my most finished games. from one game, i KNOW i finished it the most, but the rest is in no particulair order.
1> outrun. no matter what version, the arcade (most played), sega saturn version (second most played), megadrive, commodore 64, amiga 500, the first PC version with sound from your internal pc speaker, arcade system 16 emulator, mameox. this game made my taste change. at first i loved games like ghouls ' n ghost' s and stuff like that. but right after outrun that changed. from outrun till now, i am a dedicated racing nut
> ridge racer, ridge racer revolution, rage racer, ridge racer type 4, ridge racer V. especially the first psx version of ridge racer has been played to death, becouse this whas the first home game that had such excuisite texture mapping, and detailed surroundings for that time. and gameplay is sharp as a knife. but from those versions, ridge racer type 4 is still my favorite becouse of its technically exelence. i still can' t beleave its running just on a psx.
> virtua racing. especially the megadrive version with the Sega Virtua Processor in it amazed me gameplay and graphics whise. when i first hear' d the news, i laughed myself silly. the first screenshots that came avaiable where so ugly, and there weren' t anny games that even used smalltime polygon' s, so i never had some comparisement. the endresult whas (and still is) stunning in every way imaginable. all the vieuwpoints, all the tracks with lots of detail (cows, the trees, a cottage, and so on), and gameplay that gives you that " one more go" feeling if you are chasing after your own record.
> formula one 96. the first formula one game on psx i played so verry often. finaly a racing game with more than " just" 3 tracks like most arcade racers have (exept for outrun). with all those extra' s like brake help, abs, and that aid steering even a beginner can play this game and end it without to much of a fuss. but turn them off, and you really had to work for victory ! way exelent start to get me interested into forumula 1 racing.
all the above mentioned games i finished over 25 times. but outrun (even alone the arcade version) i finished verry much over 1000 times. the game stood for 5 years in a row in the arcades at scheveningen in holland, and EVERY weekend friday evening, and saturday evening, i went to hommerson funland to play this game. every evening, i played the game 50 times. it costed 1 gulden (old dutch current. now we have euro' s) for 1 credit. the megadrive version helped me saving some money, but i kept on going to scheveningen to play the orginal game. the sega saturn saved my life, and got me a arcade perfect version minus the demo when yhou leave the game alone. but who cares ? just as long as the game is the same, you will not hear me complain.