New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!!

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New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 14, 2006 22:35
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 14, 2006 23:44
Marvellous, this is truly next gen , bravo bravo

i hope that this quality is reflected in game and not only cut scenes...

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 00:18
Well, for you to make a comparison, ...these are ingame...

The game uses a dynamic camera (so you won' t have any control over it), and shows the action from the most cinematic viewpoint.

It' s gonna be a killer app for 360, ...and it' s a trilogy too so if this looks this good now, imagine what the 3rd one will be like!

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 00:22
It use unreal engine 3.0 and use its own camera angels and music after how you play,if you like to go in very close with your big sword you gonna get close up cameras with rock music :P

Also it supports co-op xbl with 3 players.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 02:10
no need to post photos - it' s no longer impressive - I mean it looks amazing but after you' ve seen one game based on unreal , it' s like you' ve seen them all.The only difference will come from the gameplay and stuff.

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 07:01

no need to post photos - it' s no longer impressive - I mean it looks amazing but after you' ve seen one game based on unreal , it' s like you' ve seen them all.The only difference will come from the gameplay and stuff.

No offense, but I' ve lurked on this forum for quite a while, and you make a lot of ridiculous comments. UE3 does not make all games look alike. UE3 is not responsible for making any game look a certain way. It' s the developers that make games look the way they do. Stop blaming the Unreal 3 engine for your disappointment in the way games look.

Just to pretty much destroy that stupid comment, I give you BIA3, which is using the Unreal 3 engine. It looks nothing like Gears of War, UT, or Too Human. Then again, Too Human doesn' t look like those games either. It' s a fantastic engine, despite your whining.

< Message edited by Terrell -- 14 Apr 06 23:03:02 >

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 07:57
You' ve lurked on this forum for a while?!


So what, you joined today to snipe at his comments, call them rediculous and tell him you mean no offense?! Grow up!

You may think you' re smart but his comments hold presidence.

This is UT2007

Gears of War

...and Too Human

You don' t see some similarities?!

Now as you rightly point out, BiA3 looks different to those games, but why does it? Filters. The engine works a specific way, it renders textures a certain way. But when you apply a filter, or in this case multiple filters, you can easily alter the look of the game.

Lost Odyssey will use the Unreal Engine 3.0, and Sakaguchi himself said that to get away from the shiny textures the engine produces, evident in other games using the engine, they are having to use several filters to get their desired result.

But how are you so sure he was even talking about the visuals at face value. I mean, i can tell you just by looking at a games screenshots whether or not it is running on the Quake 3 engine (a very popular engine at one point, used in many games), and they all looked very different (mostly) to Quake 3 Arena.

My point is that game engines can be recognisable, and game engines produce similar results in the different title that use them.

Mass Effect uses the same engine and i can see similarities in that too.

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 08:15
A thing that disturbes me is that almost all of the games that uses the Unreal Engine have the same art style. It' s like there' s some concept artist who makes concept art for all Unreal Enginge games. Just look at the characters, they don' t look exactly the same but they sure as hell could' ve been done by the same artist. As I said in another thread, what happened to the artists that gave us unique designs?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 15 Apr 06 0:16:18 >

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 08:50
Also doom3/quake4 and prey look the same and yes they share the same engine.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 08:54
So does Prey.

How did i miss that you' d already said it?!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 15 Apr 06 0:55:05 >

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 09:36
I think too human looks, great.

Its true most U3 titles have a certain shine to them, but i kinda think GoW likes slightly a part from the others, maybe its just me!!

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 10:18

i kinda think GoW likes slightly a part from the others, maybe its just me

nah, it' s not just you. Now, maybe it' s the filters, but there' s definately an artistic difference in GoW.

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 10:37
People are comparing... the look of too human to gears of war and unreal 2k7, now i' ve seen it all. There is a significant difference and it seems to me the only argument people have to justify the games looking the same are ridiculous things such as " Hey look they are both wearing red" or " Hey look both of them are shiny too" The engine doesn' t determine the look of the games the artist determine that.

Fact is there are easily visable differences in the art design of games like too human, mass effect or gears of war. People look at a game and spot a wall they think looks like a wall in this game and think they can instantly say something such as " seen one unreal 3 game seen them all." I' m willing to bet if this was on the ps3 no such comment would be made.

Too Human looks nothing like Gears of War or Unreal 2k7, but by all means anyone feel free to give me some legit examples of why these games " look the same." Please I want to hear stuff that makes sense I don' t want to hear pointless things such as hey look all 3 games have monsters, all 3 games have somebody in some sort of protective armor. Fact is there is never any valid complaint for such comments. I' m guessing some people here are die hard sony or nintendo fanatics that refuse to acknowledge the hard work put into a game simply because it isn' t on a revolution or ps3?

No big deal if you think the use of a similar engine (too human' s unreal 3 engine has been heavily modified) is enough to slap too human as not offering anything more than other unreal 3 games then by all means you don' t have to buy it. Let the people that actually appreciate a great gaming experience, and doesn' t concern themselves with insignificant nonsense such as what platform its on or what engine its using. The majority of the people buying the game wont care about such a thing and they shouldn' t. Fact is there has never been a game quite like too human and come E3 people will realize just how ridiculous these god of war, unreal 2k7 or devil may cry comparisons are. Too Human will offer a truly unique gaming experience that TRUE gamers (casual and hardcore) will appreciate.
< Message edited by dyack -- 15 Apr 06 2:39:53 >

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 19:28
We' re not Sony/Nintendo fan-boys. I mean, all of us are pretty sure that all of these games will be awesome. We do however believe that there are lots of visual similarities between the games.
I don' t talk so much about the graphics and filters and that stuff because that' s not important to me. What matters to me is the artistic design in a game.
You' re right that pointing out that all characters are wearing protective suits would be kind of lame. BUT the thing is that all of those protective suits look pretty much the same with the same components and surface design as every single game out there. I' m not complaining about the Unreal Engine games only, I think this is something that goes for most games nowadays, especially FPS games and to some extent RPG games. But the Unreal Engine shows these similarities more clearly since the engine shows the games in the same way.
If we forget about the characters clothing and look at another thing, the anatomy, they also look all the same. Big muscular guys with shaved heads and angry faces.
Vehicles, enemies and much much more have the same surface design as well as similar volume design. The only thing that looks somewhat different in these games are the level designs (thank God).
But why care, if it looks good and plays good then it' s all fine eh!
Maybe that' s the problem. Developers are so sure we gamers like the engine and the design so they just go with same thing all the time.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 15 Apr 06 11:30:54 >

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 19:43
Argh,text went wrong :( had a long text made.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 15 Apr 06 11:44:25 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 22:09
Dyack dude,' re what, a partially blind 17 year old " hardcore gamer" ???

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 22:22
Im no 17,im 19 but 20 in almost 3 weeks.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 22:36

Too Human looks nothing like Gears of War or Unreal 2k7, but by all means anyone feel free to give me some legit examples of why these games " look the same." Please I want to hear stuff that makes sense I don' t want to hear pointless things such as hey look all 3 games have monsters, all 3 games have somebody in some sort of protective armor. Fact is there is never any valid complaint for such comments. I' m guessing some people here are die hard sony or nintendo fanatics that refuse to acknowledge the hard work put into a game simply because it isn' t on a revolution or ps3?

Firstly, F**K Sony!!!

Now, you' re an idiot and you' ve taken our comments completely out of context.

See, to have a better understanding of how different titles developed by different studios but running on the same engines can be connected and said to have a sililar visual look,' d need to be well versed in PC games and game engines.

As i previously stated, some people can tell which games are running on which engine, be it the Quake 3, LithTech or Unreal engine etc.

When we are looking at games using the Unreal Engine 3.0, we ' re not looking at it the way you think, instead we' re recognising the engines specific attributes: The lighting (stencil shadow volumes for dynamic lights) and shadowing (16x sampled shadow depth buffers for characters), the normal mapping used etc.

But, since you' re obviously such a hard-ass as well as an idiot, lets take a proper look.

To use 3 examples of games using this engine...


Gears of War

UT 2007

Now, not only can you tell that the games are running on the same engine just by looking at the way the charatcer models look, but the lighting, normal mapping, self shadowing and more importantly the way the engine renders textures give it away.

To get a different look from the engine, to get away from the shiny textures found in these games, you need to apply filters, which can been seen in...

Mass Effect

...and while the shiny textures are almost completely altered, the same shadowing and lighting are still evident.

If you don' t go out of your way to apply filters and still try to make your game look different by scaling back on some of the engines attributes, you end up with...

Frame City Killer

...which looks awful.

We' re not saying they look the same (although one or two as rightly pointed out by ginjirou share sililar art direction), we' re saying we can recognise the engine. Just because YOU can' t doesn' t mean others can' t.

You' re presence is welcome, but it would be nice if you weren' t here to argue your personal point of view and instead had something worthwhile to contribute!

< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 15 Apr 06 15:16:29 >

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 15, 2006 22:44
What is that? :P
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 16, 2006 11:39

Ign nintendo guy had some Too Human pics I HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE
(i HATE CApslock)

They are really clear I can see more of the game than I could previously.

Those games do look similar though

It will be a while before I can buy A 360 or anything else for that matter

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 16, 2006 18:00
Stranglehold uses the unreal 3 engine as well and so does brothers in arms 3. The only thing connecting unreal 3 games such as too human, mass effect, gears of war or anything else are their sci-fi themes.

The art design in too human will separate it from either unreal 3 titles then again there isn' t exactly anything wrong with being compared to mass effect ;)

Also its easy to take pieces of a game, without looking at the whole picture and try to draw definitive conclusions (Not your fault you are merely commenting on what you' ve seen thus far which is repectable). Make no mistake about it too human will have quite a different look and feel to it than other unreal 3 games.

I understand where you are coming from though magik you make some valid points, but all in all different experiences are a guarantee. Its hard right now, but maybe just maybe there will be something about too human we' ll all see in the future that will almost make it seem as if we are comparing the 360 to an nes game. That isn' t a rag on nintendo because I love nintendo, but it doesn' t seem rather intelligent comparing a nes game to a 360 one. I think too human can quite possibly provide the spark for which certain comparisons might seem equally unfair :)
< Message edited by dyack -- 16 Apr 06 10:08:56 >

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 16, 2006 20:24
But Dyack the look and feel of a game are quite different things. Gangsta was saying (And I quite agree) he is tired of seeing these samey looking game pictures all over the forum. You don' t get the feel from the screens and the arguement isnt that the game wont be AAA and possibly own everything else out there, but that it' s tire some to see samey stuff.

How often do people post screens of new ps2, gamecube, xbox games? Rarely. These new games being shown aren' t SO impressive anymore, it' s as the " norm" . Happy to see screens for the first time or of something that looks genuinely impressive by these new standards.

And to whoever said ps3/nintendo fanboy... Why would sony fanboys complain about unreal engine, it will be used on PS3 too...
< Message edited by uumai -- 16 Apr 06 14:17:17 >
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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 16, 2006 22:04
When ps3 show some playable or real time that looks amazing we will post it,but to this moment we only had some cgi,expect from MGS4 and FF7 tech demo,which we showed and all agree it look amazing technially.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 16, 2006 23:25

Why would sony fanboys complain about unreal engine, it will be used on PS3 too...

Yeah, but Sony don' t have it quite as good.

See, Unreal Engine 3.0 will make full use of DX10 and XNA, meaning 360 developers have it very easy. Developers working on PS3 titles using the engine will have to come up with their own middleware or toolkits because Epic isn' t shipping anything of use with the game environment.

On a side note, if what i' m hearing is correct, FEAR is defnately coming to 360.

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 17, 2006 00:12
The only FPS I want to see coming Console side at this time is Crysis.
NiGHTS into Dreamcast

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 25, 2006 11:57

new clear pics and info hands on I believe

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 25, 2006 12:37
What I find funny about the similarity of Unreal 3 games is all the baldy characters pointing guns in a lot of them!

< Message edited by choupolo -- 25 Apr 06 4:50:16 >

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 26, 2006 09:01
Yeah and they all, especially Too Human (glowing tattoos) resemble Alias from Red Faction II

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RE: New Too human pictures,you gotta see them!!!! - Apr 27, 2006 22:23
Anyway getting back on topic - Too Human seems to be amazing.

I don' t know how many of you finished Eternal Darkness (made by Silicon Knights for GCN) , but those who haven' t should know , that both game design and visuals were exceptional.

Both story and storytelling were awesome , and judging by SK interviews on Too Human , this time it' s going to be at least that good.With many layers of story left for gamers to discover.

Graphics of ED ( for GameCube) had exceptional lightning- it wasn' t the way lightsourcing itself was implemented ,but the artistic way of using it.It' s hard to explain , but it looked really different and amazingly real while creating amazing mood at the same time.

Anyway - any selfrespecting gamer should play Eternal Darkness (and it' s not hard to do - it' s awesome from start to finish) to see how cool some games can be while trying something new.

I wrote all that crap about ED to make one point - Silicon Knights are more than your avarage developer , they have real artists among them (and most devs working on games 360 don' t) , they' ve worked with Miyamoto and Kojima mastering their developing skills. They are the same people who started the company - no one left since then,This game could beat the shit out of GoW,Mass Effect or any other title using the same technology.

Oh and it' s the project of their lives so ...

< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 27 Apr 06 14:35:23 >