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Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 07:35
I was thinking the other day about how some of the current-gen consoles remind me of past consoles. And exactly how ' creative' and original these guys are. So I wanted to know what past generation console reminds you of or resembles a current console in your opinion. Mines is PS3 vs Fm towns marty Ds vs Game & watch Revolution vs Atari 7800 (even the controller) Ps I tried putting the pictures up but it doesn' t work for me for some reason.
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 07:42
PSP vs GBA (first version)
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 09:17
Gamecube -> Toaster (Shocking enough, Same power supply)
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL
Terry Bogard
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 12:05
PSP & Dreamcast.. For me, those two have 2 things in common. Both are sleek & Sexay machines and I can' t stop buying games for them!! I have NEVER been as consistent in buying games for any other platforms as I have been with the Dreamcast and PSP.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 12:11
How dare you put that PSP Next to the gaming God that is Dreamcast..
Terry Bogard
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 13:01
Dude, not only did I list the PSP next to the Dreamcast, but *gasp* look, I put it on top of it to... Wanna make sumthin of it? :p
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 2 Apr 06 5:02:51 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 17:26
You' ve got the wrist strap on your PSP. How many has that anyway? I have mine on as well and it has saved my PSP several times but I imagine lots of people choose not to have it on.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 17:38
You' ve got the wrist strap on your PSP. How many has that anyway? I have mine on as well and it has saved my PSP several times but I imagine lots of people choose not to have it on. Both units have the wrist strap firmly on. I don' t remove the PSP from its case until the wrist strap is on my wrist, no ifs, ands, or buts. I haven' t dropped the unit yet, there were maybe 2 or 3 close calls where it almost slipped from my hands, but that wouldn' t have mattered anyway since I had the wrist strap on... Sometimes when riding the subway I' ll hook the wrist strap to my watch for added protection. I' ve read about people who thought they were too cool for the wrist strap and some of them ended up paying for their unneeded " machismo" . I say, better safe than sorry.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 20:26
You no longer get the wrist-strap in the UK. Both of my PSP' s have it though since one is a Japanese launch model and the other a British launch model. I also don' t remove them from their case' s until the strap is on my wrist! Sometimes when riding the subway I' ll hook the wrist strap to my watch for added protection. Genius, ...might even save it if someone tries to snatch it...
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 20:34
TERRY Your making me sick... It' s fine for you to be a sony fan, and you make no effort to hide that, but please.... For the love of god, don' t compare anything sony has done to anything sega has done. Sega is pure an virtuous.. And sony is the lowest common denominator.... And ken kutaragi is the love child of napoleon bonaparte & the tokyo sewer system. Even if sega has made past mistakes, at least they aren' t sony....
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 20:46
Terry u git[:' (] Thats the most disturbing Image ive ever seen..  I Must...not..think..about..it. Hehe.. (im serious, i cant look at it)
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 2 Apr 06 12:47:31 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 21:17
TERRY Your making me sick... It' s fine for you to be a sony fan, and you make no effort to hide that, but please.... For the love of god, don' t compare anything sony has done to anything sega has done. Sega is pure an virtuous.. And sony is the lowest common denominator.... And ken kutaragi is the love child of napoleon bonaparte & the tokyo sewer system. Even if sega has made past mistakes, at least they aren' t sony.... Dude you have absolutely NO idea how funny it is calling me a Sony fan, LOL.. I' ve always been for being a huge Sega fanboy through and through BUT I don' t turn a blind eye to what else is out there, at least not any more. Been there and done that before.. I totally ignored the NES and focused on the Sega Master System during the 8-bit era, and I totally ignored the PlayStation and focused on the Sega Saturn during the 32-bit era. I didn' t purchase Nintendo' s and Sony' s consoles until both companies entered their 2nd generation of hardware (i.e. Super Nintendo & PlayStation 2). Don' t mistaken my love for the PSP as some sort of *allegiance* to Sony. The fact of the matter is, I have ALWAYS loved powerful handheld gaming devices. I may not care about specs/power when it comes to home consoles but with portable gaming devices I have always been a power freak, which is why I never owned a GameBoy, GameBoy Color, or a Sega Game Gear, I didn' t feel that they were powerful enough. Some of my favorite handhelds were the Genesis Nomad, Turbo Express, Gameboy Advance, and today it' s the PSP. It' s no secret that I have a tremendous amount of love for the PSP, but it' s also no big secret that I can' t wait to see Sony get toppled in this industry. I stated my reasons for listing the PSP and the Dreamcast together. My reasons were that I' ve never gone on a video game spending spree as I have with both units.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 21:31
Alright then, you' re off the hook this time..
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 22:54
Darn it, that fight was over too fast. ummmm... Wriststraps are gay. ahh i feel better now.
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 23:07
Well, here in kikizo land, sega is above all else, it' s the reason i keep coming back to spout my poorly worded, and often mis-spelled crap. So, i don' t think fights go on that long, because we all love sega. And yes, wristbands are very bea arthur.
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 02, 2006 23:12
well then slap my butt and call me fabulous because i say they rock. i' ve been trying to convince my uncle to wear one but he thinks it' s nerdy. I' m just waiting for the call. " Hey Eddie, what would happen, hypothetically, if my drive was on the floor, and not in the psp. in 20 pieces?"
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 03, 2006 05:13
That last post of mine was just a joke. Actually I prefer this board to the others out there. It' s a small community that (mostly) repects each others opinions. Other boards feel like huge clubs where everybody' s screaming at each other but nobody really listens. This one has a nice small pub feel to it. And wrists straps aren' t gay... ...no self-respecting homosexual would get caught with one on. And to answer the topic...when i first inserted a disc into my Xbox i had a vivid and somewhat disturbing flash of deja vu involving my 3DO (panasonic version)
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 03, 2006 05:15
" Well Dad, that would mean I have to run out to the gun shop and pick a winner" followed by " Gee Golly son, I can' t believe you got your deer hunting license so early" followed by " Well pops, I ain' t hunting deer, not till I' m done with you" followed by " Gee Son, I love ya, why don' t we go down and get some whiskey" followed by " Hey pops, when we' re there, can we go steal another wretched game thing from those city folks" followed by " Hell yeahs, and lets us go down and get some kewl games jahahaha" followed by " I love you dad, maybe we should moves to the city" followed by " I ain' t wastin' my deer huntin' license this year neither" followed by " Oh pops, I love ya, almost as much as god" XD
< Message edited by kickass331 -- 2 Apr 06 21:18:46 >
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 03, 2006 05:57
Joe Redifer
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 03, 2006 08:03
What' s pathetic about me is with the current generation I find myself suddenly buying more past-generation stuff than ever. I now have over 100 Genesis, 32X and Sega CD games. I have over 30 SNES games or so (that' s a lot for me considering the system, trust me), I' m completeing my TurboGrafx/PC Engine collection, I get a new Saturn game here and there, I bought a NES (I never owned one before) and bunches of great games for it, I am buying Sega Master System games like crazy, I just purchased a Neo Geo and I' ve got most of those systems hooked up in RGB/component video. I have a separate room for all of the old-school systems and I spend at least 5 times the amount of time in there as I do in my room with the nice HDTV with the Xbox, PS2, GameCube and Dreamcast all hooked up to it with component video as well as 5.1 sound. Why? The games of yesterday are just more fun. I' d rather play 100 different side or top-scrolling shooters that people say are the same than 1,000,000,000,000,0000,000 different FPS games that are the same. Time for a new repetitive genre, folks. FPS games have worn thin and they give me diarrhea.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 3 Apr 06 1:46:38 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 03, 2006 08:34
The ONLY first-person ANYTHING game I' ve ever liked was Namco' s Breakdown. The rest of the genre I' ve never been crazy about. Wish they were milking platformers and shoot ' em ups as much as they' re milking first-person shooters.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 03, 2006 09:37
I feel sorry for those that didn' t get chance to experience what we now call " retro" games first time around. I' m only 23 but i had a Master System and a NES when they were both on the market, and i' ve not only had every major games console since (i' ve only missed the Jaguar and 3DO), but i still have most of them. I also had a Commodore 64 but that has long since stopped working and been throw in the bin... But teenagers, say 15, 16 even 17 years old, have grown up with Sony and their tastes seem very different, with most being content with yearly sequels and games like Grand Theft Auto and Need For Speed. It' s horrible! I could say that Nintendo will correct some of this and maybe save their souls, but i just can' t see them playing games like Totally Rad, Demon' s Crest, Super Metroid, or even Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon on N64. If they buy Revolution in the first place it will no doubt be for something like Tmesplittes 4...
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 03, 2006 09:49
I grew up at 6 years old by playing ice climbers,and watching my sister play Zelda. :))))
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 03, 2006 10:28
my main reason to play old school games is for nostalgia, to feel that very moment when i was 6 - 7 years old and play with my spectrum zx or the nes with hundred of games stored in, contra, mario , and so much more... almost 15 years later, i try to play again those game on emulation since i lost these systems, and i play those game only to reminisce myself the good time i had, but i quickly find the game very boring and repetitive and i couldn' t believe myself how i was sucked in these games, but back then i did i could not leave the couch playing , hooked... this industry almost grew with me , and i m so happy to see all the innovation and technology, i knew how game were and evolved, i was amazed to see 16 bits system and then comes 32 bits and then 64 and then dreamcast .... my god but i think that games are more interesting than before , it' s just that we were kids and we didn' t have high standards , we didn' t require a lot from developers, we were just happy to play any games (almost) and the more we grow up the more we rise the standard until today... well today i play only AAA titles and some AA titles .... forget about the others because i have a lot of expectations but sadly there are a lot of crap gales out there , but i guess lesss than the 32 bit era and certainly less than the 16 and 8 bit era.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 03, 2006 17:35
Iv played games since i was 6 (im 25 now) but never console games, i didnt own a NES, my first console was Playstation 2, my first computer was a Atari i think, and then i got a C64, and finally i got a PC, so my old school titles are stuff like Prince of Persia, Wolfenstein, and Commander Keen! The only Mario game i completed is Paper Mario for GC
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 03, 2006 20:31
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL I grew up at 6 years old by playing ice climbers,and watching my sister play Zelda. :)))) Yeah, I watched your sister to! Ehehehehe  .
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 03, 2006 21:12
Yeah, I watched your sister to! Ehehehehe . Lets be honest,you watched my brother ;) you sick bastard.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 04, 2006 00:17
Ewwww imagine if his sister is 12. Any way back on topic anyone?
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 04, 2006 03:54
My sis is 28,and my brother 22 so dont worry :P
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 04, 2006 04:10
Phew i' m glad was getting a little worried lol.
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 04, 2006 11:16
How To Quote? : quote: kickass331 Wow, that' s so, ......enlightened! It' s almost as good as your pathetic FLCL fanfiction, ...which for anybody who wants a quick laugh is available here... http://www.fanfiction.net/~syntheticpassion A : WTF edited : Don' t be hatin' I just be ganagsta all teh caucasiouns be all ganagsta unliek thos whom phael @ teh lief homie word :( :( Don' t look at my fanfic, it' s ancient history (have you google searched for kickass331, because trust me, if you look hard enough you can find my mailing address XD) HINT : Oh wait, no not rly, I had a different username :P NO MAILING ADDRESS 4 U, SERIOUSLY THO, I' M DAVE FROM SPARTA.CN, I THINK I REGISTERED THERE FOR SOME DUMB VIDEO A YEAR OR TWO AGO THAT I HAVE NO IDEA WHY, BUT ON ONE THREAD I FOUND MY FULL MAILING ADDRESS BECAUSE I GOOGLE SEARCHED FOR MY ADDRESS...
< Message edited by kickass331 -- 4 Apr 06 3:20:36 >
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 05, 2006 00:18
You' re an idiot is what you are...
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 05, 2006 07:11
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 05, 2006 07:21
Actually no, i' m not. I' m Superman!
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RE: Current gen vs previous generation
Apr 05, 2006 07:22
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL