back then. Still, the Zapper was awesome being the first gun accessory for a console ever. I still remember the grey and white with red trigger Zapper... makes that familiar ' ting' sound.

In other words, this E3 is far more interesting than the last one, in my opinion.

Still, I stick with what I said earlier - doctors will see an increase in wrist arthritis when the PS3 comes out.
You wa Shock!!!

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 23:36
when i said sony won, i' m talking about past generations ...

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 23:48

Virtua fighter 5 vs DOA 4 1 - 0
Metal gear solid 4 vs any 360 action game 1- 0
Final Fantasy 13 vs any 360 RPG 1 - 0
Devil may Cry 4 vs Too human 1 - 0
Killzone 2 vs Halo 3 0 - 1

Which part of that isnt exact bullshit except the last one? DOA has great chicks, Virtua fighter doesnt even have a name!

Metal Gear Solid 4? What about Gears of War? backdrop looks a lot cooler, graphics are just as well, and you might actually get to play, instead of just watching!

Final Fantasy has always had boring combat, Lost Odyssey will be miles ahead!

Devil May Cry 4, has it even been shown yet? Too Human looks amazing, and id rahter play Baldur than some transvestite looking half demon called Dante (which reminds me of pierce brosnan because of dante' s peak, and that aint good)

Killzone was a disaster, Halo has two good games in its catalog, im counting on 3

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 11, 2006 23:58
I disagree with what you say about PS2 destroying the Dreamcast with it' s games.

The essential PS2 titles didn' t even get released until early 2002 (fall 2001 in the US), just a few months after the Sega released the last games for it in the west. It wasn' t the quality of PS2' s games that killed the DC, it was the blind and biased hype towards Sony.

The DC had dozens of AAA games:

Virtual On
Skies Of Arcadia
KOF 98
Crazy Taxi
Resi Code Veronica.
Virtua Tennis

And so on... 99% before Sony launched the PS2.

So far I was dissapointed with the 360, but after Sony' s showing at this years E3 the line-up looks great. The sheen filled, generic feeling Gears of War has come on leaps and bounds and is looking much better, although still a bit soulless. Plus Too Human, Next-gen Sonic looking as impressive as the PS3 build, and a superior controller with proper triggers.

Sony' s rehashed Dual Shock is a let down. The L2, R2 triggers haven' t even been designed as triggers properly, and the d-pad still looks like it' s the primary thing to use for diectional movement.

At least the batarang controller matched the design of the console.

Ultimately we' ll just have to see how things pan out. I' ll be getting all three machines as usual, and in PS3' s defence it does have VF5 and Tekken 6, which athough we saw a trailer for the series it did not represent the actual Tekken 6 game.

Which part of that isnt exact bullshit except the last one? DOA has great chicks, Virtua fighter doesnt even have a name!

VF is varstly superior to DOA, and I love both games. VF has a vintage look and style which evolves, while DOA has become trapped with character stylings since DOA2 on DC.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 11 May 06 16:11:32 >

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 00:44
VF3 =========== arcade
Daytona======== arcade
Virtual On ========= arcade
Skies Of Arcadia
SFIII =========== arcade
KOF 98 ============= arcade
HOTD2 =========== arcade
Crazy Taxi ===============aracde
Resi Code Veronica.
DOA2 ========== aracade
Virtua Tennis ===========arcade

i wanted more games like RE code veronica, shenmue, grandia 2 , skies of arcadia hmmmm i' m sure there were a few more but the point is , my point is those kind of games were scarce , and this is the kind of games that make a console have a high profile or low profile , not some arcade ports .

and mind you i loooved all the game you listed above .

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 01:00
I agree with Abasoufiane, the Dreamcast was more or less a portable arcade. Not that there was anything wrong with that but it still lacked original AAA titles.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 02:41
I thought the dc had some really original titles but I don' t think they were quite as mainstream as the arcade stuff.

Jet set radio (was popular) but it went on a bit
Seaman (which was unique for th voice feature thing)
The tom clancy series I don' t think was arcade (correct me if i' m wrong)

But you are right about the arcade thing however they were good ports.

< Message edited by dasher232 -- 11 May 06 18:43:17 >

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 03:12

VF is varstly superior to DOA, and I love both games. VF has a vintage look and style which evolves, while DOA has become trapped with character stylings since DOA2 on DC.

It lost my respect a long time ago in an arcade. And the name Virtua Figther, is super unoriginal, even worse than Dead or Alive. Any game that cant have proper name doesnt deserve respect!

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 03:32

Not that there was anything wrong with that but it still lacked original AAA titles.

hell no - Shenmue 1 and 2 , Jet Set Radio , Sonic Adventure, Grandia 2, (3rd party games like soulReaver , shadowman) there were quite a few AAA titles that seriously kicked Sony' s ass at that time and even today - SHENMUE actually will kick ass untill Shenmue 3 comes out with upgraded Shenmue 1 that will kick ass even more.

And the name Virtua Figther, is super unoriginal, even worse than Dead or Alive. Any game that cant have proper name doesnt deserve respect!

First shenmue - now this - that' s what you get when you have a PC gamer talking about console one cares if you want to play crap all the time and call it awesome but it sux when people have no respect for art and living legends cause we have way to few of those.

It lost my respect a long time ago in an arcade

You' re loosing respect on kikizo as well by posting shit like the one about Shenmue
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 11 May 06 19:34:46 >

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 03:37

Virtua Figther, is super unoriginal,

It was the first 3D fighting game ever made and by VF2 the unriveled deepest also.

Virtua Fighter is more than a fitting name for the first of it' s kind, and one which pushed the 3D beat' em up genre forward more than any other. Just look at VF3, still the yardstick of 3D fighters, in terms of design and depth.

Only VF4 and 5 are deeper but lack the defining undulating arena' s of VF3.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 04:21
Everyone seems to be barking at Sony for copying Nintendos idea about motion sensing (yes, I also think they stole it) but none seem to complain about the origin of the X-Box controller; rest in peace dear Dreamcast (I’m so going to get slaughtered here for mentioning something bad about Ms).
Also, as a consumer I’m really glad to see that Sony did this. With a price at 600 Euro I want as much as I can get, and I happen to really like Nintendos idea, so I won’t complain if I can get some of it in Playstation. I do however feel a bit sorry for Shiggy when he had just come up with such a great idea and whish only great things for him in the next generation.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 06:29
Ok even if ms did copy some design aspects of the dc controller ok however if that' s the case they' ve made their controller theirs by applying it' s features that defines it' s system. But sony copied internal features the main difference being that none of the thing they tried to make their own really coincides with what they claim to be trying to achieve. I.e was it in son' s original brief that motion sensing is their priority in trying to change gaming or a service similar to live that will create a gaming community. What I think is moreover shameful is that they even use the company' s own words to try to sell their own. However saying that I wish them the best of luck in trying to emmulate. Bear in mind though it' s taken microsoft and nintendo a while to create the ground works and features for their system motion sensing and xbl on such a scale. But them doing so displays that it' s competition so i' m intrigued to see how things work out nonetheless.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 06:47
Microsoft hired Sega to make the controller for Xbox.... they didn' t just rip off the dreamcast pad.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 06:50

ORIGINAL: locopuyo

Microsoft hired Sega to make the controller for Xbox.... they didn' t just rip off the dreamcast pad.

Yeah which is a bit more respectful, than subtly emulating the original without the companys input. But like I said I wish them luck with it.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 10:06

I don' t think of myself as a hater but... seem to have missed out the words:

" I AM FULL OF SHIT " the rest of your post, dude....

...try not to be so careless next time, ok?
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 12 May 06 2:11:24 >
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 16:10
Copying design is just as bad as copying internal features if you ask me, however I didn' t know that they had hired Sega for the design of their controller (makes me really wonder about the size ). And just a heads up to people reading my posts, I don’t tend to dig deep after facts and only type things as I remember/think/sees them and therefore I might often make stupid mistakes. So I hope you can be patient with me, as I’m rather lazy and really busy (not a the greatest combination). Also when it comes copying as well as other questionable moves, all companies make them. Just as how you could say that Sony copied Nintendos rumble pack feature and the X-Box copied Sony by having it built in. Possibly this will become the next standard for controllers just as the rumble feature before this.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 17:48

ORIGINAL: Bishonen

I don' t think of myself as a hater but... seem to have missed out the words:

" I AM FULL OF SHIT " the rest of your post, dude....

...try not to be so careless next time, ok?

Bishonen whats all the ' ' i' m full of shit about?' '

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 12, 2006 23:56
...despite being constantly bored to death with your endless anti-sony rants, i excepted your views, as i am not one to try and change them....

....but to then try and make out that you don' t hate Sony, is simply insulting.... least haters like VX have the balls to stand up for thier prejudices....
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 13, 2006 00:29 me saying I don' t necessairly hate sony is insulting? to who?, I air my opinions and ty to be honest about what I mean and how I say it. Sony covers a wider base than just their entertainment sector and I have sony products that aren' t console related, me having an opinion different to yours doesn' t mean i' m tryig to influence or change anyone' s opinions in anyway.

To my knowledge I have' nt said to anyone not to get a ps3, it' s rubbish or ' ' I hate them' ' , but it would appear to be ' ' anti-sony' ' you just have to not like at least one of their products. I thought the name of the game was abut discussion and to me thats in-put from different angles, without pettyily resorting to profanity toput a point across. In all i' m 19 I have a lot to learn and try not to insult people without reasoning.

Ps i' m sure you' ll be willing to comment on how much crap,shit or whatever I talk but it' s welcome nonetheless.

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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang? - May 13, 2006 00:40
Muhahaha... The novelty of this controller will only last for 2 months.. It will
mainly be for when my 2 year old cousin tries to play racing games, or if my gf
and her friends want to hang out at mine and shake their asses a bit because
they are too stupid to know how joysticks work, wheres the thrill going to be of
everyone grouped up on the settee when mum' s gone to work? When will I get
elbow room for this pad? I like playing games with other people, I live in a family
of about 5, and everyone plays games.. If you lot watch the nintendo demo' s
again with Zelda, and Red Steel, you will see how much the guys were shrugging
their shoulders trying to loosen up a bit (ooo shoulder cramp). How are we meant
to play games lying on the bed?

So I deduce from this that

Wii: Yay, i can be Tinkerbell whenever I want!

PSWii60: Hoo-hargh, I can now drive like my 70 year old grandma and my
2 year old cousin, and it will actually get me somewhere. I' m intelligent I know
how joysticks work.

360: I get nice green lights, so I always know where my pad is when it comes in
to land after it' s been to NeverLand.

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