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The Silent Hill Movie
Apr 18, 2006 21:25
Its coming out this friday the 21. And it looks to be the first decent game to movie I hope it does well at the box office and encourages more uwe boll less game Films to come out! I' d love to see SH2 [game] be made as the sequal to this film. Here' s hoping.
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
Apr 21, 2006 02:41
Yeah, I' m just hoping it' s not as bad as the DOOM movie. I was barfing in my popcorn at the theater.[:' (]
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
Apr 24, 2006 10:20
Well I havent seen it yet, however its topped the US box office with weekend earnings of $20 million +/-. nearly 1000 user reviews on yahoo give it a " B" altho critics seem split. So has anyone seen it yet? If it another sad hit to the game to movie genre? Or did it succeed where most have failed?
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
Apr 24, 2006 13:24
Saw it. Ok, I' ll just start by saying i loved it. Visuals and audio are awesome. This IS Silent Hill onscreen, faithful to the games in every respect. Seriously, this movie is beautifully creepy. The monsters are GREAT. No generic zombie after generic zombie here, these are the seriously f-ed up baddies straight from the game.(that includes a certain terrifyingly brutal character from SH2...and his big ass blade) I think the story was success also. It has the same feel of the games. Really weird, never predictable, great pace. With the exception of a couple of cheesy lines of dialog, the characters respond to the environment perfectly. It does a good job of keeping the audience on the edge of their seats waiting for SOMETHING, but never really knowing what to expect. However, i will say that the end might be a little harder to understand for someone who' s never played a SH game. It' s more about resolution and atonement than defeating evil. Personally i' m glad they took that route instead of giving it a Disney-eque " we win, everything is back to normal now" ending. That' s my two cents anyway.
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
Apr 25, 2006 04:06
Glad you enjoyed it. Really looking forward to it. There is nothing better than a good scary film.
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
Apr 26, 2006 00:38
Movie was absolutely amazing. I never got a chance to play the games either so I don' t know the backstory or anything.
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
Apr 26, 2006 06:45
I heard alot of people who didnt play the games thought it was less than spectactular. What do they know? Who wants Sh2 with Harry and his dead wife storyline, and more focus on the primad head. guys.
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
Apr 26, 2006 12:16
The atmosphere was spot on the story was great the movie ending was just right. Nowhere near as gory as The Hills Have Eyes but certainly far more creepy. Clearly the critics have never played the games let alone touched a gamepad. Im hoping since it topped the box offices (dunno if it made-up its budget tho...) that another movie will be in the works. I loved Gans directing in Brotherhood of the Wolf I love it even more in Silent Hill. The visuals and camera work was remeniscent of the games almost dead on. I can however see why some may be put off, the ending especially. For fans this movie is a must.
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
Apr 28, 2006 06:02
Think I am going to see it this weekend!
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
Apr 29, 2006 22:53
A movie based on a videogame that is faithful to the source material and does not suck?! Wow. Must see that one. Who here even agrees with critics these days? They give drivel higher scores and praises these days. Don' t even start talking about the Oscars. I felt it was completely out of touch with the average movie goer. In the end, I must judge for myself, and be selective about comments, rather than trust someone' s untrustworthy scale. After all, some (most) things they hate might be things I like. Movies indeed are going downhill in general, however.
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
Apr 30, 2006 18:32
I don' t think anyone really listens to critics and if they do well ...I don' t think you' d ever watch anything critics in my opinion critique everthing to thier personal tastes (or rather a lot of it comes into play) also with a litle thought of what the public might like. However my tastes are very different from a lot of peoples so I always go to judge for myself.
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
May 02, 2006 01:50
I seen the movie yesterday, I have to say like everybody else that it is very faithfull to the games, and who ever gives it a low score dosent understand what is happening and going on. Yea, there is some lazy writeing, and cheesy dialogue " You know, They say this town in cursed" [no shit!] but apart from that, the only thing that lets it down the pyramid head, he was only in the movie twice, yes twice, and only for a few breif scenes. He is such a cool villian and he was under used. Shame. But he still rcoked. Sean Bean just got in the way of the movie. You allmost forgot about him towards the end, but they needed somebody outside silent hill to be doing stuff. Story is nutty, just like silent hill games, and a cool ending. It has one or two flaws but generaly is much better than any other horror and the best Game to Film conversion by miles yet [but that isnt saying much]. And i hear its doing very well at the box office. I think a sequal is penned too.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 1 May 06 17:51:46 >
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
May 04, 2006 07:35
I went into the film thinking " It' s a film of a game; it can' t be that scary/gory" . Bwahaha. Let’s just say I was very wrong. The movie does a great job of being very ' Silent Hill' with the foggy town, creepy music and great looking monsters. Ok, so one of them looked like Marilyn Manson crawling on his stomach but the rest were good. Pyramid head was sorely under used but very cool. It' s actually him than turns the movie from a standard freaky movie to a gore fest in one gripping (tearing, ripping) scene. I was very impressed overall. It’s nice to see a movie of a game stick so closely to the source material and not end up something very different (Even Resident Evil fell into that trap). If a second one is on its way I’ll look forwards to it. Hopefully it’ll plunder more from the games and Pyramid Head will return in all his giant double sword glory.
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
May 04, 2006 07:48
Non silent hills fans didnt really enjoy it.. quite meh acording to them... what do they know?
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 3 May 06 23:48:52 >
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
May 04, 2006 07:49 should change your name to " whereis_paul" ...
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
May 12, 2006 05:38
I saw it. I liked it a lot. It was exactly like the games, even the music. A must see for any Silent Hill fan.
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
May 13, 2006 14:46
It' s right to say this IS a Silent Hill movie. Although i actually found the storyline of the games a bit more engrossing than the movie, there' s no doubt this is a decent faithful movie representation of the games. The things that made it feel exactly like the games to me were the music. Omigosh from the start of the movie i knew i heard the same type of repeating organ chords in Silent Hill 2 or 4. Just beautiful. And the creature movements of course, so very Silent Hill 2. I haven' t played Silent Hill 1 or 3, but i' m guessing there are lots of things they got from there too. I almost chuckled at some scenes that were taken right from the games like when they jumped from one bldg to the next, just that one clip was enough to transport me back into silent hill 2. hehe.
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
May 13, 2006 22:51
Unfortunately, I haven' t played any of the games yet  . This movie sounds pretty awesome, though!
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
May 14, 2006 03:06
the film isnt nearly as deep as the games though.
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
May 21, 2006 00:22
Sooo, which game is most like the movie? I was thinking of getting Silent Hill 2 first, seeing as that' s what Pyramid Head is in... That is, if it' s not a direct sequel of course.
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RE: The Silent Hill Movie
May 22, 2006 08:05
The movie takes content mostly from Silent Hill 1 & 2 but also features ' Dark Silent Hill' which I think appears in 3. Basically the world goes dark and everything turns from ' normal' to ' rotting' . All the Silent Hill games are self contained stories with completely different characters. There are some things to link the games and some references are made to characters who appear in other games but that’s it.