The Nintendo Wii

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Chee Saw
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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 20, 2006 07:00
Yeah, but taxes normally aren' t included when people are giving prices on new products. Plus a direct exchange rate is pretty much useless as retail prices are governed by local markets. Using the 599 Euro versus 599 U.S. prices as an example, our European brethren will be bending over, while, with Quezcatol and his Kronor, there will be some ankle grabbing involved (and not in a good way)!

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 20, 2006 19:24
That doesn' t sound good because the Xbox360 Core Pack costs 3000 SEK here so if the Wii costs 3000 SEK + tax then it' ll be more expensive than the 360.
I know direct exchange rates aren' t giving away the price in other territories but I figured it would be good for non-swedes to get an idea of how much money we' re talking about.
Are you sure taxes aren' t included because the 360 price was pretty much the same as the announced price. And the announced PS3 prices (in Europe) are inclusive taxes.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 20 May 06 11:41:50 >

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 20, 2006 21:54
At £425 we will be paying more for the PS3 than anybody!!!

It works out at 5,844.56 SEK or 625.152 EUR or 797.261 USD

In the states it will cost $599 for the 60Gb version, and we are being asked to pay the equivlent of $799???????

In comparison, the 360 premium unit only costs £280, so there' s a huge difference.

So 3000 SEK would translate to £218 and i fully expect Wii to cost £250 here, so will will be paying even more again!!!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 20 May 06 13:59:04 >

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 20, 2006 23:18
yeah, i' ve come to the conclusion that sony are just a bunch of money whores. " Let' s see here, how can we make this look cheap... Oh, i know, let' s make all of the system prices nice neat numbers that are somewhat like the U.S. ones."
" conversion rates? they don' t matter, as long as it' s in the ballpark of a few hundred, we' re probably okay, right? Right?"

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 20, 2006 23:34
How much does a loaf of bread cost in the UK?
Generic or name brand from a prominent grocery store.

Trying to see the cost of living.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 21, 2006 00:06
Yeah but I don' t think they' ll be making much of a profit even if they surge out of consoles when it launches will they? because I think they' ll still be making a considerable loss or have they managed to cut down on the costs?.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 21, 2006 02:01

How much does a loaf of bread cost in the UK?

80 pence.

Trust me, £425 is an awful lot on money to ask for a console.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 21, 2006 03:30
Comparing the Wii with the PS3 is laughable since the price difference is so incredibly huge. I' m more interested in comparing the 360 with the Wii since the prices aren' t that different. Maybe Microsoft will truly win the new generation. They' re not much more expensive than Nintendo and they' re not less powerful than Sony. And they' ve managed to get lots of exclusives. If they make some kind of motion-sensing device (they did create an Eye-toy-like thing) then Nintendo or Sony won' t be able to stand against Microsoft.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 21, 2006 03:57
I distinctly remember Sony saying, before all the bullshit, that PS3 wasn' t primarily a games console and would be so expensive you' d need to work more hours to be able to afford it.

Nintendo has kept saying Wii will be cheap, and it' s ceratin to cost less than $250, most likely $199 as long as their ISN' T another technological secret as is being speculated.

Sony will sell out on launch day, but i doubt they' ll a) have more than 2 million units for launch, b) manage to launch worlwide simultaneously and c) be able to overtake 360' s ever growing install base within the first 18 months if not longer.

Sony' s machine will hopefully look better and have a lot more going for it when TGS rolls around later this year, with all the REAL titles people wanted to see on display at E3 but never showed.

Microsoft does seem to be getting many more exclusives than Sony though (because they have the money to spend) and developers that at during the previous generation were " loyal" to Sony are starting to develop for 360.

It' s going to get interesting methinks!

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 21, 2006 08:32
I don' t know if any price higher than $199 will be low enough for the Wii to compete with the 360. Especially if the 360 gets a motion-sensing controller to.
$199 will work just great and I think that' s the price they' ll choose.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 21, 2006 20:18
I think that at this point 250 would be a disappointement.I' m not saying it' s not worth it - it surely is, but after some reports and initial comments leading to think that it might be as low as get the idea

250 is still really cheap for it , but the optimal price is 199 (anything lower than that is a fuckin " Christmas Mode" )

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 21, 2006 22:34
£199 is all i am willing to pay for a wii especially as i have never played it and honestly don' t know how good it' ll be. I am really hoping for a launch around £150 though.... or should i say, dreaming?
NiGHTS into Dreamcast

Mass X
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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 23, 2006 03:21
I was thinking, since the Wii is apparently a step-up for the industry...would you honestly want this method of gaming continued to further generations? Or is it best to leave this as a one-gen deal then move onto somthing new again?

Maybe this question is too early to ask.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 23, 2006 06:32
it' s definitely too early to ask but if it works you' ll get a next gen system after wii that will have both HD graphics and awesome interaction in games - I' d say it' s cool to combine all the competitors powers (well we can forget about Sony when we say this).

Anyway - if that won' t work - it' s cool to have one main typical gaming system and one crazy nintendo system with enormous fun factor as the second (or first for some) system.

Anyway I think making a HD Wii means creating the ultimate platform :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 22 May 06 22:33:40 >

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 23, 2006 08:22
don' t know if it warranted a new thread, as its most probably allready been posted, but here is the link to an EP ep of the red steel demo with controller again:

Love the " like a gansta " quote

Game Junkie
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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 24, 2006 09:10

I was thinking, since the Wii is apparently a step-up for the industry...would you honestly want this method of gaming continued to further generations? Or is it best to leave this as a one-gen deal then move onto somthing new again?

You just brought up a very interesting question. To be honest I don' t even think Nintendo knows what the next console after Wii will do. I hope they go back to their roots and try to give MS and Sony a quick kick in the nuts by beating them at their own game, that is to gain hardware superiority.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 24, 2006 18:44

ORIGINAL: Game Junkie

I hope they go back to their roots and try to give MS and Sony a quick kick in the nuts by beating them at their own game, that is to gain hardware superiority.

Iv' e been saying that for some time and it would really be nice to see nintendo try and drive them aside using their own approach with powerful and ' ' innovative' ' (that they love so much) hardware.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 25, 2006 19:41


I was thinking, since the Wii is apparently a step-up for the industry...would you honestly want this method of gaming continued to further generations? Or is it best to leave this as a one-gen deal then move onto somthing new again?

That question will have to wait until we' ve tried the Wii. The gaming world will have to decide whether it wants this as an industry standard or not.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 26, 2006 02:03
i think the nintendo is going to be hard as fucc excuse my language. and that super smash bros. brawl is going to be the beastest game for the wii and that new mario too.


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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 26, 2006 02:16

ORIGINAL: brick_boss


I really hope you' re black because...
...have you seen Rush Hour with Jackie Chan? You know when he enters that club and says " What' s up my nigga?" . What happens next is.. kind of ugly.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 26, 2006 02:22

think the nintendo is going to be hard as fucc excuse my language. and that super smash bros. brawl is going to be the beastest game for the wii and that new mario too.


< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 25 May 06 19:08:40 >

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 26, 2006 04:32


Haha, this guy is hilarious..

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 26, 2006 05:44
yeah ...that or he' s retarded that I think about it ...the second options seems more likely

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 26, 2006 06:08
I swear I feel so embarassed reading that .....I don' t talk like that and find it (no offense to anyone) quite insulting and retarded.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 26, 2006 08:43
Back on topic now.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 26, 2006 22:04
check this out if you live in UK :)

(and I know you do Majik huuhuhuh)

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 26, 2006 22:54

Sony' s goin' down...down down down...Sony' s goin' down!

I' m gonna buy all the launch titles!

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 26, 2006 23:13
The price thing is gonna be a factor when you walk into stores to compare the consoles. Also how much did gamcube launch for in the uk again?.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 26, 2006 23:49
£129 which was awesome, especially since Rogue Squadron II killed everything else out graphically at that time.

I spent months playing Super Monkey Ball and Sonic Adventure 2 into the early hours of the morning. I loved it then as much i i love it now.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 26 May 06 15:54:08 >

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 27, 2006 00:33
Rouge leader ...oh yeah :)

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 27, 2006 01:37
With a price like that it' s even more surprising how the gamecube did maybe it' s not about price... Anyhow i' m looking forward to what their package is going to include I keep hearing all sort of things.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 27, 2006 05:05

ORIGINAL: dasher232

...maybe it' s not about price...

The Gamecube was purple!
What more explanation do you need?

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 27, 2006 07:23
also it had only 2 good games on launch and then after few months some more came out.

They didn' t think to much about it I guess.But it' s different Nintendo now with Perrin , Reggie , IWata and Miyamoto they are doing some amazing things

Yamauchi was to old for this shit :)

Mass X
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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 27, 2006 07:44

The Gamecube was purple!

So is one my favorite Batman villians!

To be honest with you, since Im colorblind, I thought the damn thing was blue...

Chee Saw
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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 27, 2006 10:50


The Gamecube was purple!

So is one my favorite Batman villians!

To be honest with you, since Im colorblind, I thought the damn thing was blue...

You should put your eyeballs back in their sockets. That might help.

Chee Saw
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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 27, 2006 12:41

What do you guys think about the new controller?

Ergonomics? The cord? Analog stick placement? D-pad (Terry?)


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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 27, 2006 14:21
I' m fine with it. I thought they were going to go with a more N64-like design (I would have prefered that). I wonder why they didn' t just make the gamecube pad used for the VC, maybe the small d-pad would have caused problems...

Also, anyone else wondering exactly what that thing plugs into? I don' t remember any extra ports.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 27, 2006 20:46
Nintendo plans to ship 6 million units of Nintendo Wii worldwide by the end of financial year of 2006, and they expect to ship 17 million units of software. With their DS sells figures backing up their theory, I can see why.

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 27, 2006 23:55
Haha, they copied Sony' s parallell analog sticks. But as I' ve said, that' s because the d-pad will be the used more than the analog sticks when playing NES and SNES games.
The classic controller is not designed the same way as Sony' s controller so it actually looks more uncomfortable to use those analog sticks than to use those of the Dual Shock.
I' ve only seen that controllers front. I want to see it from all angles because that' s the only way I' ll be able to get an idea of the ergonomics. I like the similarities with the SNES pad so if there aren' t any hidden things below it that might affect the comfortability then it' s a good controller.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 27 May 06 16:09:57 >

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RE: The Nintendo Wii - May 27, 2006 23:58
Also, anyone else wondering exactly what that thing plugs into? I don' t remember any extra ports.

The control plug into the wiimote, like the nunchuck...

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