What do you expect from Next-Gen?

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What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 01, 2006 22:05
everyone of us expect many things from this Gen (next?), apart from graphis which is the most obvious part to get much improved, i still don' t see something revolutionary, what could those huge numbers specs do for games, i was thinking about fighting game, i think this genre didn' t get improved , the gameplay change, smoother animation , better graphics and that would be all, what i want finaly to see is:

1) In fights , characters should block the opponent attacks realisticly, if the punsh if going to the face , then the oppenent should hide his face when pushing the block button, i hope you understand what i mean, the block movement should match the attack, the idea appeared in Mortal Kombat deadly alliance first, but it' s far from perfect but the concept is there , i hope that with all this power developers have in hand , they can really make it happen, and thus allowing us to see some fancy flashy combat.

2) they should also add a buton to avoid hits, may be not all but most of them, if i want to give a low kick then once the other player hit a button his character should jump over the kick for exemple, or if i want to punsh him in the face, then he should lean backward, it' s almost like that Boxer from tekken, but again i want all players to have this ability in addition of the ability to block the attack. if you think that all that people will do is hitting taht button, developers should add a " focus" metter that you should use it wisely because if it' s empty, you can' t avoid the attacks anymore but to block them ( slight dammage), this will add a strategy to the game + each fight will be a true show with the right animation and graphics.

3) Please emotions, it' s already happening, Fight night round 3, more of that please .

4) one thing i always found ridiculous in fighting games is that if your character had a little energy left, then the other player might give you a very very light punsh and you' re " KO" , that' s not realistic at all, characters should show they are tired, damaged, and fighting death when they run out of energy.

5) clothes should get damaged as well...

that' s what i could think of, please let me know what you think about all of that and i hope oyu understand what i' m saying, let' s talk about every genre and see what can be improved.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 01, 2006 23:57
Well i always thought its lame that,when for ex in a rpg like Oblivion which i love and give 95/100 so dont get me wrong :P
That when you hit someone and he is almost dead,then he shouldn' t be able to be as much as a threat as the other guys close toi you with full health.
I want that in every rpg.
I hate when i play a rpg game,and usddenly the enemy who is almost dead,does a great attack or something,when he should just die in 1 hit more or somthing...

I also want people to breath heavy or something when they are hit,moving slow,i know some games done it,but i want it in all games.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 1 Apr 06 16:11:06 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 02, 2006 08:43
for god' s sake why nobody is interested in that thread, i mean it' s not the first time everytime i put up one of these threads , it' s dead, so what' s the problem?? people are lazy to think or are they empty or what the Fu*k is that !!

i thought people would be excited to share their opintions , how many times you said if only they could do that and that or why they didn' t do that ... come on !!


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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 02, 2006 08:51
This site has very few members O_o
What would happend if you and me left? would be dead ...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 02, 2006 08:58
I' ve had dreams of taking a full grasp. You know like game gloves, to move completely. I could take a knife and watch the flesh rip off someone slowly as I cut through their flesh. YAY!!!
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 02, 2006 09:36
I expect it to have more depth in the games as in choices, options, area mass (like Oblivion), better AI, Physics, textures, more possibilities (Revolution), More games and uh.... yeh those things.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 02, 2006 09:42
Havoc in every game.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 02, 2006 11:25
How about BETTER THAN HAVOC!!! (Havoc Physics Powers Half-Life 2) PhysX Covame will be pwning in CoD3 :SRO, XD Pwnt, (Oh Snap it' s 2006)
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 02, 2006 20:13
I don' t expect much in next gen... I' m tired of thos emore and more realistic games.
I want fun damnit! sick of even and even ' closer to reality' games...

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 02, 2006 22:42
I expect games will get more artistic in their visual presentation.

...think Shadow of the Collossus

It' s getting to the point where every game looks so good it' s going to be hard for developers to catch gamers' eye with yet another pretty shooter, sports players that look even more realistic, etc.

Visuals are going to start crossing the line between " technically impressive" and " beautiful" far more often.

At least I hope so.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 02, 2006 22:51
I expect if what nintendo is about to do with the wand controller is any good, sony and microsoft will have come out with their own versions.
Perhaps even with improvments, thus making the price the chief reason for the revolution.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 02, 2006 23:04
simulated intelegence. Not artificial intelegence, enemies that react to your every move.
Take a war game for example. If you have 15 men on a squad, and you are up against a group of 7 underfed, exhausted, and disheartened men. In most cases they' d surrender or retreat to gather more forces, not run blindly into battle. Fear, Stamina, and Adrenaline should all be able to be implemented in next gen games.

It' s not going to be about hardware in the end, it' ll be about developers and how they use their knowlege of the development kits. Resident Evil 4 (gamecube) is a prime example. it is one of the most visually astounding games for Gamecube, Granted, with the huge hardware advantage that the Xbox has, it wouldn' t be fair to compare it to the likes of that machine, but there are Xbox games that look worse than Resident Evil 4, a game first released on the weakest of the big 3 consoles (in terms of hardware only). I like shiny graphics, but those will only entertain me for so long.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 02, 2006 23:09
man the gamecube is not the lowest machine at all, well it produces lower polygone/s than ps2 or xbox but it as other advantages than ps2.

ps2 is the weakest console of the three.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 03, 2006 00:59

it produces lower polygone/s than ps2 or xbox

Heard it on Wikipedia eh?!

It' s not quite true, as is highlighted perfectly by RE4 where the poly-count had to be lowered for the PS2 version.

Leons overall poly-count was fairly close but when you have the two games running side by side you can see fairly noticable differences that you otherwise would have missed.

The trees for example. In the PS2 version there are far less trees than in the Gamecube version of the game, as shown here...

Note: the images may look even closer than they actually are due to the small size of the screenshots.


Playstation 2

The other biggest differences were the textures and lighting, both which had to be reduced for PS2, as shown here...


Playstation 2

The PS2 version is an amazing game, and one of the consoles best, but PS2 can' t do as much as Gamecube and that includes the number of onscreen ploygons.

It' s a relatively common mistake though. The Playstation 2 is by far the weakest console but it' s saving grace is it' s huge amount of bandwidth allowing for tons of particle effects (more than even Xbox).

I can' t wait for RE5!!!

< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 2 Apr 06 17:10:35 >

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 03, 2006 01:54
Your right majik,however you doesnt say that the gc use 1.5 gb disc,and not dvd' s,thus its impossible to make games as demanding or big as FF10 for ex.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 03, 2006 02:04
Very true!

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 03, 2006 02:09
Can' t you just put them on several discs as with Tales of Symphonia or RE4?

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 03, 2006 02:25
no i didnt' hear it on wikipedia: from what i always knew:

Game cube around 12 ploy/s
ps2 around 55 poly/s
x box around 100 poly/s

you exemple of reseident evil isn' t a proof, becaus ethere might be other reasons why gamecube could display such amount of polygons while not reaching its max (12 million)
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 2 Apr 06 18:31:45 >

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 03, 2006 02:40

Obviously you believe everything Sony say...

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 03, 2006 02:40

Note: the images may look even closer than they actually are due to the small size of the screenshots

I see a bigger difference than I thougth their was like the absence of trees
the lighting was obvious but only with a side by side comparison did I notice
much more

Can' t you just put them on several discs as with Tales of Symphonia or RE4?

Most companies just didn' t want put their long games (FF and other reasons )
on the Cube
multiple disks is not a good enougn reason not to
I mean I know I would have bought them
I like FF but never had my own personal Playstaions
i still bought the ones i could

What I think they should do with next/new gen is eliminate what limitations they
could have done away with previously like inaccesible areas just because
and well I' d like to see two play story modes like Halo and
Onimusha: Dawn Of Dreams CO-OP
doesn' t need to have anything to do with the story
One of the best (non relevant) co-ops I have played is on
Legend of Oasis/Story of Thor 2 on the Saturn
you could Climb on each others back to reach places that
would be much harder or use your head as a stepping stone
< Message edited by Kannon -- 2 Apr 06 22:02:20 >

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 03, 2006 02:51
I thought the PS2 55mil (and Xbox' s 100mil but not sure) was raw polys with no textures and no effects running and the Gamecube' s were like the Dreamcast' s
with everything running?

I always want to know sense that is the only thin I can see based on what has been output thus far.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 03, 2006 03:01
The poly-count that Sony stated was way over what the machine actually does (which is typical from Sony), and doesn' t include ANY gameplay processes like AI, physics, texturing, filtering, anti-aliasing, blending, motion-blur, fogging etc...

Essentially PS2 could run a cutscene that didn' t require any of those using the game engine and it' s be maybe 2/3rds of what they stated due to added affects been needed for animation, sound etc, ...but ingame the Gamecube outperforms Playstation 2 in terms of onscreen polygons.

RE4 uses waaaaay more than 12 million polygons on Gamecube!

NOTE: It was Nintendo themslves who estimated Gamecube could produce 12 million polgons per scene in a fully complete (lighting, physics etc...) game environment, but it' s actually closer to 26 million, ...and that' s still in a complete environment.

If you measured it how Sony measured theirs it would be higher.

Also note that Xbox does nowhere near 100 million polygons in ANY game, ...just like PS2 does nowhere near 55 million!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 2 Apr 06 19:07:15 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 03, 2006 04:57

Game cube around 12 ploy/s
ps2 around 55 poly/s
x box around 100 poly/s

Nintendo did say around 6 - 12 million for the GameCube but Factor 5 supposedly got arlund 15 million with their GameCube launch title.

From what I remember, when the PS2 was first announced, Sony started off saying it could push 77 million polygons, then Sony quickly dropped that to 66 million polygons. Had no idea they dropped another 11 million polys to 55 million. But regardless, all of that is flatshaded polys with nothing else going on in the game.. Basically useless figures. With texturing, lighting, and all that other jazz they claim the PS2 can do around 28 - 33 million polygons...

The Xbox I believe was around 133 million, but that to is likely to be a Sony-styled overstatement and only deals with flatshaded polys.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 2 Apr 06 21:08:12 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 03, 2006 05:10
yeah,but for ex my pc and card can do much more,but it doesnt support stuff like HDR or pixel shader 3.0
I would assume theire is something likewise in this gen for diffrent format O_o or am i wrong?

Because if i rember right,they had to down scale splintercell to ps2,but not on GC from the xbox version.
Why was that so if ps2 was stronger? O_o
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 2 Apr 06 21:10:58 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 03, 2006 05:53

Why was that so if ps2 was stronger?

Because it isn' t.

Sony claim an awful lot of stuff and Nintendo always under-estimate their own hardware.

Anyhoo, it' s no longer about how many polygons a machine can display and Revolution will prove that. Displacement mapping is going to be used a lot this gen along with parallax, mip, normal and bump mapping.

Lighting will also be used to great effect.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 03, 2006 06:43
Bots some might think they are worthless but no multiplayer should be without
them I know about online but whatabout offline I mean seriously they could have include this for most .

And well more options in multiplayer like number of lives/ whatever for each player
Map creators well more intricuties plus... this is all I have time for now

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 04, 2006 11:23
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 04, 2006 19:02
When a next-gen console comes along I think I expect several things. Better graphics, and improved controllers are a basic thing to me, but I only want these things in a console so that developers can make something NEW. Something that no one else could have ever possibly done on an older console. Originality and fun can be found on any console, regardless of technical spec, but a new generation shoudl not only have these things, but enchance them to a level that the older consoles could not manage, and I don' t just mean graphics.

Personally, I think the most excited I got for a console was the Dreamcast. The Generations before saw many huge leaps in technical ability in what we would consider basic now; CD quality audio, 3D, analogue control, etc etc. But the Dreamcast improved technically to improve a huge amount of gameplay ideas that really got me excited. Online gaming for consoles was a huge concept that unfortunately took a lot of time for people to catch on to, but are now fully embracing as a standard feature of video games. The saturn had tried it, but it was just never going to work properly at that stage.

Its 3D power was an obvious improvement, but what it managed to do was create game worlds the likes of which we had never seen before. The console was the only one that could have handled a game like Shenmue. The consoles before it could have had something similar, but if it was released on an older generation the effect it had on the people that loved the game wouldn' t have been the same.

I don' t wanna come off sounding like a huge Dreamcast fanboy here, there have been many consoles over the past generations that have done the same thing, I just wanted to use it as an example of what I expect from a " next generation" console. Its when you see that the console is going to do things that no one could do before that you really find yourself experiencing the next generation. As for the 360/PS3/Revolution, I' m not sure what I think of them at the moment. The only one we can begin to properly look at is the 360, since its actually out. So far it looks impressive, but I just haven' t been hit by that " wow" factor yet. The Revolution seems very interesting, but i hope that developers and consumers alike can make proper use of the possibilities, and that it doesn' t find itself restricted in any way. Haven' t a clue what the PS3 is going to bring us...apart from serious debt anyway lol. It seems a lot of people are a bit sceptical about the next generation, but its early days yet, after all.

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 05, 2006 00:12
The question here is flawed.

See, what i expect from the next generation and what i want are unfortunately completely different. What i EXPECT is more of the same in prettier packaging. What i WANT is something new. That' s why i' m so excited about Revolution, ...because of the possibilities...

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 05, 2006 05:27
That' s why I' m excited about **Crap** Because of the unlimited **Crap** resulting in more **Crap** **Crap** **Crap** and that' s why hitler commited suicide.
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 05, 2006 06:09
Hitler committed suicide to escape the awful, stupidly retarded and sad as fuck babble that your great grandmother came out with.

Obviously a family trait!

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 05, 2006 06:24
I want 4d!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: What do you expect from Next-Gen? - Apr 05, 2006 06:40
The most reasonable reason pertaining to this situation would be B(.)(.)BS and this

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Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL