MGS4 video demonstration

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MGS4 video demonstration - May 02, 2006 20:40
Talk about amazing!

It' s simply not possible that this game will make the launch, probably not the first 6 months, but hopefully the first year. It' s Kojimas last MGS (probably) game so he' ll want to go out with a bang.

< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 2 May 06 14:41:10 >

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RE: New realtime MGS4 video demonstration - May 02, 2006 20:59
Seen that video a while back. It looks stunning. It' s wierd that out of everything that has been shown for the PS3 this is the only one that has impressive graphics... that and Unreal 2007.
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RE: New realtime MGS4 video demonstration - May 02, 2006 21:05
UT 2007 didin' t look all that great at GDC though, it' s obvious that the physics hadn' t been implimented properly yet or were simply disabled to keep the thing running at 60fps.

The thing about MGS4 is that this isn' t what people should expect to see ingame. This is what can be done with a single character in a bland environment, but until i see Snake fighting several enemies in realtime gameplay i' ll reserve my judgement.

Something interesting is that Marcus (main character) from Gears of War is actually made up of more polygons than Snake is in the MGS4 demonstrations...

Isn' t this a new demonstration?! I realise that the TGS demonstration is very similar but isn' t this recent?!

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RE: New realtime MGS4 video demonstration - May 02, 2006 21:21
I downloaded this one a while back. I pretty sure it' s not TGS but it' s the same one I have.

Also, the metal gear solid series has mastered the art or tricking the eye. If you look at the enviroments and such in any of the videos released for this game they aren' t impressive at all. No real interesting geometry (infact it' s incredibly basic and low poly), the textures are good but not great, and these are all covered up by lighting and particle effects. Because the enviroments are so lacking (but convincingly covered up) they have a lot more system resources to use on characters and such.

I' m definately looking forward to this game and it' s about the only reason currently I have for wanting a PS3. I' m just really looking forward to seeing some actual gameplay before I make a final opinion on what I see.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: New realtime MGS4 video demonstration - May 02, 2006 22:14
I' ve seen that trailer to, or at least I think so. Are there any other trailers where the staff sits and comments the game while changing real-time effects?
I downloaded it either at or here at
It' s fun how they marvel at his feet and comments that it looks like he wants to pee...
I like the focus effects anyway.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 2 May 06 14:16:13 >

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MGS4 video demonstration - May 02, 2006 22:40
There' s the TGS demonstration and there' s this one. I had thought this one was new since it' s been reported on of several PS3 sites.

I think i need to change the name of the thread.

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 02, 2006 22:52
Yep you really should change the name of this thread. YOu want to know why?
Well, I' ve never been so disappointed in my life as when I saw the video. OK!
I nearly soiled myself when I saw the name of this thread. But when I saw the trailer my monitor got soiled... by me.

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 00:41
It kind of cracks me up to hear them talk about things us american pc gamers take for granted.
Now that i got to have a closer look, it' s much less impressive.

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 01:00
American PC gamers?
What, you guys have something we europeans don' t?
Give it to us!

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 01:02
Um, let me rephrase that..
Western pc gamers.
I forget about my EU brothas somethines.

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 01:13
yeah, i saw this one a few months back, and it at least confirms that this stuff is possible on the ps3. and although MGS has been known for putting filters on stuff, and adding particles to make things look good. i really don' t mind. I' ll take a game that can trick me into thinking the graphics are amazing, with alot of space for other processes, than a game that lags down because the visuals are so stunning. It' s like resident evil 4 for the gamecube. most games don' t look that good, but because the developers knew the hardware, and knew how to exploit its little quirks to their advantage, it looks amazing. this is also the case with MGS.

i agree that this definately won' t be a launch title. they' re gonna have to work on this one for a while, because if it doesn' t pay off, wild kojima fans will overrun the streets, and the riots won' t stop for days.

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 01:17
Stupid PC' s!!!

I just watched a slightly higher res version of the same video that had a proper aspect ratio and i have to say that the more i watch it the less impressive it becomes, like everything.

The part where they show Otacon in existing in 3d space in the robodogs monitor and then change the lighting to prove that he exists somewhere else and it' s not just a video overlay is impressive and Snakes face is REALLY impressive but i' m starting to see how they can achieve it from PS3 hardware. Snakes oveall character model isn' t quite as detailed as i remember and the environments are bland. The lighting is nice but realistic lighting isn' t hard to do anymore.

In the the video demonstration, it' s evident that it isn' t as high a resolution and doesn' t seem as detailed as this...

I' d be interested to see this shown in realtime, paused and moved around in like the Snake demonstration...

Hell, i want to see some gameplay!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 2 May 06 17:19:05 >

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 01:30
two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine...

Eight days till all is revealed my friends. we' ll finally see some gameplay, and hopefully we... oh heh heh, (insert overused joke here), hopefully we' ll get to play this on anything but sony' s concept controller. myself, i wanna play it on a white dualshock controller with the left analog swapped with the D-pad. That would truly redeem sony in my eyes.

ps. on an unrelated MGS side note, does anyone see the resemblence between the MGS TGS trailer setting, and a certain level in subsistence online. I was just playing, and it really stuck out at me. I' ll try and find a pic.

Edit: dang, i can' t post pics, i keep getting the " site is generating a 500 error" window. heres a link or two.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 2 May 06 17:41:44 >

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 02:34

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 02:42
Adam, how come you guys give us the best quality videos and other sites make you pay for membership in order to acces the HD content?!

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 02:45
Becuase Kikizo is made by honest people and not some suits trying to too take all your dollars/euros/sterling.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 11:04

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 18:21
sites like ign are huge and have everyday updates, fast news and a lot of content you wouldn' t find anywhere else - it takes a lot of people to do all the traveling,editing and run a site with that level of features.

It' s not just the videos you pay for - insiders have a lot of great stories as well and it' s 8$ per 3 months so I' d argue about naming them " criminals" or sth like that.

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 18:41
Well IGN have tons of ads all over the place. That should give them enough income to keep stuff free. They' re pretty much selling every single inch of their site to advertises. The amount of ads have even made it a damn problem for visitors to view the site.
Ads between pages, ads in articles, ads around articles, ads before you can download a video, ads everywhere. And they still want you to pay. Fuck that!

IGN. Damn whores they are...

IGN is still a great site though. Sorry if I got a little emotional here..
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 3 May 06 10:41:55 >

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 19:25
It' s funny - many people are mad at nintendo that virtual console downloads won' t be free yet no one ever says things like " Xbox Live should be free" - and so on.

They shouldn' t sell new DS Lite!! they should' ve made it like that in the first place!

People who do things right can and should be paid for it - WAKE UP PEOPLE

subscribers (ign) don' t have ads -Ads are what you get when you don' t pay for it - that' s what I heard.

It' s not like they live to inform you - they inform you to live - and if they want to live nice , they have to inform you very well and I think they do that for their subscribers , and they do a great job of informing some of us cheap bastards too.

going back to MGS - if that trailer has Realtime footage - it' s awesome.

I know that many techniques are quite old , some effects are standard in most PC games today (but none of them look that close to movie somehow?) , but in the end is how you use those effects and I haven' t seen anything as impressive in overall on next gen 360 games yet.

The thing is it' s just a cutscene , so it' s not fair to compare the highest possible quality of cutscenes for gaming that Kojima can perform, to normal gameplay enviroment of games for 360.

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 20:34
About IGN, sure I know they have to get money somehow and their bussinessidea is smart. But why would I want to pay for membership when I can get the same stuff for free somewhere else?
They' ve got some exclusives I won' t get my hands on for some time but paying for it... nah that' s just their way of sucking money from jackasses. They could make that for free and still live on the ads the content will generate. But they won' t because they know suckers like us will pay them for it.
It' s company strategy, as much money as possible in the easiest possible way. I' m just saying I' m not going to fall for their strategy.

About MGS4. I was never impressed by the original trailers if concidering the graphics by pure power. The environments also looked pretty bad imo. What made me go wow was the art direction (as usuall), the animation, the cool angles (as in any MGS sequence) and the character details.
Other than that it was the least that I would expect from a next-gen title developed by a company like Konami.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 3 May 06 12:38:31 >

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 20:43

You don' t think that Sony' s deal with IGN and their GameSpy division to do PlayStation HUB is going to make them even more biased than they already are?! Even GameSpot get paid by Sony for no apparent reason. I despise both sites!

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 03, 2006 20:55
Mmmm there are Ads on IGN even if you pay for it, i pay for it, and i stil have Adds

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 04, 2006 00:21
I used to be an IGN Insider, before last E3, then around that time they made a lot of their stuff accessable to mainstreamers albeit at lower quality with a couple more ads.

So after my year with them expired I let it go, but I signed up as I remember back in college and after they had a lot of stuff as insider-only.
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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 04, 2006 04:42
sure most of the intersting insider articles are posted on forums anyway.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 04, 2006 08:46

I' m just saying I' m not going to fall for their strategy.


I' ve been an insider a long time ago , but lately the CHEAP BASTARD VERSION is enough for me , for HD videos I go to kikizo :)

You don' t think that Sony' s deal with IGN and their GameSpy division to do PlayStation HUB is going to make them even more biased than they already are?! Even GameSpot get paid by Sony for no apparent reason. I despise both sites!

Well in that case they (IGN) need to flame MS as much as they can , since Nintendo' s WI-FI service was also made with gamespy

Conspiracy theories at their best :)

Ginjirou - I totally agree about all that you said about MGS4 - those effects are quite common now but using them in cool ways is the key.

Mmmm there are Ads on IGN even if you pay for it, i pay for it, and i stil have Adds

My bad :)

Vx maybe you could post some cool articles from INSIDER - like Oblivion HEAD to HEAD and some other interesting features?

Vx Chemical
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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 04, 2006 16:36
Oblivion Head to Head, was actually the most boring head to head iv read! The PC version one, but only slightly, and if you had a Super Super PC.

But ill keep an eye out for cool articles :)

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 04, 2006 20:44
thanks :)

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 05, 2006 03:10
if that stuff is all real time, its pretty impressive. still, i want to see a breakdown of gameplay, not cinematic real time stuff.

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 05, 2006 05:48
And I want fries , coke and a toilet paper - supersized please :)

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 05, 2006 18:58
It' s certainly realtime but the actions are predetermined and so when factoring in user control, physics, AI and everything else that' s needed to be able to play the game, it' s obviously not going to look THAT good.

I don' t for one minute doubt that it will look nice, but i also don' t expect it to be on store shelves for another 18 months or so.

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 05, 2006 20:17
During thoe 18 months they should be able to make the game look as good as it did in the trailer or even better.
Isn' t that what you always say about other games majik? That when the development team gets extra time they can optimize the game and stuff like that. As with GRAW. Oh I forgot, this is a PS3 game so it' s a different story...

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 05, 2006 22:04
No no, that' s exactly the case. But as with every other MGS game, the cutscenes are of far superior quality to the actual gameplay.

Because it' s a cutscene and doesn' t require things like AI, it frees up processing power and enables developers to add post production effects.

It' s the same with Gears of War on 360 where some of the stuff that we' ve seen is obviously from a cutscene and looks of higher quality than the game looks when you' re playing it. This is from a cutcene...

...and the thing ingame doesn' t look like that.

I' m not saying that MGS will look bad ingame, just that i don' t expect the game to look as good as the cutscenes do, though as you noted, with 18 months left of development, the gameplay could very well look like the stuff we' ve seen so far with the cutscenes looking even better.

However, what we' ve seen so far has been little more than a tech demo, or at least that' s what i believe. It' s not an early build of the game, just an early build of the engine showing off what can be done.

I doubt we' ll see anything ingame at E3 either, just another cutscene like they do with all MGS games.

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 06, 2006 22:23
Okay.. I have decided.. I' m selling my 360

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 07, 2006 00:40
What... why?

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 07, 2006 08:05
Becuase ps3 is obviously the way of the future.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 07, 2006 17:25
Yeah that word future sure is right since it' s a loong wait before PS3 arrives and it' ll be an even loooonger wait before it' s got enough good games to be worth buying. And to some it will be even loooonger since they have to save up for one. So yes the PS3 is the way of the (distant) future. I prefer having fun today though...
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 May 06 9:25:49 >

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RE: MGS4 video demonstration - May 07, 2006 20:16