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SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 01:40
I got this off IGN and if it has been posted b4 i m sorry for the repost...

Rob Fahey 17:28 24/04/2006
Software emulation for backwards compatibility progressing well, claims source

Key elements of the technology for PlayStation 3 - including the PlayStation Network Platform and the software to enable back-compatibility with PS and PS2 games - are being worked on at Sony' s UK studios, has learned.

Sources at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe have revealed that technology for the PlayStation Network Platform is being developed at Sony' s London studio, under the internal name of " PlayStation HUB" .

This tallies in with our earlier report about the progress in developing a billing system for the platform with the Royal Bank of Scotland, with testing on that aspect of the network system due to begin next month.

However, as yet it' s not clear whether PlayStation HUB is the final name for the system which will be used in the company' s marketing, or if a more consumer-friendly name will be chosen before the PS3 launches in November.

Elsewhere in Sony' s UK division, other teams are working on the backwards compatibility for the PlayStation 3 - which, one programmer on this project has revealed to, will be accomplished in software rather than by building the PS2 hardware into the PS3 console, as was the case with the PS2' s emulation of the PSone.

Sony has already pledged that all PS2 games which adhered to the company' s TRC (technical requirements checklist) will be playable on the PS3 - and according to our source, the software emulation system is progressing well and may indeed meet that lofty goal.

He claimed that a surprising number of PS2 titles are already working on PS3 prototype hardware, and revealed that the emulation tricks being used to mimic the behaviour of the notoriously complex PS2 processors are getting whole swathes of game titles up and running on an ongoing basis.

While our source was positive about the progress being made on backwards compatibility, the team is undoubtedly working under fierce deadline pressures - as if the vast, vast majority of the PS2' s software library is not up and running by November, it will be hugely embarrassing for Sony in the wake of the company' s frequent touting of compatibility with an existing software library as one of the key features of PS3, and one of its key advantages over the Xbox 360.


Didn' t Sony criticize about MS using emulation and that all their games would be backwards compatible from launch? Didn' t Sony also say that their online service would be free? This doesn' t look like either is going to happen.

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 02:21
No, Sony said that their " basic" online service would be free. That, SHOULD include online play, with only additional game content and HD media being charged for. However, i' m not holding my breath for that to work quite like they say.

The emulation thing is exactly what people should have expected. I would guess that the initial plan was to include the actual technology required to play PSone and two games inside the PS3, but that has changed due to size issues of the hardware.

They' re looking to slim the tech down enough to fit it inside the cases and this is obviously one of the ways they are doing it. It' s fine, but it means that they may encounter the same problems as 360 has already, and i doubt they' ll be more than a few hundred titles ready for launch.

That being said, ...i think the people who criticized Microsoft overly were out of order as it' s emulating Xbox games and the one that run do run well enough. Their were issues with slowdown in games like Ninja Gaiden and DoA3, and some graphical issues in Halo 2 but they have since been sorted out. For an example of 360 backwards compatability that' s perfect, you only need to look at Black.

The only thing i am still pissed about is the lack of my favourite games. I really want toi be able to play Oddworld: Strangers Wrath, Conker: Live & Reloaded, Doom3, DoAU etc, ...and i can' t yet.

Microsoft should be adding 50 more games in June if the rumours hold true, and i don' t see why not. But they need to be the best 50 games on Xbox or i' ll be super pissed.

I also expect Microsoft to make online play free before PS3 launches. That' ll be nice!

Sony are full of shit,' s that simple. Smoke and mirrors is all you get. Lets see what happens at E3.

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 03:01
Sony bore' s me so much and even more so with ever passing day when e3 dawns upon us i' m only really interested to see microsoft' s and nintendo' s announcements not ruling sony out ....they just *yawn* bore me.

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 04:28
I' ll be interested in sony when we get results, but so far, all it' s been is talk and a very much empty box.
I' ll be impressed if they can fit all the hardware into that case, but i honestly won' t be dissapointed either if they can' t. it' s not like we wouldn' t be expecting it. as long as it isn' t X-box huge, i' ll be fine. But knowing sony, it' ll be 3 years before a downsized version hits the market.

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 05:53
Hey let me say whats up ok with that said I would just like to say trust sony they will come strong they may fall on some thing but hey they hav always come strong just wait man they may say one thing and go another way than what they said but trust them man the ps3 will rock hard just check out the ps2 man thats still an great system thats an classic kinda like the nes its not that they were lieing shit happends just trust em i like the xbox 360 but i would rather have an ps2 i just love great game play it microsofts lies to lol but hey shit happens lolbut sony has never let me donw with that sexy gameplay but hey well see

oh who wants some on halo 2 my gametag is mikay d ( halo2 has sexy gameplay 2 )

I' ll See ya

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 06:29

as long as it isn' t X-box huge

Well the case they shwoed at E3 last years and GDC then TGS is bigger than 360. I can' t see it being smaller than that at launch!

I would just like to say trust sony they will come strong they may fall on some thing but hey they hav always come strong just wait man they may say one thing and go another way than what they said but trust them man the ps3 will rock hard

Another dumb kid who grew up with PS2?!

Trust Sony?!

Are you on medication?!

microsofts lies too

I won' t contradict that, ...but maybe you can give us a specific example where they have purposefully misled gamers regarding their platform?!

oh who wants some on halo 2 my gametag is mikay d ( halo2 has sexy gameplay 2 )

That' s going in the thread of idiot quotes...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 25 Apr 06 22:30:12 >

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 07:03

ORIGINAL: mikayd2

Hey let me say whats up ok with that said I would just like to say trust sony they

trust them man the ps3 will rock hard just check out the ps2 man thats still an

great system

shit happends just trust em

shit happens lol but sony has never let me donw with that sexy gameplay
oh who wants some on halo 2 my gametag is mikay d ( halo2 has sexy gameplay 2 )

I' ll See ya

This is the kinda post you read and feel much more stupid than you were before reading it and gives you a headache....' shit happens man' ...did I forget to say ' shit happens man' ...' trust em' dog poops....' trust em' . This is what i' m presuming happens when your a sony fanboy. Nah but seriously sexy gameplay? there' s nothing sexy about anything sony does (not to me anyway). I don' t wanna insult you just incase you are indeed a non english speaker...but thanks for your input was......something.

gochhh Sexy game play though? next he' ll be saying ' yeah I just love the way the ps2 looks when i' m hittin that ass..' *rolls eyes* fanboys...crazy breed.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 25 Apr 06 23:08:15 >

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 08:25
2pac I don' t need to read anything posted here to tell you that Sony lies everytime it has the ocasion :)

I just hope that PS3 is more powerful than PS2 :)

But seriously I hope that it won' t be that bad this time - I mean as bad as it was with PS2 (Matrix promised, High-Res PSX delivered)

I know PS2 has the best games (in overall) , but it would' ve been much better to have them sharp and clean and so on.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 26 Apr 06 22:04:40 >

Joe Redifer
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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 09:07
I' m sick of SONY' S LIES!!! Just last week Sony told me that we' d be together forver. Only two days later I find Sony cheating on me with ANOTHER GAMER! LIES LIES LIES!

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 09:10
Could somebody please tell me the lies about the PS2 please?
I know about the 66 or so million polys
(MS 150 mil I heard people saying that was a trillion or billion)
I new about PS2 but the Dreamcast had most of my attention at the time.

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 10:05
I really really really really really don' t blinking bloody care!!!

What I want to know is why am i drinking Budweiser when i don' t like it?!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 26 Apr 06 2:06:14 >

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 13:32
@Majikdra6on Check this out I am in no way a fan boy of Sony’s man I just like good game play man that’s all. I didn’t ounce talk shit upon any of the two companies I just said I love game play and no dumb ass I am not an kid I am an grown man. Granted I may talk or I may not have the proper grammar as your dumb ass but hey that’s cool
I' m Am Sorry for my Ignorance. Anyway the ps2 is a sexy piece of hardware.

And yes ms dose lie I don’t have to post anything hell look at the past windows 98 lol ms surely lie' s but hey it’s cool

@dasher232 I like you style my man yes I am American and I speak English an no I am not a fan boy I just like sexy shit like the BMW 7 series now I know you have to agree with me on that BMW are dame sexy lol but hey man I think your cool lets play some of that sexy as halo 2 sometime. Peace out my man and fuck Majikdra6on (I say that because he thinks he way to smart In America we have this saying about people with there head up there ass lol fuck em ) Majikdra6on you could have been more nice to my post dumb ass . Is that good English for you?

But really Majikdra6on I’ am Sorry my Ignorance so lets be cool I sorry for calling you and dumb ass lol peace out my man goodnight

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 15:51
If you actually were " an grown man" and posted that.... wow I don' t know what to say.... I' m lmao so hard
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 17:59
Oh, you' re American. Well that partially explains it then!

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 18:19

ORIGINAL: mikayd2

@Majikdra6on Check this out I am in no way a fan boy of Sony’s man I just like good game play man that’s all. I didn’t ounce talk shit upon any of the two companies I just said I love game play and no dumb ass I am not an kid I am an grown man. Granted I may talk or I may not have the proper grammar as your dumb ass but hey that’s cool
I' m Am Sorry for my Ignorance. Anyway the ps2 is a sexy piece of hardware.

And yes ms dose lie I don’t have to post anything hell look at the past windows 98 lol ms surely lie' s but hey it’s cool

@dasher232 I like you style my man yes I am American and I speak English an no I am not a fan boy I just like sexy shit like the BMW 7 series now I know you have to agree with me on that BMW are dame sexy lol but hey man I think your cool lets play some of that sexy as halo 2 sometime. Peace out my man and fuck Majikdra6on (I say that because he thinks he way to smart In America we have this saying about people with there head up there ass lol fuck em ) Majikdra6on you could have been more nice to my post dumb ass . Is that good English for you?

But really Majikdra6on I’ am Sorry my Ignorance so lets be cool I sorry for calling you and dumb ass lol peace out my man goodnight

Well mikay thank you but I think I would have to disagree with you once again bmw 7 series..not my kinda thing I hate big cars, people with them usually have something to prove (or maybe it' s an american/british thing)....I like stuff like the vauxhall vx22 cos i' m childish, lol.

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 22:15
that' s pathetic from you Mikayed, are u one of those that try to do any fucking thing stupid to be different. people who don' t speak well english don' t make mistakes like " thats still an great system" , i guess you have a certain level of english way beyond that stupid mistake... and it is just childish to make that in purpose... and what the hell is your purpose , looking like a fucking moron ??

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 23:42

I' m Am Sorry for my Ignorance. Anyway the ps2 is a sexy piece of hardware.

Another quote for the stupid quote threads. Majik=1, Mikay=-3. This really isnt an interesting game.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 26, 2006 23:53
What was mine again?

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 27, 2006 00:25
No, thats not a total of stupid quotes, thats a total of valid points made. Hence his (-3)
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 27, 2006 00:32
Oh ok.

He' s young i think.

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 27, 2006 00:42
Nah I don' t think he is because he says he' s a grown man (unless that was a smokescreen).

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 27, 2006 02:24
The people on this site really have some problems lol
Everyone really needs to calm down

Just because you like something doesn' t mean you are a biased fanboy.
I mean really. I didn' t see any hating.
If I was a to say anything I would have to say some of you seem to
magically be just short of a fanboy with similar the stats.

Oh I was serious about the lies Sony told in regards to their.
Can someone tell me?

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 27, 2006 02:35
he says he is " an grown man"

Someone should find out who he is,print this thread out, and give it to him in 5 years.
< Message edited by locopuyo -- 26 Apr 06 18:35:46 >
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 27, 2006 02:38
The forums have been boring lately. Looks like today is no different!

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 27, 2006 06:14
Hey what’s up lets just get back to the sexy ass hardware . Dam my English and the way I talk lets just talk about games immortaldanmx & Majikdra6on lets just chill and for the record I am 22 years of age and I live in the USA Kansas city so lets just get our game on. Ok with that said

Who thinks the 360 is sexy I know I do graw looks way to sexy very nice and has some great game play. I can’t wait to see if Sony is telling the truth or not lol well see

But sorry Majikdra6on for saying such bad things to you so lets talk games and just that ok

Who thinks the rev is going to be sexy

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 27, 2006 06:31
You have something about this sexy thing iv' e never looked at my hardware in that way. And i was watching this programe one time about people attracted to their computers an stuff and they called it technophilia (*rolles eyes and thinks what the worlds comin to*)...funnily enough it was american anyway mikay I wanted to ask you a question are you a ' technophile' ?

Everyone sing along you know the words ' i' m to sexy for my rev too sexy ps3 too sexy 360' da dum da da dum da da dum....i' m too sexy for this thread....

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 27, 2006 06:40
I guess it' s because " Sexy" has become the new word for fancy design, cool looks and almost anything.

Sexy is definitely being overused lately ...they say that about everything

Conclusion: Sexy isn' t that Sexy anymore

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 27, 2006 06:49
Will somebody please start an interesting thread...

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RE: SONY LIES ??? - Apr 27, 2006 06:58


I guess it' s because " Sexy" has become the new word for fancy design, cool looks and almost anything.

Sexy is definitely being overused lately ...they say that about everything

Conclusion: Sexy isn' t that Sexy anymore

Yeah I think it' s an american thing like calling everything hot where in britain we might say oh it' s awfully cold today they say ' that' s hot' ...we say the carborator' s worn out they say ' that' s hot' we say your mum' s dead she fell off a cliff they say..' that' s totally hot' . Yeah this thread is going nuts....I mean bonkers.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 26 Apr 06 22:58:32 >