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Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 04:12
Because the last forum was locked, i had to start a new one to explain why sonic appears to look taller and thinner. I read sonic team is interested in having sonic age, and seeing as sonic was about 13 in the first game, sonic would appear to be in his late 20s. In the next gen game, if we see more staple charactors, like tails. They might appear older as well. end/
< Message edited by whiteguysamurai -- 3 May 06 20:15:03 >
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 04:32
Well Sonic aging might explain why his games don' t seem as fast ^_^ maybe as they go they will slow him down, give him a heard and a more mario style gameplay.... Bring back the old sonic... They will i' m sure, when the new ones suck they will re-release the compliations, good thing for ps3, probbaly 360 too.... but they could release every sonic/related game on 1 disc, inclusing the adventure games etc....
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 04:55
Yeah I thought he looked thinner and taller but abd aging sonic..hmmm I wonder if they would make a sonic game with them in a retirement home...seriously I think it might be good the only thing I didn' t really like was when they made him ' super sonic' dunno why but I though it was so cheesy and kinda bore inducing.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 05:11
Next Gen Sonic certainly is the way forwards, he looks a hell of a lot better than his Dreamcast counterpart. Hopefully the other characters will also have changed slightly to better fit the world. There have been a few new screens shown in magazines recently, this game is looking better each time As for the sense of speed... it may have slowed a little in Heroes and grind to a halt with Shadow but Sonic Rush is easily the fastest Sonic game I can remember for a long time. More of that please.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 05:58
true that 2d sonic games have retained their speed, sega should just do a next gen ultra 2d (anime looking) HD sonic, including all the previous sonics upgrades.. and if not just keep the game 2.5D 3d 2d, make it just like the originals.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 06:49
Tails is too cute to age, leave him alone Sonic Team!!!! I don' t care if you have Sonic grow a mustache and beard to show his age but leave Tails alone dammit!!!!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 07:21
Cute? Terry sometimes I worry about you.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 08:50
tails is cute actually :) I don' t think Sonic is going to age - it' s like making Mario older - means - IT makes no sense. I think it' s hard to judge it now, since they only showed the engine and some 3d models -gameplay is still a mystery, hopefully it will be revealed to us this year at E3.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 11:00
Oh, if tails ages, i' m sure they will have some other cute animal based mascot to replace him. When Naoto oshima left sega/sonicteam he took his trademark style with him, so sonicteam was forced to change sonic just enough as to not infringe on oshima' s art style. Or so i' m led to believe. Anyway, sonic next gen might be either a re-imagining of the first game, or something all together differant, and i suspect eggman might not even be in this game. But then again, the japanese fanbase are what keeps sonic from being great, because they keep demanding more from the team, bring back this character, we like shadow,knuckles,amy,tails and the list goes on till the core gameplay suffers. I think if they make sonic for what he once was, and only him will the franchise survive.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 11:59
Cute? Terry sometimes I worry about you. Dude, Tails is ADORABLE! And that' s all there is to that 
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 16:32
Mmmmm and somehow i take it that most people would find it less worrying if tails was a girl, but you know what, id find that even more worrying (though iv had my fair share of crushes on cartoon characters, i especially remember a female lizard from Turtles, wow )
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 18:32
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Mmmmm and somehow i take it that most people would find it less worrying if tails was a girl, but you know what, id find that even more worrying (though iv had my fair share of crushes on cartoon characters, i especially remember a female lizard from Turtles, wow ) ...weird!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 4 May 06 10:33:46 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 19:15
...weird! Sums it up quite well!
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 19:25
i' m not sure about this... (not the terry tails thing!) but I eman aging charecters in general, unless there is a strong narrative linking the episodes. the best thing I like about these games is that they are timeless, unless he is a lifelong friend, I dont want him to get old! Cartoon charecters dont ages, and neither does sam fisher, so why should one of the largest gaming icons out there! bring back sonic team games like the sega consoles had I say!
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 20:48
1up has some info about gameplay - it' s going to have exploration parts like Sonic Adventure and quick and crazy action stages like every other sonic. I really loved SA - and I' d love to see this new one done this way ...but done right.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 4 May 06 12:48:33 >
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 04, 2006 22:07
If you play sonic adventure, in amy' s story. She will have a sentimental moment showing the old sonic, saying they used to have so much fun..Or something to that effect. What' s most important is, she clearly states it was awhile back, and that was the " old" sonic. I' m not so concerned with how sonic looks these days, i am however concerned at how he plays and why he' s talking. Sonicteam has no idea how annoying sonic' s games sound, so in my opinion i would rather sonic not talk at all, and perhaps cut some of those 500 supporting characters sonicteam seems insistant on forcing us to use. I mean, the shadow games stunk, but not just because it was a bad game, with a bad concept, because it' s not sonic, but a crappy clone.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 05, 2006 05:46
I don' t think Sonic is going to age - it' s like making Mario older - means - IT makes no sense. I found some new info and you were right they want to age him a bit , to make him look adult - not old but grown up.His proportions are similar to adult humans proportions now. It looks nice - I hope it works as good as SA1 ... Anyway SEGA' s got some awesome announcements lately - maybe those crappy shitty games they were making gave them enough profits to actually do something right. I sure hope so...
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 05, 2006 06:02
this also means tails will have similar perportions to the old sonic. Maybe even his own game.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 05, 2006 15:57
So far only Sonic and Eggman have been spoken about from the old games. There' s a princess and a new hedgehog rival who' s apparently playable. Tails and Knuckles are too popular to forget about. If they aren' t in this new game I can see them getting a game of their own. They may also appear in cut scenes like Amy in SA2, or be NPC' s in the ' towns' , the Adventure like stages being mentioned. Apparently there is going to be some Sonic X-Box Live content over E3, fingers crossed for a demo but more likely a nice trailer.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 05, 2006 23:38
All the support characters should be cut. Barring, perhaps, the MD originals. I really don' t like/or understand how all these hyped up amazingly coloured different hedgehogs keep coming about. If you read the old sonic comics back when they would explain sonics blueness etc, and while a bit strange - it worked. How are all these other random appearing from nowhere characters having sonic' s speed? It was better when Eggman created the likes of metalix, and the sub-boss from Sonic 2. It was simplier back then, run save the furry animals (Who may or may not have been on ' Mobius' - remember that?) against Eggman/Robotnik. Suddently Sonic (Who I might remind you is a blue hedgehog), surrounded by a dozen lame-ass wanna-bes, runs to talk to the president to save planet Earth. They should focus on just making a Sonic-only game with some kick ass (2/3 act) levels that focus on speed with a few alternate routes. The game doesn' t need to be 30hours or something, if it is good (Much like the classics) then people will be happy to play it over and over, trying to beat old times or just simply for the hell of it. People expect too much these days - it has to do this, be like that, last for xx hours, so on and so forth. It is ruining Sonic. Because if sonic team don' t abide, the reviews will knock it down for not having all the aforementioned ' criteria' .
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 06, 2006 03:20
Sonic, Shadow plus new hedgehog. Apparently this is a flyer Sega will be handing out at E3. Whats most interesting to note is the ' PC' logo at the bottom. The new guy looks sort of cool but Shadow I wish would go away and never come back.
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 7 May 06 23:59:42 >
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 06, 2006 03:24
where are his guns gone?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 06, 2006 04:05
where are his guns gone? LOL Better is they all went away. Another fast hedgehog.... woo....[:' (]
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 06, 2006 04:40
Actually I kinda like the look of the new guy....a sonic trio interesting. Just wondering where they' re gonna take the story..more clones?.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 06, 2006 05:07
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 06, 2006 05:44
at the end of S adventure Sonic changed into chaos sonic or something like that - maybe that' s him
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 06, 2006 18:29
Haven' t you played Sonic Adventure? Sonic changes into Super Sonic which gives him a yellow/golden colour, red eyes and longer hair... um nails... whatever. It' s kind of like when Son-Goku goes super Saiyan level 3 in Dragon Ball Z. Actually it' s exactly the same thing because Super Sonic gets this glow around him to.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 6 May 06 10:31:07 >
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 07, 2006 01:41
ORIGINAL: ginjirou Haven' t you played Sonic Adventure? Sonic changes into Super Sonic which gives him a yellow/golden colour, red eyes and longer hair... um nails... whatever. It' s kind of like when Son-Goku goes super Saiyan level 3 in Dragon Ball Z. Actually it' s exactly the same thing because Super Sonic gets this glow around him to. Yup yr right not just that but I felt a bit cheated when that happened dunno why...all the crap about sucking the ' ' positive' energy from the emeralds..not just that but after that you weren' t even allowed to play as ' ' super sonic' ' afterwards.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 07, 2006 05:34
Super Sonic' s been about since Sonic 2 but yeah, it sucks not being able to blast about the levels as Super Sonic. Fingers crossed that' ll be addressed in this game. As for the new guy, I doubt very much he' s a clone. This game is set in a previously unexplored corner of Sonic' s world so it' s possible this fellow has been there all along. The fact he recognises Sonic and calls him the Iblis Trigger seems to suggest he’s seen something of Sonic before. Maybe we' ll actually learn something about Sonic' s past.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 07, 2006 05:40
Yeah sounds really exciting I think i' m gonna love the new guy though. And ' ' iblis trigger' ' ? gets me thinking wth? maybe they are gonna go into a little depth about sonic' s history.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 07, 2006 06:08
Interesting fact : Iblīs is the primary devil in the religion of Islam. He was made of smokeless fire by Allah. Envious of the creation of Adam and Eve Iblis disobeyed Allah and eventually was sent to hell. So as the Iblis Trigger (Devil Trigger) I believe Sonic may inadvertently be the key to awake some greater evil.
< Message edited by whatabout_paul -- 6 May 06 22:08:57 >
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 07, 2006 19:18
Or maybe all three of them play a big part in releasing different entities, or even the same thing but they don' t know it apart from the new guy...would sorta make sense why they sent shadow all they way to space under lock and key.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 07, 2006 20:24
I hope I' ll never see any thread that long about Super MArio Bros Story :) " Hey dude the princess actually was behind all this , she and bowser..." :)
Adam Doree
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 08, 2006 08:00
No scans of this til after E3 please folks by request of teh Segaz.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 08, 2006 09:54
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ I hope I' ll never see any thread that long about Super MArio Bros Story :) " Hey dude the princess actually was behind all this , she and bowser..." :) Actually in Super Mario Sunshine Baby Bowser said he got the paintbrush he used from E. Gadd (or someone that looked like him). It even had E. Gadd' s emblem on it. I don' t think they explained that in Sunshine, maybe it' s being saved for Mario 128. It' s not much, but it may be a sign of Nintendo also trying to increase complexity in their mascot games. Maybe.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 08, 2006 20:41
LOL, way to prove that scan was real Adam  We' ll see though, only a day or two to go.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 10, 2006 03:11
Holy mother of... have you seen the new trailer? Eggman looks sort of...HUMAN. Less of a cartoon character and more like a real evil doctor. Then we' ve got a princess, Sonic running very fast, Sonic under water (really for the first time since the Megadrive titles) and just as things were looking up, Shadow in some jeep blowing stuff up. DAMNIT! Oh, the new hedgehog looks rather cool too, better than the picture I posted and defiantly white. Why there was a blue tinge to him before I don' t know. Overall, after getting over the shock of Eggman’s makeover I’m very excited.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 10, 2006 04:27
Where did you see the new trailer with eggman in it? I checked the ign one and that was, same as conference, no eggman or anything else much, looks super sweet though and fast, for a change.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 10, 2006 04:29
Here the initial shock lasts far longer than enthusiasm. SEGA really takes risks.
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RE: Sonic' s new look, explained.
May 10, 2006 07:09
Crushes on animated animal type characters? Eww... oh who am I kidding, I sometimes feel that way too, for some strange reason. Hormones or something. That and the character designs are human-like, therefore they have an odd percentage of grabbing one' s interest. I remember Ariel from the Little Mermaid. That was one. A more recent attention grabber was Krystal from Dinosaur Planet, er, StarFox: Adventures. To a much lesser extent, Rouge did grab my attention in the attire department. For me though, the more humanoid, the more it stirs my perverted mind. The graphics in the new trailers... don' t they look like Shadow the Hedgehog graphics, just with the proper framerate we got from the Adventure series, or is it just me? And no, not the character designs... or at least to a lesser extent. Sonic, Shadow, and the White Hedgehog - what is this? Another Matrix trinity type symbolism attempt? Do NOT go there Sonic Team! Furthermore, NO MORE WEAPONS unless you make a true run and gun, but you have not the pedigree to pull that off, as seen in Shadow the Hedgehog. Sega needs to take risks. Let' s face it: if Sega remains conservative, we will get another half-baked title. They are simply not ready to go conservative yet. Sony, on the other hand....