....if they had just made the batarrang more like dual shock 2 or 360' s controller, that would of been more or less respectable...
....but a rumble-less dual shock with a gyro scope?...
.....really. ...f*cking. ...lame..
...i' d like to be positive, but there' s no redemption for it is there?..... ....i' m sure that when used as a standard controller it will be fine, like current dual shocks...
...it' s insulting that they decide to tack on some stupid idiot pleasing sh*t at the eleventh hour and expect us to go:
" ooooooh wow"
..so ken, how will the new ' motion sensing' on your new controller revolutionise playing Final Fantasy XIII on the PS3 then?.....
...this is the exact sort of crap that made me laugh with utter disdain at the DS with it' s sh*tty stylus-prod crap....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 10 May 06 0:27:07 >