Idiot vs Kikizo

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Idiot vs Kikizo - Apr 19, 2006 20:43
I like it here. Y' know, if you go to sites like... well, those other gaming sites, all yu get it kids posting from school talking about how their friend got a game for his PSp called " Full Metal Jacket: The Game" and how it updated his firmware to 4.0 and has loads of really cool features that nobody else has.

Forums on other sites suck.

So when i came accrsso the following blog earlier today, i was confused. How could the guy get it so very wrong?!

It' s regarding Kikizo, Adam and in a roundabout way, you and me (wouldn' t be " you and i" here would it?)

What really made me laugh is where it says...

I assure you there are many upstanding, legitimate sites with plenty of up to date, accurate information - sites like IGN, Gamespot, and 1UP. Unlike Kikizo, these larger sites are held accountable for their actions, and have no motivation to lie to you so openly and frequently. If you’d prefer to utilize non-corporate, smaller sites I suggest HonestGamers.

Read it yourself...

The original article he refers to is here...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 22 Apr 06 19:33:32 >

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 20, 2006 01:01
....i think Adam forgot to pay someone...
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 20, 2006 01:26
Despite the writer' s need-for-attention attempt at bashing, it twas a funny read. But as he will realize one day, Life goes on!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 20, 2006 01:38
How come I never heard of this before?

anyway it dosent matter, alltough I have to admit his arguement is not completely unfounded, trying to bash Kikizo is silly, and then to claim that Adam lost his head and started insulting him is really unbelieveable, I am sure he would not do that.

Its just one man trying to bash Kikizo, Adam, do you have any say on this?
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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 20, 2006 02:26
Calling IGN, Gamespot and bloody 1up...

upstanding, legitimate sites with plenty of up to date, accurate information

...he' s evidently uber-misguided!!!

Adam interviewed Microsoft' s Scott Henderson, was on video and i watched it. And yet this guy refers to Kikizo as...

a small time, low powered site


The guy' s a bloody " forum monkey" ...

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 20, 2006 02:37
I am shocked and appalled at Kikizo' s blatant lying to us. If you have about thirty people working on fabricating such extravagant lies such as the ones they pass off for news, not a single one of them would have leaked the fact that they' re lying to us.

I swear, the nerve of some people.

This guy has serious issues with reality. He doesn' t know if they got to play with a ps3 or not. and frankly, he won' t know untill launch. He " knew" that everything on this site was false, because of one interview with Yu Suzuki, didn' t correspond to another.

What' s this? game companies don' t have it together, nah... it must be the website' s fault.

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 20, 2006 02:59
Well what he said was that Kikizo had claimed to...

claimed to have a working Playstation 3

...when they didn' t.

Kikizo has been able to sneak in some time at not just one, but three PS3 developers in multiple territories

Now, just how many sites are based, or have staff based in the UK?! My guess is that Kikizo is the largest and most well known. We all know Adam has industry contacts, so the fact that Kikizo got to play with some dev-kits is completely realistic, even more so if one of the developers is based in the UK.

It' s impossible in invalidate the article. The guys just some idiot. He' s not the only one though, ...i' ve spotted others who claim the same stuff about Kikizo telling lies, ...but no doubt they all originated from the same source. Some SEGA nut who was unhappy about Suzuki' s lack of input in the development of Shenmue 3 probably!

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 20, 2006 03:50
Well you can say things like that about any site - news come from people and editors pass them over , so from time to time articles are wrong.

I hope that' s not the case with Shenmue ... :(

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 20, 2006 07:50

I am shocked and appalled at Kikizo' s blatant lying to us. If you have about thirty people working on fabricating such extravagant lies such as the ones they pass off for news, not a single one of them would have leaked the fact that they' re lying to us.

Breaking news! Nintendo has been Just bought out by Microsoft, our leading Man Adam Doree, has this to say " uhhh yea its true, I got the tee-shirt"

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Vx Chemical
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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 20, 2006 19:36
funny stuff.

Sounds like that guy has some emotional issues!

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 22, 2006 22:01
Sound like the guy needs a slap!

Like i said though, it' s not just that one guy, he' s simply joined the small bandwagon of accusers. Started no doubt by some self-proclaimed Yu Suzuki' s number biggest fan who could make sense of two different interviews.

I mean, far as i know Suzuki doesn' t speak much English and so there would have been a translator involved, ...and if it wasn' t face to face it would have been over the phone which is obviously worse. So Suzuki said something different in another interview, he didn' t say what Kikizo had reported was a lie like this fruit would have you believe.

Kikizo has a good relationship with Sega, everybody knows that. They also have the biggest and best collection of VF5 test location videos anywhere on the net.

I hope the cams they get from E3 are relatively steady though with a good, straight on view of the action. I hate cams but they' re better than nothing!

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 01:49
I' ll quote his latest text so that his site doesn' t gets tons of visitors, which I guess he probably wants.

After the controversy surrounding my recent post calling into question the integrity of certain articles featured on I feel a thorough, public apology is due, both to Kikizo, and the Internet community as a whole - as well as a personal apology to Adam Doree.

To Kikizo: I’m sorry your site has a need to augment traffic and ad revenue by posting fraudulent, misleading content. I’m sorry your staff lacks the journalistic training and integrity to provide visitors with accurate, quality content and instead resorts to supplying them with useless conjecture, rumors, and flat out lies. I’m sorry your parents never told you “cheaters never win” when you were all growing up.

To the Internet community: I’m sorry certain websites desire to mislead and manipulate you with rumors and lies. As loyal fans of electronic entertainment you deserve honest industry news sources, whether you’re in the US, the UK or anywhere in the world. I assure you there are many upstanding, legitimate sites with plenty of up to date, accurate information - sites like IGN, Gamespot, and 1UP. Unlike Kikizo, these larger sites are held accountable for their actions, and have no motivation to lie to you so openly and frequently. If you’d prefer to utilize non-corporate, smaller sites I suggest HonestGamers.

To Adam Doree: I’m sorry you’re afraid to confront criticism of your work and instead resort to encouraging forum members to post lewd or threatening content on small, personal weblogs. I’m sorry you lack knowledge of the finer points of debate protocol, and instead feel a need to begin name-calling and swearing ad hoc. I’m sorry you feel the appropriate response to a request for an open, fair forum for rebuttal or clarification of your actions is to lose your temper and hurl ad-hominem insults; while you ignore the arguments against you. I am not the only one calling you and your website on your lies - sooner or later it’ll all catch up to you. I’m sorry if you’ve lost face with your inner circle over this incident, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn from your mistakes. Take my advice: clean up your act. Whether you succeed or fail, you’ll at least have been honest.

Just ignore him. If this is what he feels then fine. Everyone has a right to have an opinion. I still like Kikizo, you guys like Kikizo and Adam keeps working hard to keep Kikizo running with great content. Why care what that guy thinks?
Hopefully people are smart enough to visit Kikizo themselves and get their own opinion instead of listening to that guy. Keep up the hard (and honest) work and people won' t care about him.

If the author of the text above reads this I ask you to become a member of this forum so that we can all talk about this. That way everyone will be able to bring arguments for their opinions and you' ll be able to bring proof for your accusations (not that you have any).
Also, you' ll have the chance to thoroughly explain to us, including Adam, why you don' t like Kikizo. Take us on directly instead of hiding in your blog!

Btw, do you guys remember the bastard who ruined the forums a little while ago, Kickass331? He mentioned something strange, a douche, when he was trying to insult Majik I believe.
At THE WEAPON site, if you click Adams name it links you to:
Which is the same object the little bastard was mentioning. The same guy perhaps?
Maybe a little far fetched but since douche isn' t exactly a usuall word I find it very interesting. People tend to use the same words when insulting people.

Here' s an e-mail adress that' s at the bottom of THE WEAPON:
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 22 Apr 06 19:03:31 >

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 02:28
Gee-Whiz Batman I think you have a lead!
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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 02:34
I suggest a name change of this thread and a link in the " videogames" section to make sure that everyone in this forum is informed about this since it concerns us all.
Btw, I read other stuff the guy has written on his blog and what kind of sites he linked to and I noticed I was starting to dislike him more and more... and more.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 22 Apr 06 18:56:03 >

Mass X
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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 02:55
ICQ: 59564954
Yahoo: nemesisz2001
Email (maybe):

Only one with just the name Nemesis on this site, but I doubt its the same. I haven' t looked for other variations yet. Im just curious if this person has history here.

< Message edited by Mass X -- 22 Apr 06 19:16:59 >

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 04:13

Btw, do you guys remember the bastard who ruined the forums a little while ago, Kickass331?

yeah, who could forget that guy, we should publish a book full of his quotes. Some of his best...



The sun is shining, but i have tons of ideas.

And i am f****** Krypto so shut the f*** up.

Gamecube -> Toaster

We' re gangster, dumb " VIP Member" shiznat means blank, word fool. Check it.

and oh, how can we forget my all time favorite...

thos whom phael @ teh lief homie word

You might be on to something there Ginjirou. Obviously they have a similar intellegence quotient.

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 06:01
Gamespot has never explained why they get paid by SONY.
It was in their budget report.

Well right after shenmue article they pointed out that someone said sonic was gonna be announced and show,and they was right,on the date,either they know someone at Sega or they stealing from a site who knows people at sega :)

" To Kikizo: I’m sorry your site has a need to augment traffic and ad revenue by posting fraudulent, misleading content. I’m sorry your staff lacks the journalistic training and integrity to provide visitors with accurate, quality content and instead resorts to supplying them with useless conjecture, rumors, and flat out lies. I’m sorry your parents never told you “cheaters never win” when you were all growing up."

LoL fuck him.

I already said how i found kikizo,people at and gamespot where talking how Kikizo had some nice video interview ans clips froms e3,also they had a great video of zelda twilight princess.
Then i came,i never came here for any fale news or stuff like that as he claims they lure people with,i came for the videos which i got.

Btw i gotta tell a story,which i told after the shenmue3 thing.
Swedens biggest gaming magazine was " superplay" its still exist,but the creator did a new magazine called " reset" after they got bought by a danish publisher,well Tobias Bjarneby,who is a true FF lover,said he had some source at square-enix who claimed the game would never hit anything near 2005 seeing how one of the employers has told him matsuno was also sick and was gonna leave thr project for working at mistwalker,well some months later he left dirctor spot stated he had a sickness that could not let him keep on working,but never joined mistwalker or hasnä' t yet.

SHould i claim Tobias lied?
When he had 50%?
Some sites like to report things they heard,i do belive in the shenmue 3 article but it may never happend that it does come out.
As wuth squareenix i think some employ at the work had a dull moment and wanted to give out some fuss,or like to use is mouth ;)

< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 22 Apr 06 22:13:53 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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Idiot vs Kikizo - Apr 23, 2006 07:01

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 07:16
I' ve got to say my faith in Swedish game journalists is zero compared to my faith in Kikizo.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Idiot vs Kikizo - Apr 23, 2006 07:18
If I were the writer of the blog I' d be pleased by the amount of attention I' m getting on the Kikizo forums

There are a lot of exciting things happening in the gaming world and set to happen at the upcoming E3, they deserve our attention, he doesn' t.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Idiot vs Kikizo - Apr 23, 2006 07:20
E3 is miles away! We' ve got to occupy ourselves with something pointless until then. Such as this this .

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 07:31

I' ve got to say my faith in Swedish game journalists is zero compared to my faith in Kikizo.

... i never wanted to do this why are you making me do this ...


ginjirou:its getting dark...where am i?

IM sorry... picachu slip his throat with that rusty knife.

Picachu,yay !!!



... :)
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 07:35
I had a feeling you' d say something like that. Especially the Picachu part

Joe Redifer
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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 08:02
This is all from a blog? Who the hell reads blogs? Blogs are like diaries. They should be filled with content like " Today I ate a sandwich" instead of " OMG I have opinionZ lolol" . Either way they are boring. Forums are better than blogs because we can all spout our moronic opinions in the same place and respond to them.

What else did Kikizo " lie" about? Let' s see... I remember when OutRun 2 first came out for the Xbox. Adam reported on an update that would change and enhance certain features of the game as well as add new tracks. This game came out in the arcades, and Adam suggested it would be on the Xbox. Then a PS2 version was announced about a year later. Adam said something to the effect of " It' ll be on the Xbox, trust me" . But still no Xbox announcement. OMG ADAM IS TEH LIAR HE IZ TRYIN TO GIT PEEPS TO DIS SITE 2 INCREESE TRAFFICK OMG DAT LYING ASSHOLE TEH FUCKER! Oh wait. OutRun 2006 came out on the Xbox with the aforementioned features.

Mass X
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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 08:20
Here' s his info:
ICQ: 59564954
Yahoo: nemesisz2001

Maybe one of you can convince him to explain himself here.

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 21:10
While i didn' t expect him to do so, he has replied to my email.

Now, it' s a fairly long resonse in which he declined my invitation to participate in this thread. I am not going to post it though.

If anybody would like to read it, say so and i' ll PM you.

Basically though the guy is well off the mark!

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 21:33
Send it.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 23, 2006 21:41
Done, but don' t post it in here.

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 24, 2006 01:15
I wonder what Adam thinks of all this... He' s a big guy so he probably doesn' t care at all.
I wouldn' t either if it wasn' t for my hatred against people accusing others without having any proof.
Anyway, I liked that idea of putting all of kickass331' s quotes in a book or something. Maybe we can start a " funny forum member quotes" section. That' d be great . Each week we can put in the five most stupid comments.
I guess my posts will be seen frequently in such a list .

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 24, 2006 07:01

This is all from a blog? Who the hell reads blogs? Blogs are like diaries. They should be filled with content like " Today I ate a sandwich" instead of " OMG I have opinionZ lolol" . Either way they are boring. Forums are better than blogs because we can all spout our moronic opinions in the same place and respond to them.

thing is, on a blog, nobody can reply to tell you how much of a Moron you really are being.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 23 Apr 06 23:02:56 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 24, 2006 19:55
sure, send it my way. i' m curious.

Anyway, I liked that idea of putting all of kickass331' s quotes in a book or something. Maybe we can start a " funny forum member quotes" section.

< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 25 Apr 06 21:01:34 >

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RE: Who is ' THE WEAPON' ??? - Apr 30, 2006 04:19
You would be surprised what you would find on Blogs sometimes.

Two sites worth mentioning if you are American or Canadian and into political analysis and other stimulating observations of society: - Canadian blogger commenting on political gaffes. - major political commentary for the US and Canada.
You wa Shock!!!