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Things that are currently bothering me
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Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 27, 2006 23:13
PENGUINS Why would i want to play as a penguin? Penguins are boring! I mean, there' s ice and the penguin slides about hopping around like a child that' s had too much sugar, and then there' s water to swim in. Is that good? I don' t know. PRE-RENDERED 3D How can you have pre-rendered and yet interactive 3D environments?! I' m truley puzzled. Just take the Resident Evil games before number 4, and discount the stupid Outbreak games and there you have pre-rendered backdrops. Big paintings with lots of detail that appear to be 3D because the camera never moves. How can you move the camera and keep that illusion of 3D?! 70% 1st PERSON Oblivion without the swords. That' s what i envision. It could work but i fear it would be more of a glorified tech demo to highlight the unique aspects rather than what i wanted. 70% is a lot and for a game that really should be completely 3rd person i think it' s too much. 30% is just too little for me! TRAMPOLINES & POGO STICKS They' re both rubbish. A pogo stick? No thanks! GOING BACK TO 1985 I don' t want to go back to 1985, i was only 2 years old then and would have chewed the controller and ruined my teeth. It may be a smart marketing move but what do you do next? 1 GAME FREE EVEY MONTH This isn' t actually bothering me. It' s good.   Somebody tell me that it' s going to be ok.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 28, 2006 08:39
Mass X
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RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 28, 2006 09:09
It' s going to be ok.
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RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 28, 2006 09:20
I always loved penguins its the best race in the world,yes im a racist but they are!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 28, 2006 09:23
ORIGINAL: Mass X It' s going to be ok. I sure hope so. But 70% 1st person?! It has me worried!
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 28, 2006 18:14
Dolphins? What about the supercharged dolphins, head eating and ice chewing. They are about to breakloose from the arctic shields surrounding their cave. I' d be most scared about that, and things arent going to be allright!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 28, 2006 18:43
Anything else you worried about?.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 28, 2006 18:54
Well i think you' re right VX, i think supercharged dolphins will probably make it into the game, ...maybe killer whales instead but vicious penguin eating tyrants all the same. The thing about THAT though, is that i wouldn' t really care about the penguin being eaten. What has me worried is actually having to play as a penguin. Today i' m adding... THE RIGHT SIDE OF MY BRAIN Not the left but the right. I personally don' t think they should use this technology to massage the right sides of our brains. Mine in particular. I think it' s wrong and i don' t think they know what the LONG-term effects could be. How do i know that the right side of my brain isn' t going to swell sfter playing as penguins and games that are 70% 1st person?! I mean, they want to trick your eyes and make you see things that will hurt your head!!! CAMS I hate shakeycams anyway but not being able to film the thing because the camera doesn' t SEE it. Man, that sucks Major Ruin' s ass and it means less footage, ...OBVIOUSLY!!! I like videos, collect em all and win a prize. Why do i want videos where you can' t see what you' re looking at?!
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RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 29, 2006 13:52
personally, I like penguins. They rock. But Majik... it will all be ok, see those nice men over there, they are going to take you to a nice little room with padding on the walls.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 29, 2006 13:57
PENGUINS Why would i want to play as a penguin? Penguins are boring! I mean, there' s ice and the penguin slides about hopping around like a child that' s had too much sugar, and then there' s water to swim in. Is that good? I don' t know. You must' ve hated the bear dancing among penguins in the Tekken 5 trailer
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- Location: Canada
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 29, 2006 14:04
I think the real question is... who WOULDN' T want to play as a penguin?
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 29, 2006 15:52
Did they catch all the dolphins trained by the military with mounted tranquilizers on their backs? I want to know if it is safe to swim again.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 29, 2006 20:28
I DON' T WANT TO PLAY AS A PENGUIN!!!! That may change, and when i actually see it i may completely change my mind and decided that penguins are ultra cool. But i doubt it. I suspect it will suck to play as a penguin...
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 29, 2006 21:18
Aw, come on, look at the bright side. Your character is already wearing a tux, so the penguin already has a great sense of style. Still... I want to know why this bothers you. I woke up and missed something big today, I know it. Enlighten me. Is there something announced where you play as a bird in tux? That being said, this is not unprecedented. I seem to remember playing Antarctic Adventure or something to that effect on the NES. That, and a penguin game where you control two penguins at the same time and navigate them around a maze. I can' t bother looking up the names. They were good though. Not great, good.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 29, 2006 21:41
I DON' T WANT TO PLAY AS HE BLOODY PENGUIN!!!! Why didn' t the make it a polar bear or something cool?!
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 29, 2006 21:58
 A polar bear??? Man, if there was an option for both, I' d be good ol' Chilly Willy. You can be the bear that gets pwnd every episode. What are we talking about again? That which bothers you? Why? ...My head hurts, and I know it wasn' t Kenshiro & co.' s fault.
< Message edited by vdig -- 29 Apr 06 9:01:02 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 29, 2006 22:32
All the stuff i posted earlier is bothering me, and at some point YOU will ahve to deal with it too. I mean, forget the Penguin for a minute, forget that game. -- 70% 1st person?! That' s just wrong!
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 29, 2006 22:45
Hmm. 70% first person. That sounds like Hellgate: London. Melee only is 3rd person. Shooting is 1st person. Plays like Diablo. I' m still trying to wrap my head around that one. Sounds cool, but sounds like it can backfire easily. What bothers me is EB Games. They say the game I want is delayed two days, and then my sister grabs the game in question later THE SAME DAY I CALLED! Honestly. Surely they shouldn' t peeve their clients like that. And before you reply, I know: your name is not Shirley.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 29, 2006 22:51
Hey, this is about Things that are currently bothering me The 70% should also be in 3rd person, especially if it' s a true sequel as has been claimed. It needs to be 100% 3rd person!
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
RE: Things that are currently bothering me
Apr 29, 2006 23:01
I wonder, should it also be 100% isometric? Good grief, I HATE that camera angle. They better give you an option for full 3rd person, irregardless of equipment then, huh? I think they might have said that somewhere. I hate being strapped for cash. I can not buy all the games I want to play. That sucks. Penguins bothering you? Throw a Prinny at ' em. Remember: they explode when thrown.
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