Gamespot has never explained why they get paid by SONY.
It was in their budget report.
Well right after shenmue article they pointed out that someone said sonic was gonna be announced and show,and they was right,on the date,either they know someone at Sega or they stealing from a site who knows people at sega :)
" To Kikizo: I’m sorry your site has a need to augment traffic and ad revenue by posting fraudulent, misleading content. I’m sorry your staff lacks the journalistic training and integrity to provide visitors with accurate, quality content and instead resorts to supplying them with useless conjecture, rumors, and flat out lies. I’m sorry your parents never told you “cheaters never win†when you were all growing up."
LoL fuck him.
I already said how i found kikizo,people at and gamespot where talking how Kikizo had some nice video interview ans clips froms e3,also they had a great video of zelda twilight princess.
Then i came,i never came here for any fale news or stuff like that as he claims they lure people with,i came for the videos which i got.
Btw i gotta tell a story,which i told after the shenmue3 thing.
Swedens biggest gaming magazine was " superplay" its still exist,but the creator did a new magazine called " reset" after they got bought by a danish publisher,well Tobias Bjarneby,who is a true FF lover,said he had some source at square-enix who claimed the game would never hit anything near 2005 seeing how one of the employers has told him matsuno was also sick and was gonna leave thr project for working at mistwalker,well some months later he left dirctor spot stated he had a sickness that could not let him keep on working,but never joined mistwalker or hasnä' t yet.
SHould i claim Tobias lied?
When he had 50%?
Some sites like to report things they heard,i do belive in the shenmue 3 article but it may never happend that it does come out.
As wuth squareenix i think some employ at the work had a dull moment and wanted to give out some fuss,or like to use is mouth ;)
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 22 Apr 06 22:13:53 >