Too Human looks nothing like Gears of War or Unreal 2k7, but by all means anyone feel free to give me some legit examples of why these games " look the same." Please I want to hear stuff that makes sense I don' t want to hear pointless things such as hey look all 3 games have monsters, all 3 games have somebody in some sort of protective armor. Fact is there is never any valid complaint for such comments. I' m guessing some people here are die hard sony or nintendo fanatics that refuse to acknowledge the hard work put into a game simply because it isn' t on a revolution or ps3?
Firstly, F**K
Now, you' re an idiot and you' ve taken our comments completely out of context.
See, to have a better understanding of how different titles developed by different studios but running on the same engines can be connected and said to have a sililar visual look,' d need to be well versed in PC games and game engines.
As i previously stated, some people can tell which games are running on which engine, be it the
Quake 3,
LithTech or
Unreal engine etc.
When we are looking at games using the
Unreal Engine 3.0, we ' re not looking at it the way you think, instead we' re recognising the engines specific attributes: The lighting (stencil shadow volumes for dynamic lights) and shadowing (16x sampled shadow depth buffers for characters), the normal mapping used etc.
But, since you' re obviously such a hard-ass as well as an idiot, lets take a proper look.
To use 3 examples of games using this engine...
Gears of War
UT 2007
Now, not only can you tell that the games are running on the same engine just by looking at the way the charatcer models look, but the lighting, normal mapping, self shadowing and more importantly the way the engine renders textures give it away.
To get a different look from the engine, to get away from the shiny textures found in these games, you need to apply filters, which can been seen in...
Mass Effect
...and while the shiny textures are almost completely altered, the same shadowing and lighting are still evident.
If you don' t go out of your way to apply filters and still try to make your game look different by scaling back on some of the engines attributes, you end up with...
Frame City Killer
...which looks awful.
We' re not saying they look the same (although one or two as rightly pointed out by
ginjirou share sililar art direction), we' re saying we can recognise the engine. Just because
YOU can' t doesn' t mean others can' t.
You' re presence is welcome, but it would be nice if you weren' t here to argue your personal point of view and instead had something worthwhile to contribute!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 15 Apr 06 15:16:29 >