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WTF???!!! Motion Sensing DUALSHOCK???!!!
May 06, 2006 10:35 it me or are there sub-sonic rumblings on the net today, that Sony' s apparently totally redesigned controller could be pretty important?..... ...after hearing a couple of random throwaway comments, i coincidentally find this on a technology site: And let’s face it: the Dual Shock controller (itself an evolved PS1 joypad) is a design classic, so Sony could do a lot worse than trot out a slightly modified version of that. The eight-way D-pad could be swapped with an analogue stick, and a port for a headset could be added, but apart from that there’s little wrong with the existing design. The controller will certainly be wireless, and we’ve heard one or two murmurs that suggest some kind of motion sensitivity might find its way in – a nod to Nintendo and its radical, revolutionary Wii controller, perhaps? We won’t have to wait long to find out. Check back here on Monday evening, when we’ll be revealing the whole shebang. -Tech Three. what' s the deal here then?.... ....if it' s true, how could they come up with what sounds like pretty advanced technology in a few months??!!.... ....and will the Kikizo Booze krew (TM) bring one back for us?..... about some booth freebies then?...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 9 May 06 22:57:45 >
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 06, 2006 21:53
Hmm, I don' t think they' ll be using motion sensing. :\
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 07, 2006 08:08
Most devolpers say they are just devolping games with the duel shock 2 in mind. so its unlikely that tilt metion technogly will be used.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 07, 2006 16:42
....if it' s true, how could they come up with what sounds like pretty advanced technology in a few months??!!.... 2 months sounds normal for Sony. 13 year olds can only focus on one thing for so long.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 07, 2006 17:16
The technology has existed for some time and Sony might' ve even worked on something similar themselves but maybe not with videogames in mind. So it shouldn' t take too much time if they wanted to have that kind of technology in their controller. They could even buy the technology from another company and focus on how the controller will use it. But I doubt they will have something like that in their standard controllers. They might release some kind of peripheral with motion sensing if they see Nintendo getting lots of support but I think their focus will be on their Eye-Toy.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 May 06 9:16:48 >
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 07, 2006 18:37
It is unlikely, but if this does turn out to be true, it will kinda validate what Nintendo said about other companies copying them.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 07, 2006 18:46
If they do copy it I think i' ll loose even more respect for them because that would show that not only do they lack imagination but they find their competitor' s product' s threatening and with unique features enough to incorprate them into their own system...that would be a bit disguting from my view but for all the sony fans I guess it would be good...they just remind me of the boy that always looked over your sholder to see the answers and hadn' t a clue about anything at all but somehow always passed.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 07, 2006 20:21
they won' t copy it I think , but they might give it some new feature or two to place PS3 above 360 in terms of next gen gameplay that Wii is famous for.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 08, 2006 22:17
...hmmmm... ...yeah... ..that makes sense ]GaNgStA[...because you would expect a supposed next gen machine to have some sort of unseen practical feature for it' s controllers, wouldn' t you?.... ....not necessary as revolutionary as the wii perhaps.... ...but SOMETHING.... ....non?.... be really cool (from a non anti-sony perspective) if there was some sort of fabrication to these rumours...
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 09, 2006 17:02
ok so wii know now - and it' s fuckin hillarious - and they don' t have triggers :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 9 May 06 9:09:55 >
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 09, 2006 17:27
Well I was hoping they would' nt but again they go even further down in my books and I honestly don' t see much of a reason to get the ps3 now apart from regurgitated titles oh and a triggerless controller. And how cocky of them to be using nintendo' s ' ' innovative' ' to describe they' ve copied from both camps.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 9 May 06 9:28:57 >
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 09, 2006 19:35
never really liked triggers myself, but come on sony, it would be so easy to add triggers to the dualsock2/dualshake controller just remove l/r2 put a trigger in place... Motion sensing... When i first saw it i thought oh man they are ripping off the dreamcast fishing rod peripherial  and i guess it *could* be good for playstation 3 owners that can afford the incredibly steep price... by the way, anyone know a UK price?? £££???
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 09, 2006 19:56
So the PS3 controller features motion-sensing but is it the same kind of motion-sensing as Nintendo' s controller has where it not only recognises movement but also where in the room the controller is placed?
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 09, 2006 20:50
no it is not like nintendo. Nintendos uses sensors to detect where the controller is. Sony on the other hand, much like segasdreamcast fishing rod peripherial uses a gyroscope kinda thing for 6 way motion. It is not full fledged like nintendo' sis.... gamespot say its pretty good though. I' ll wait and see i have much doubts though. And as for mycomment about triggers... well strike that Gamespot confirmed r2 and l2 are triggers and you can clearly see it in their pic below. I hope the uk Price isn' t £499 and £599... or we are so ripped off..... I' m happy enough to pay 400 for premium machine..
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 09, 2006 20:58
It' s not like Nintendo' s? Pah! Then it was stupid to give the controller motion-sensing! If it doesn' t recognise where in the room the controller is then it can barely be used as much more than a gimmicky analog stick. Nintendo' s controller on the other hand can be used in many other ways. It' s BS that they removed the vibration because of the motion-sensing, I mean, Nintendo has got vibration in their controllers.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 09, 2006 21:09
Mmm Copying both MS and Nintendo. Look at the little lights 1 through 4, and the button in the middle with the PS logo on!
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 09, 2006 22:48
I' m actually kind of impressed. They were able to fit all of that into a controller exactly the size of the PS2 controller (it is the size of the PS2 controller right?), and apparently make it lighter, too. The removal of the rumble feature I won' t care about. I' ve never liked it to begin with. That' s actually one reason I liked the Wavebird so much: no rumble pack. Sure, it might turn into a kind of gimmicky analog stick for some games, but it actually would allow the player to use 3 analog sticks if it does do that. Besides, it all depends on how well the developers use it.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 00:20
Without vibration anything can fit inside a controller. But then it would be madness to remove the vibration functionality so Sony better not. What? What' s that? They removed it? Do I laugh or do I cry? It will turn into a gimmicky 3rd analog stick because who the hell needs more than two analog sticks. Great developers or not, you can' t do much with it. I' m so incredibly disappointed with their " new" controller. Shit! Damnit! F*ck! Hell! I liked their concept controller waaay more than the real one. I' m still buying a PS3 because I love many of the games it' s getting. VF5 and MGS4 alone are worth spending $600 on. But I' ll wait until the price drops and until then I' ll have fun with the 360 and the Wii.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 9 May 06 16:21:45 >
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 00:53
WTF is Gamespot owned by Sony or something? This is their description of the controller: You' ll feel right at home when you pick it up, but this controller has definitely evolved. It' s a Dual Shock 2. We also managed to bump into Criterion' s Alex Ward at Sony' s grand unveiling, and he said he was really excited about the controller, saying that he " can really see how it fits in his games." We imagine a Burnout game can' t be too far behind. Well what did the remaining 100 people you bumped in say about it then? He can' t have been the only one they talked to about the controller? But what' s probably most important is that the controller feels pretty nice and already seems to work well. Compared to? It seems to me as they are comparing it to a rock and not the 360 pad. They also seem to take for granted that the actual reason for removing the vibration was the interferancewith the motion-sensing thingy.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 9 May 06 17:04:05 >
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 06:50
Kinda like kikizo said in their article, that isn' t the whole reason they took it out. They didn' t have much time to implement it. They are having legal trouble for stealing the rumble idea. If they had more time I bet they could make a controller that had both rumble and the tilt features without having problems. This is just a gimmiky feature ripped off from Wii. I can' t wait to be forced to hold my controller perfectly upright so I don' t accidently tilt instead of in a relaxed position. Still the same crappy basic design for the controller. I don' t have double jointed thumbs. Sony really cares about making great hardware![:' (]
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 06:58
its meant to have a crappy qauilty plastic feel. Which is understandable from just looking at it. I am not a fan of it really. I wanted something newer.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 07:04
....oh. my. god...
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 07:19
I could have guessed that Sony would underhandedly try to steal some of the N' s thunder, and I guess to an extent they did, but it is merely an attempt to mislead Sony consumers as saying that they can do what Nintendo does, only better. I' d like to see speakers on the remote then. Oh, you should make it so that you only need one hand to play at times. Oh, furthermore.... It is cool to have the motion sensing, but it is not as full blown as Nintendo' s interface. Oh well, I' ll still get a PS3 anyway. Way too many RPGs I want to play on it.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 07:25
lool why you do hate that controler and what' s wronf with the dual shock 2 anyway ? sur it has it flaws but it' s the damn best controler i ever played (although the 360 is better that i' mù sure of even if i didn' t try it) but that new controler , i think it' ll be an excellent pad , surely better then the 360 one, light, feels great at hand, the analog has been adjusted (which was the problem in ps2) , + they added the triggers which is very important and i always thought it was disapoining to not have them... above all that , there is that motion sensing thing which i think is pretty cool, it' s hilarious guys when you talk about gimmiks and stuff, what the hell is wrong with that ? can' t it be used in racing for exemple , shooters , bikes ... i really think it' s reallly cool... man i' m starting to feel very weiiird in this forum ..
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 07:44
Oh, I LOVE the Dual Shock design, don' t get me wrong. Although it is a bit wierd now that it does not Shock anymore. Is it better than the 360 one? Hmmm... I' d say the jury is out in that regard. Depends on your personal preference, I guess. Motion sensing IS a great addition. However, I think the cause of it being added is indeed due to Sony' s attempt to cover all the bases and claim to be one up over the Wii. Indeed, graphic and hardware wise, they are. However, Nintendo has the one up in unique gameplay possibilities, and when the game editors test that, there would be Nintendo' s true litmus test. Likewise, I do want to see a good amount of Sony games to use this technology. For racers, it is very much mandatory. I mean, Initial D Arcade to PS3. Drool! (Honestly, no matter what console it would ever be released for, I would drool, so long as it has multiplayer.) Finally, I never do complain about the handling of the PS2 Dual Shock, so the break in time will be zero.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 07:48
....i really hope i' m wrong... ....but... ...from what i have seen, it is nothing more than a extremely poorly realised ' me too' gimmick.. ...Sony ineptly trying to steal Nintendo' s mojo... ...i can' t see any real worthwhile use for it, except as a distraction for hyper-active 5 year olds... ...and noob girl gamers who always move the whole controller when playing a driving or fps game..... ...there' s too much information for me to process at the moment, with so much going on n' all, but initially, this motion thing seems so crap that it actually makes the DS touch bulsh*t look almost good....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 9 May 06 23:51:02 >
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 07:52
man i' m starting to feel very weiiird in this forum . Sony fanboys usually feel strange here ...sorry There are no triggers - llower shoulder buttons are a bit bigger nad deeper but nothing like triggers from what I' ve read Please don' t get excited about tilt sensors that have been used in many 3rd party controllers before (since year 2000) and in some GBA games. The problem Sony is facing now is that they have entered into direct competition with N over innovative controllers - the one they cannot win when someone tried both.(wii is to technologically advanced for it) At least now we know why Nintendo didn' t want to show too much before ... I won' t forget kutaragis face when he thought he' s the king of innovation with this new thing - just standing there and smiling like he won something
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 9 May 06 23:53:29 >
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 07:53
now here' s where i have to dissagree with many people, i hate lightweight controllers with a fiery passion that burns in the depths of my soul. I think i' m gonna have to rip out the weights in my old dualshock (ps version) and slap em in there just for weight. (if there' s room) I can see how the Wii controller has to be light, but, i mean, you can do tilt and pitch from your seat, with your wrists on your knees. it doesn' t need to be that light. I am hoping that the developers have the sense to make the motion sensitive controller an option, as opposed to a gimmick. I don' t mind gimmicks. the DS was a gimmick, and it' s great. The Wii looks like a HUGE gimmick, but it also looks great, but when i think of Sony Playstation, i think of hardcore games with action controlled solely with your fingers. that' ll be interesting, because it would be great for flight games, but i' m hoping developers don' t feel the need to include pitch and tilt in all of their games. (a.k.a. dont even think about it Gearbox)
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 08:24
....if they had just made the batarrang more like dual shock 2 or 360' s controller, that would of been more or less respectable... ....but a rumble-less dual shock with a gyro scope?... ...lame... .....really. ...f*cking. ...lame.. ...i' d like to be positive, but there' s no redemption for it is there?..... ....i' m sure that when used as a standard controller it will be fine, like current dual shocks...' s insulting that they decide to tack on some stupid idiot pleasing sh*t at the eleventh hour and expect us to go: " ooooooh wow" ken, how will the new ' motion sensing' on your new controller revolutionise playing Final Fantasy XIII on the PS3 then?..... ...retarded.... ...this is the exact sort of crap that made me laugh with utter disdain at the DS with it' s sh*tty stylus-prod crap....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 10 May 06 0:27:07 >
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 08:32
I don' t see how you could like this controller unless you are a hardcore sony fanboy.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 09:13
talking to me?? the question is how the hell couldn' t you like this pad, foget about the rip off fromm nintendo , this is not my business , i' m talking about the pad itself we were expecting a fucking boomrang, and we complained a lot, so they changed it back to dual shock 2 shape which is fine , they added some features , polished some stuff so what' s the problem? sony fanboy yeah right !!!
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 09:15
Liking it over the concept controller is alright I guess. But liking it compared to real controllers, no.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 10:12
Does this mean the Dual " Shock" (as in rumble) name is completely irrelevant now?
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 10:14
Ken? You mean my avatar, Kenshiro? Must be talking to me. Yeah, I hear ya. They had BETTER NOT include such a thing in my RPGs, or at least not the FF series! Reason - such a gimmick in that series would seriously p___ me off. It is good where it is expected, and could be used in action titles, especially shooters of the first and third person, controlling your lean and whatnot, but not for RPGs. Still, with the exception of that gimmick, and the removal of the Shock in Dual Shock, it is still the familiar, relatively comfortable pad Sony gamers have been accustomed to for years. For some, that is reassuring. For others, it is disappointing. For others still, myself included, it is both. Just no motion detection for traditional role playing games, please. If I want that kind of experimentation, do it on the radically different Wii. At least that system is designed for it, and designed well. Thank you.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 23:27
...naw man... ...i was talking to that pimped-out Sony dude.... ....although i don' t see how you can think that Sony' s motion thing is ok for an FPS and whatnot..... ...seems like it' s only viable on party games... getting Ursala to shake her pretty @$$ in a nextgen Space Channel game.... ....i can see where Sony are coming from now though ...they' re obviously looking to court the general mass more, like Nintendo..... appealing to your kid sister and mom more..... ...hell, i bet they even release a sweet pink version of the PS3 with a nice black carrying handle.... so that YOU TOO can look sexy whilst shopping... all those gamecube owners did....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 10 May 06 15:38:05 >
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 23:43
mention the name pelase next time, you won' t get people confused, since i feel like i' m the only " sony dude" here which i' m not , i' m being objective like not many fanboys around here. i don' t see that meotion sensor things is good for fps i mean i don' t see its use in that kind of game, but i do see it good for racing, shooters and even fighting and heck there will be a lot and a lot od ideas coming out of this controler, it' s really obvious , it will open a lot of options , you know people are never happy always have to complain and i don' t what the hell you' re complaing for " sony why did you include that in your controler , you copy nintendo bastard " , i really really do remember nintendo when they first introduced their controler, oh my god, how many people in this very forum made joke about them, saying that nintendo is already dead , you guys remmeber that don' t you? last year E3 anyone?? yeaaah you could not stop bitching and saying that nintendo is scrwed and that power is very important which they missed this generation ... i' m just a reminder .
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 23:44
Ok, here' s my only input on this. How the hell could Sony not be embarassed as hell when they debuted the thing? There isn' t a soul alive who can honestly say this thing isn' t a ripoff of Nintendo' s idea. And that' s fine, it' s been done before, they' ll do it again. But to present this as a " new" idea that they thought of all on their own with there " six degrees of freedom" crap, come on!! Be a man, say " hey, the competition had a GREAT idea, we' re implementing SOME of those ideas into our controller, and keeping some of our own ideas" They would have done that and I would have said " good job sony, very mature" This though, this is just childish to not even aknowledge The big N' s contribution.
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 23:46
here is one of some stupid talk about Wii controler back then which now remind me of what' s happening with PS3 controler , like those kind of talk " i don' t need to look stupid with that controler , swinging like a weirdo, i want just a classic controler thank you !!" or things like " i want to feel confortable, i' ll get tired with that controler , and hwo could u use that in other game anyway except FPS !!" damn you fanboys
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 23:48
Hey I remember the bitching. I wasn' t one of them. but Abasoufiane, do you agree with me that it would have been so much better if Sony would have titled their hat to Nintendo, and then did this, rather than saying " hey look what we thought of!!"
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RE: Motion Sensing Batarrang?
May 10, 2006 23:57
soemwhat yes mxpx182, but you know it' s business and it' s competition, didn' t xbox stole the idea from nintendo of including 4 ports pads, sega as well , how about the first analog (which was a true revolution back then with the n64), man this is not the first time it happened... may be sony should not brag about it like they did and i really hate/love kutaragi face when he was showing the pad , that look on his face was hilarious , have u seen that?? but anyway, really , sony did a great move buisness wise (not moral but who cares in this case), they really made a fast move and it' s really really a good surprise for me and for many developers.