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- Joined: May 03, 2006
SEAsia, the tiny, unimportant market...that could!
May 03, 2006 19:32
First off, let me introduce myself. I' m a Singaporean girl, who owns a NSTC-J Xbox; Xbox 360 has been released here btw, though I' m unsure of the actual region code for it (considering we have Elder Scrolls, prolly the US or European PAL format...) Singapore is a really REALLY small island country set at the end of peninsular Malaysia. Basically, our name is bigger than the actual island itself on most globes/maps ;p Nonetheless, we ARE a highly modernised city and unlike the mostly Islamic countries surrounding us, we are predominantly Chinese (70%), with Indian, Malay and Eurasian populations. (please do not misunderstand the above statement! I' m not anti-Islamic, but it' s one of the most telling features that Singapore has...other than being basically small). I realise that not many people know, or care, of the SEAsian market for the Xbox, or for any of the consoles for that matter (though I believe we are lumped together as ' Asia' when Sony cites its sales). And honestly, who can blame any of the market experts about this? Consoles are not a large fixture in the homes of many SEAsian families; I believe Singapore and Malaysia are the countries with the higher percentages that do, and it isn' t much. You may wonder why I seperate SEAsia and larger Asia. Basically, culture in SEAsia is very much different from the areas of China, Japan, Korea etc. in the northern atmosphere. Having predominantly Islamic countries is definitely a major factor, while the other countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia etc. are still largely not as developed as those larger countries. Singapore has the fortune of being the most modernised though not the largest (and prolly, being small had geo-political advantageous to our political leaders. A smaller country is MUCH easier to run =/) That said, consoles never really picked up well in this area. Gaming itself is not a highly popular nor respected leisure activity, let alone console gaming. The most is the arcade format (and then, not that much either) and the PC platform. Despite this, Microsoft saw fit to at least market the Xbox a little in Singapore, with promises of slightly cheaper locally made games. That was about it. Being stuck with the NTSC-J format meant we had a portion of American games and only a portion of Japanese games with English in any form =/ I can say that, we don' t have Baldur' s Gate, we don' t have Arx Fatalis, we don' t have the English version of Otogi 2 (Otogi 1 was released in English and only for a limited period. I bought the Otogi and Otogi 2 special over the internet), don' t have the English version of Panzer Dragoon Orta. Although we do have Buffy, much to the pleasure of my SISTER =/ Of course, there were much more, but these were the ones I was kinda most looking forward too. Stuck with only FPS and Sports simulators wasn' t exactly the best situation for me. I love Fighting games, but couldn' t get the English OR Japanese Bloody Roar (I' m a fan of it, I know it ain' t that great), though Guilty Gear helped to tide me over. Again, I tell you I' m a girl. Gender discrimination is bad, but honestly I hate sports simulators, and am NOT interested in Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball (if there were guys, then sure, duh!) It was heartening to have the games locally made, but it truly sucked to have SOME of the best of the US world, and not much else =( And now Xbox 360 is out here. I' m so tempted truly (Elder Scrolls wooh! Lost Odyssey and hopefully much much much more Mistwalker stuff wooh!) and yet I can' t help but be scared of being disappointed again. (not betrayed, I knew what the Xbox was home to, and I was willing to take the risk for PDO at the time) My original plan was to get PS3 so I could play the old PS2 games along with PS3 and my Xbox games. Cross-console satisfaction. It would' ve made me happy. Now, the Xbox 360 is starting to really get some semblance of respect again. Microsoft may not have everything, but it definitely has that warchest to fight on! But, with all the take of the Japan market, the North/South American market, the Europe market, where does this put the SEAsian market? Sure, we live on pirated goods, I admit it (though ironically I never modded my Xbox, go me for helping the industry), hence why companies tend to see us a really sore spot. But you know, it doesn' t help either when the incentives are so bad for us to go legit =/ Anyway, your thoughts =) Plus, love it to find an intelligent forum right here. I hope to spend most of my time now =)
The SEAsian girl with the Xbox. Target market anomaly =)