I really can' t think of many games with timers on them that I played alot
I actually played besides Skies of Arcadia[DC(I know more than 50 maybe 80)GC??]
and Phantasy Star Online(DC??) (GC 500 or so)
Saturn games I know I played alot Snes and genesis Playstation rpgs PS2 stuff
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door 89:51
on PSO is actually 544:20 with one character

I have from 10 to 12
not mention those with the most ours had got erased for one reason or another at
high levels...this looks bad..

OH this in mostly offline
I shouldn' t count PSO as it is not a game with a regular end
I search for stuff and try different things alot in games even BlazingHeroes/Mystaria (like trying to last as long as possible on Juza in the first fight with him in that undergroung place)
< Message edited by Kannon -- 20 Apr 06 6:46:16 >