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Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
You Favorite Developers
Apr 27, 2006 17:56
We all have some developers that we always keep on eye on, and anticipate what they are doing, we buy their games even though the reviews might not always be super good? Mine is Blizzard and Bioware, those two are without fault in my eyes, and as some say love makes you blind, but all their games are perfect in my eyes!
Joe Redifer
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RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 27, 2006 18:05
Me favorite developers? Well, let' s see: In no particular order: Konami Sega Capcom The Burnout Revenge people The Crimson Skies people Nintendo Taito Treasure Namco Hudson Soft Others.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 27 Apr 06 10:06:39 >
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RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 27, 2006 20:40
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RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 27, 2006 22:12
I have to say that most of my favourite devs have disappointed me lately...but some never did. Nintendo Sega - AM2 at least Capcom (especially Clover Studios) Square-Enix Blizzard Treasure Silicon Kights (Eternal Darkness alone made them heroes in my eyes) The ones I' d love to see out of bussiness are: Rockstar games EA Bioware - if Mass Effect will be another crap with stupid issues -like Jade Empire (cause I really loved KOTOR)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 27 Apr 06 14:13:41 >
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RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 27, 2006 22:15
Have to say Sega Ea Acclaim Ubisoft Tecmo
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RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 28, 2006 00:39
SimBin/Blimey ISI Warthog and Papyrus before they died Bullfrog and Origin before they died  Valve/Crytek/Bethesda/NC Soft/iD/Monolith/Gearbox/Remedy/Ion Storm Konami/Capcom/Namco/Squaresoft/Polyphony Digital/Criterion/Tecmo Quite like Rockstar aside from the latest GTAs. EA can go shag a tree... [:' (]
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RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 28, 2006 01:24
Basically Joe' s list minus Burnout and Crimson Skies people (Never played either well one crash thing in burnout which I liked) sorry for taking it In no particular order: Konami Sega Capcom Nintendo Taito Treasure Namco Hudson Soft Camelot Software/Sonic Software Planning Well Square and Enix sometimes Others. This reminds of something I have been meaning to find out for a while.
Game Junkie
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RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 28, 2006 03:04
Bioware-a canadian developer that doesn' t know how to make anything but a AAA game. Silicon Knights-a bunch of old vets that have been together for over a decade. When I think of these guys I think of Too Human, which they have been eager to finally release since it was schedualed on ps1. Mark my words, the Too Human trilogy will be one of the master pieces on 360. Obsidian-A reletivley new developer that has been founded by five veterans from other succesful development companies. These guys were basically sick of rushing out games to make the highest profit margins. They just want to make the best games. Bethesda-These guys are nuts, the amount of work they put into games like Morrowind and Oblivion is unparellel. Not to mention the fact that these games kick ass. Nintendo-What could i possible say about them that everyone already knows? Well I dislike them for milking the Mario franchise without making true mario platforms (mario soccer,baseball,golf etc.). But when i see games like Super Smash Bros. and the new Zelda: Twilight Princess I feel like selling my 360 for Rev. money (well not quite). Bungie-Actually I' m not sure if I would call them one of my favorite developers. I' m just giving them the benefit of the doubt while hoping that Halo 3 will be as good as it can be. Epic- Epic created unreal engine 3, not to mention all the previous Unreal engines along with countless games based on Unreal engines. Infact you can expect most of the AAA games to use Unreal 3. Crytek-I never played Far Cry, but have you guys seen the new Crytek Engine, holy shit! These guys aren' t fucking around. I' m sure there' s others I' m forgetting but these are the ones that come to mind mostly because you guys already mentioned most of them.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 28, 2006 03:32
Okay im gonna be serious for a while... Square-enix Konami Bioware rare Valve Blizzard Ubi soft These spit out gold :)
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RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 28, 2006 04:30
In no order either: Sega Capcom SNK (orig, now dead) Nintendo Treasure Namco Tecmo Konami
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 28, 2006 04:58
1) ubisoft 2) Capcom 3) Squareenix 4) Kojima production 6) Nintendo 7) sony
Terry Bogard
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RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 28, 2006 09:46
In exact order: PRESENT Sega Konami Capcom Namco Treasure Nintendo Cave Psikyo Tecmo Hudson Soft Atlus In no particular order: PAST Alpha Denshi Romstar SNK Kaneko Irem Technosoft Taito Data East Toaplan American Sammy Technos Japan Telenet / Sin Nihon Gametek (Well umm err, their games sucked but it was the first and the only game company I ever visited/snuck into and they were really nice about it!) Sega Konami Capcom Namco Treasure Nintendo Cave Psikyo Tecmo Hudson Soft
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 28, 2006 12:39
Alpha Denshi = SNK just like AM2 = Sega.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 28, 2006 12:48
But but their development styles are so different! Were they always one and the same back when Magician Lord was first released or was Alpha acquired later on? Neo Geo games under the Alpha Denshi label tend to look a lot more colorful, and use a richer palette of colors compared to stuff listed under SNK. The gameplay and music style also seems pretty different.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 28, 2006 14:52
They were just a development team inside of SNK like AM2 is inside of Sega. I saw a bunch of info about it all smewhere on Neo-geo.com. I sure the team members were just separated and assimilated into making nothing but fighting games and a Metal Slug here and there. By the way my Blue' s Journey (brand new never been opened or played) should arrive tomorrow. $28. coming with it is Ghost Pilots. Blue' s Journey better not have even one annoying sound. OK I found this on the internet, which means it is true since the internet is always correct: ADK/Alpha Denshi started out as the so-called Alpha Team in SNK, but was apparently turned into its own legal entity sometime during the course of the eighties. Alpha/ADK is responsible for several classic games published under the SNK brand, and may be described as a first or second party developer for its mother company.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 28 Apr 06 6:55:07 >
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RE: You Favorite Developers
Apr 28, 2006 15:08
1 Bungie 2 Blizzard 3 3D Realms 4 id Software 5 Ubisoft 6 Sega They' re my favorites and I watch what they do but I don' t buy all the games of any developer. List of Hate EA EA EA EA .... you get the idea oh yeah add Team Ninja to the favorites list, not Tecmo as a whole though.
< Message edited by locopuyo -- 28 Apr 06 7:10:53 >
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RE: You Favorite Developers
Jun 02, 2008 22:31
id Software...
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RE: You Favorite Developers
Jun 02, 2008 23:47
My favorite developers are: Sega- just for shenmue and virtua fighter. Nintendo- for mario and Zelda capcom- for resident evil, street fighter, devil may cry konami- for metal gear solid and silent hill tecmo- for dead or alive and ninja gaiden and I forgot of the name of this horror game they make. namco- for soulcalibur and maybe tekken I kind of lost interest in tekken series.
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