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Gamecube - Apr 30, 2006 04:33
As the Gamecube now comes to its end, was it a success or a failure?

Im not just talking about sales, im talking about the amount of quality games.

While it may not have sold too well compared to the PS2 I still think it was a quality console. With games such as the 2 Metroid Primes, Windwaker, Eternal Darkness and RE4 how could it not be quality.

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RE: Gamecube - Apr 30, 2006 04:48
I love the Gamecube and I think it would' ve be a crime not to give the world such a console.
The console itself was powerful yet cheap and the design was smart and it was small.
The lack of DVD-playback didn' t bother me at all since I just bought a separate one when the time was right.
The controller is the best analog-equipped I' ve used so far. Sure, the second analog stick wasn' t suitable for FPS games but who played FPS games for on the Gamecube anyway?
The amount of games was not as big as the amount of PS2 games but when it comes to exclusive AAA titles the Gamecube really did a good job. Concidering the price, previous and present, it' s worth buying a Gamecube for the " few" titles it has.
The smaller discs prevent piracy.
Though it may not have sold well, Nintendo actually made money selling it.
Great use of GBA connectivity.
The bad sales figures was honestly pretty good because if the Gamecube would' ve sold well then Nintendo would' ve never gotten the idea of the DS or the Revolution... I believe.
The quality of the hardware is superb as with every other Nintendo product. Nintendos products are made to last.

My only complaints:
The color. I' m very sure the Gamecube would' ve sold tons more if they had pearl white or platinum as original colors.
The marketing should' ve been better.
There should' ve been more games available and released during the consoles first year, as previously said by... whatever Nintendo guy it was.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 29 Apr 06 20:59:03 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: Gamecube - Apr 30, 2006 04:57
Out of the three, the GameCube was overall my 2nd favorite console this gen, the PS2 was #1 simply because of the sheer amount of games available and it covered more of the genres I liked.. However, the GameCube was my #1 favorite console to play multiplatform games on. I always bought the GameCube versions over the Xbox and PS2 versions.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Gamecube - Apr 30, 2006 05:00
Well I' m not so sure it was a success.

  • Poor 3rd party support
  • Good 1st party titles but few and far between
  • Very bad image with general public and many gamers
  • A number of multi-platform ports, that it' s fair to say were worse than PS2
  • GC exclusives, ported to PS2, taking away from it really. (RE4, Viewtiful Joe, Killer 7) heh, that Capcom... There are others though, Godzilla melee, monkey ball.. perhaps mystic heroes

Some very good games though, 60hz console option unlike PS2 (Sony had better get it right next time), and a simple freeloader disc in order to import.
NiGHTS into Dreamcast

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RE: Gamecube - Apr 30, 2006 05:19
Well out of the three the gamecube was my 2nd favourite first being xbox. I didn' t really like it from the offset partly because of the mini-disc which in my opinion was really awkward because it seemed like everyone moved on from that era plus there were only a couple of titles I bought and after playing them never really visited it again. But it was a good console don' t know about success but it was ok (could have done much better).

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RE: Gamecube - Apr 30, 2006 06:40
It had the best looking games of this generation - Metroid,F-Zero,RE series,Wind Waker in my opinion.

It had really awesome games.

SUCCESS - far from failure - I don' t care about most 3rd party games (the only ones I care are 3rd party loyal to Sony - Konami,Square and so on)

To be honest, I don' t think any of those 3 systems had a significant advantage over the others .

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RE: Gamecube - Apr 30, 2006 07:24
The Gamecube' s first party lineup can not be ignored. That, and the cheap cost for the public, make it appealing to consumers. Let' s face it: Smash Bros. Melee and the Metroid Primes were quite the reason for getting the system.

However, the library is quite small. If they had to lose for every system sold, they would smart after this gen.

Thank goodness Nintendo stays within what it can do financially while attempting to expand the business. Those are long term moves that bolster my faith in the company' s longevity. Meanwhile, I expect a casualty from the other two companies, Sony and Microsoft.
You wa Shock!!!

Vx Chemical
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RE: Gamecube - May 02, 2006 05:33
I own more gamecube games than i do xbox games, so i think its a success

Joe Redifer
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RE: Gamecube - May 02, 2006 10:25
Anything that has the best (and first) versions of Super Monkeyball plus F-Zero GX is considered a success in my book. Resident Evil 4 didn' t hurt, either.