What would yer dream female/male look like?

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What would yer dream female/male look like? - Apr 18, 2004 03:04
(Just got thru the Babe section if the site)

Female for starters
Would probably be my hight or a lil shorter (Im only 5' 8)
Some tatoos and peircings(nothin overly excessive)
Som1 who isnt a diet freak (a lil cushion is ok with me )
-Sheesh I might as well say skater chick-
o and of course is as much a gamer as me!

I would go more in depth but im a very lazy person (which is why I excluded personality)

I hope my girlfriend wont find this and ask why i didnt specifically describe her...

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RE: What would yer dream female/male look like? - Apr 18, 2004 03:07
6' 0, pleasurably plump with some curves, and a good sense of humor. That' s all I ask for.

Terry Bogard
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RE: What would yer dream female/male look like? - Apr 18, 2004 07:27
I knew back in high school and Junior high school what my dream female would look like - her and I attended those same schools.

AMAZINGLY enough and I am NOT joking, she looked VERY much like Grace from the original Sega FIGHTING VIPERS game and get this, her name was Graciela, and people called her Grace for short.

I have scratched my head over that utterly amazing bit of coincidence for a long time. I swear if you saw her back then you' d swear they modeled the game character after her. The fact that they shared the same first name damm near freaked me out.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 4/18/2004 7:28:31 AM >

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RE: What would yer dream female/male look like? - Apr 18, 2004 12:33
The ideal female would be a women with lots of curves, tan body, thick lips, green eyes, long black hair. A good sense of humor would be good too!

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RE: What would yer dream female/male look like? - Apr 18, 2004 16:51
I am a sucker for a pretty boy. Has to be taller than me, but that isn' t too hard. I am also a sucker for eyes, doesn' t matter the colour, they just have to have something about them. Other than that, looks don' t really matter (depsite the pretty boy comment), I like a neatly groomed person, who takes care of themselves (and has hair that is shorter than mine).

Personality really is the key, looks just help sell the package

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RE: What would yer dream female/male look like? - Apr 28, 2004 18:38
my dream Chick would look like Angelina Jolie. nothing changed. her. see is a godess. i love Raven haired women. i think it is a complex. Angelina

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RE: What would yer dream female/male look like? - Apr 30, 2004 15:26
basically, my girl friend. no kidding. and she doesnt even know i post here so im not sucking up or anything.

shes shorter than me (about 5' 5), blue eyes, tan, blonde hair, NICE body and a good sense of humor. oh, and shes a millionaire, but thats just an added perk

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RE: What would yer dream female/male look like? - May 27, 2004 20:34
hmm.. I would think naturally slim i.e. no gut, no big but. Really chest is not so important as overal slimness. I would take a girl with no chest who has no body fat over a chick with size c or larger with 20 extra pounds flabbing off her.

Otherwise my dream chick simply takes care of her body, i.e. teeth, showers, doesnt smoke, no drugs, does not drink excessively or slut around. Nobody wants yesterday' s dirty laundry.

Really face and skin color mean nothing to me. As long as you werent beat with an ugly stick a man can grow to love any face.

If your overweight, (if your over 40 lbs over your your heights body weight then medically your referred to as " Morbidly Obese" ) then I suggest you work on losing some weight.

Seriously, I have never seen an ugly skinny girl. Well, not so ugly that I would not consider at least a date. But I have seen plenty of fat girls that I wouldn touch with a cattle poker.

Same goes for guys: Cant get a chick? Well you need to lose all that weight fatboy, and im not talking 20-30 lbs and your good. Im talking lose it all. Your chances of getting girl with no body fat is much better then with 20 extra pounds..theres no gender barrier there.

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RE: What would yer dream female/male look like? - May 28, 2004 04:07
Kaoru Dono! ...Oro?

No really, I have no idea. I' ll let you know when I find her.