You Think this will be possible on the Rev?

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You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 01, 2006 18:49

Tech demos for the Cube really nice looking reminds me of Metroid Prime
What are Today' s Tech demos but tomorrow' s games


< Message edited by Kannon -- 1 Apr 06 10:50:50 >

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 01, 2006 19:44
Those visuals are possible on today' s xbox, and the reolution is not that far off from an xbox, so i don' t see why not.

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 01, 2006 20:44
RE4 was almost photorealistic at times ...Metroid is a visual marvel...both 60 frames per second.

There are Xbox fans and PC gamers that will give you all the crappy comments you can stand and in the end games will be gorgeous.

It' s been said time and time again - it' s all about developers not hardware.And only a fool will argue when you say that Nintendo is among the best developers out there.

Technically speaking REV is more powerful than Xbox on paper alone , but it' s a 5 years younger system as well so it will definitely outclass original Xbox with GPU/CPU features and optimal architecture.

Actually when you look at the software - Xbox and Gamecube had their great looking titles at least equally impresive.


-Best developers (you won' t see bugs and glitches both Xbox systems know to well)
-Well known system and extremely easy to program for.
-Low devkit price.

While I wouldn' t want to see videogames without PS3 and maybe even 360 (I -like everyone else -love cutting edge technology with outstanding visuals) - Rev will definitely bring a lot of fun with great looking games.

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 00:50
I was utterly disappointed at the Gamecube version of Chaos Theory. The Xbox version was amazing and yet the Gamecube version looked at bad as the Playstation 2 version, ...i just didn' t understand why.

The better looking titles are always the ones that are greated from the ground up for that particular machine and since Revolution games will generally be played in a different way, hopefully we' ll see a constant high-quality standard of games with only multi-platform titles dragging the system down (and if you own a 360 or PS3 you' ll be getting that version of the game anywhay right?!).

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 02:31
That is why I am getting the Rev people cry about the specs but the current wasn' t maxed out. I hope the physics allow the controller work even better..
That can make a big difference

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 03:20
I guess I' m a fool, because look at this :
* CPU: IBM-designed Broadway, 729 MHz (GameCube Gecko, 485 MHz)
* GPU: ATI-designed Hollywood, 243 MHz (GameCube Flipper, 162 MHz)
* RAM: 24 MB main 1T-SRAM, 64 MB external 1T-SRAM (GameCube, 40 MB total)
CPU 729 MHZ? That' s crap!
RAM : ONLY 88MB??? BOTH OTHERS HAVE 512MB!!! 0_0 no matter what you say, NINTENDO PHAELS @ LIEF. Besides, Nintendo doesn' t focus on gameplay, I' ve played first party nintendo titles, and they' re infantile, most gamers these days aren' t 6 YEARS OLD!!! But, nintendo still has a chance because PARENTS EXIST. And douches like you are willing to buy KIDDIE GAMES just because NINTENDO MADE THEM. You disgust me. Get out of my face.
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 03:37
Most of the adults I' ve spoken to actually prefer Nintendos games above others since they usually aren' t easily impressed with just graphics and violence.
All of Nintendos games have great artistic, production and gameplay value which easily attracts older people, and also women, to play their games.
You seem to think that Nintendo games are for kids but you' re wrong, they' re for everyone. Nintendo doesn' t choose the easy way and target a small group of people that are guarantied to buy their games. They target everyone, kids, adults, women, hardcore gamers, casual gamers.
But it seems you are too immature to realize this.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 1 Apr 06 19:46:57 >

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 03:57

I guess I' m a fool

Pretty much yeah!

CPU 729 MHZ? That' s crap!

Evidently you don' t know shit about PowerPC CPU' s, but coming out with that kind of comment DOES tell us how stupid you are!!!


You' re just 13 years old right?! Shit, ...i think your mother failed in your education...

Besides, Nintendo doesn' t focus on gameplay

... Let me guess, grew up with Playstation and SNES was before your time right?! You never bought a Gamecube because is was rubbish, ...right?!

And douches like you are willing to buy KIDDIE GAMES just because NINTENDO MADE THEM. You disgust me. Get out of my face.

What on Gods Earth is a " douche" ??? ... In fact, i probably don' t want to know. Do you even speak English?! Are you French or something?!

Parlez-vous anglais?!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 1 Apr 06 20:00:26 >

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 04:00
graphics are important wherever you say, specs are important, they will allow to do many many stuff and i don' t think Rev will handle physics even close to what ps3 and 360 can do, and phyisics are very important in this generation and it will ultimately affect gameplay. also many games will not be ported to rev , which will reminds me of n64 era , this is not the handheld marke and its oppnenet is not a PSP (vs DS), this is PS3 and xbox360 and i don' t think that there famous controler will make a drastic diffrenc.

as for nintendo games, sure they know about gameplay but if you look at their best games , you' ll find Mario and ZElda and metroid...

all other stuff don' t " really" count in my opinion. ( yeah i love mario kart)

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 04:09

many games will not be ported to rev

Really?! Which ones are you talking about?!

its oppnenet is not a PSP (vs DS)

But the exact same princliples are there aren' t they! A lower power machine that has been built specifically for gaming and is taking a different approach through it' s control method.

It doesn' t have to COMPETE against either PS3 or 360 because the idea is that you get a Revolution as well as one of the other machines. Maybe you' re just scared of change or innovation?!

don' t think that there famous controler will make a drastic diffrenc.

Well Nintendo are betting that it will, as are many well known, established and respected developers... Maybe we should just be glad that YOU are not Nintendo' s President!!!

as for nintendo games, sure they know about gameplay but if you look at their best games , you' ll find Mario and ZElda and metroid...

all other stuff don' t " really" count in my opinion. ( yeah i love mario kart)

Ok, fine, and so just which 1st party titles does Sony have that are as good as Nintendo' s?!

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 04:10
Specs are important, yes, but the most important thing is what you use all that power for. The PS3 and the 360 have to use lots of power just to make the games in HD.
Compare the PS2 with the Xbox and you almost have to consider them to be different generation consoles. But the PS2 still has got games that rivals the visual quality of the Xbox games. This is thanks to great developers and the fact that artistic values are as important as advanced graphics. The Revolution games will be as great looking as the PS3/360 games even though it might be less powerfull.
I don' t think advanced physics will be a problem on the Revolution just because the specs are lower than the 360s or the PS3s. And even though the graphics will be less impressive than on the PS3 or 360, it will still look fantastic as we have reached a point where the visuals can' t get much better. What will matter is the artistic achievments and Nintendo are great at that.
You don' t seem to know much about Nintendos games if you only count Zelda, Mario and Metroid to be good. Have you even played any other titles?
Of course the controller will make a difference. Denying that fact really surprises me.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 1 Apr 06 20:15:30 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 04:30

NINTENDO PHAELS @ LIEF. Besides, Nintendo doesn' t focus on gameplay, I' ve played first party nintendo titles, and they' re infantile, most gamers these days aren' t 6 YEARS OLD!!! But, nintendo still has a chance because PARENTS EXIST. And douches like you are willing to buy KIDDIE GAMES just because NINTENDO MADE THEM. You disgust me. Get out of my face.

At the risk of getting reprimanded for this, I' m gonna say that after that post, you sir, are an ass.

An interesting bit of irony would be that one of the words you used in your previous post best describes the tone of that post: Infantile.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 1 Apr 06 20:46:34 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 04:56
He told me... So is it a requirement To get a Microsoft or Sony System to be mature?
You have got a lot to learn...
I buy stuff based on what I like no matter who made it...

All I really want is a new SEGA System

Games systems are not spouses, we can get more than one..

I was hoping for Liendburgh capabilties cause that looks better than what I had have seen so far with lower ' Specs" than 360 and PS3
that is correct right..I don' t even know
The power of Developers for me are the true ' Specs'
< Message edited by Kannon -- 1 Apr 06 21:13:47 >

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 05:21
kickass, only people unconfident in their own gaming sexuality bash titles that arent littered with violence, gore, and excessive sexual acts.

Nintendo doesn' t focus on gameplay

hmm, let' s see here...

and just to go old school


of course nintendo doesn' t focus on gameplay, just like microsoft doesn' t focus on online play, and sony doesn' t focus on copying microsoft' s online play (kidding!)

People like you claim games are immature because they need to feel grown up. therefore they play violent and adult-oriented games in the hope that they will be accepted into the mass media of gaming, thereby validating themselves as mature.

get out of my face

OOOHH! I' m gonna' tell teacher you said that! Come on man, first of all, no one was " Up in your face" .

in keeping style with your playground insults, i have but this to say...
This is an A B forum, so i' ll C you later!!! (oh man, wasn' t that the best insult i' ve ever said, i thought it up all through finger painting time... AND recess!!!)
No one was even talking to you... maybe because that was your first post on the thread!

P.S. Who the flip is Phaels @ Lief, sounds Nordic, hmm...

< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 1 Apr 06 21:22:10 >

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 06:54
Here' s a site kickass331 has got a link to in his profile:
It' s a profile and I suspect it is him.
David, a 15 year old guy from Maryland U.S.A.

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 07:13
What a fucking MORON!!!

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 08:07
you guys are dangerous , well you sure " kicked his ass" lool


Really?! Which ones are you talking about?!

many!! hey how about games running with unreal engine 3, how about games that will require advanced physics abilities, please majik don' t play the dumb , with those specs many games won' t be ported, may be they will have the same name, but it will not be the same as psp and DS , you don' t see burnout in DS right ??or prince of persia or splinter cell ?

But the exact same princliples are there aren' t they! A lower power machine that has been built specifically for gaming and is taking a different approach through it' s control method.

ok you always miss my point, PSP is not a strong oppenent why?, because iot lacks great games , it lacks big franchise, i' ll tell you what ?? give PSP a true metal gear solid, a resident evil, final fantasy or some big JAP rpg , just give that handheld some of PS2 guns , it can do that right ?? i guess that' s why PSP is in bad position , it doesn' t have the big guns , it' s not the stylus that made all this difference, PSP lacks AAA titles and when people bought PSP they all thought this is PS2 experience again but in Handheld, it seems that something wrong with sony i don' t know ...

Ok, fine, and so just which 1st party titles does Sony have that are as good as Nintendo' s?!

i' m not comparing nintendo to sony.

It doesn' t have to COMPETE against either PS3 or 360 because the idea is that you get a Revolution as well as one of the other machines. Maybe you' re just scared of change or innovation?!

i' m not scared at all, in fact i loved that controler but i don' t have my complete faith in it and i believe that PS3 will still kick nintendo' s ass, like i said this is not a PSP with its average games , this is the BIGBOSS.

You don' t seem to know much about Nintendos games if you only count Zelda, Mario and Metroid to be good. Have you even played any other titles?

oh yeah i played so many intendo games, some i loved (the 3 i listed) and some i liked ( star fox) and some are WHATEVER (mario soccer, mario tennis, mario party ) those might be cool to play with your friends but they will not take your breath away, at least IMO, nintendo disapointed me once they started to PIMP mario.

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 08:17
Your' re wrong.
It' s been reported that the Revolution will handle the Unreal Engine 3.
There is a Burnout for the DS. It' s not as good looking as the PSP version but it' s a good game. There is also a Splinter Cell. Both games are in 3D. Prince of Persia sucks so who cares.
The PSP is a great machine but the DS still proves to be more entertaining despite its lack of power. This is very promising for Nintendo and their Revolution. The PSP has got some big guns right now but it still doesn' t help the PSP to win the handheld market.
Why would the PS3 kick Nintendos ass? I very sure the PS3 will sell more than the Revolution but I don' t think it will be the same difference as with the GCN vs PS2.
But then, who cares if the PS3 sells more units. The Revolution will definately be more fun to play.
Those games didn' t take your breath away but Nintendo never intended to take your breath away with a party game, tennis game or a soccer game. You can' t expect that from sports titles.
If you only considered breathtaking games to be good then you' re just impressed by graphics and deep story telling. You probably hate arcade games. It seems gameplay means nothing to you.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 2 Apr 06 0:22:32 >

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 08:19
It wont be able to handle the unreal engine at the graphic ythat Gears of war or ut2007 use though.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 08:25
Of course not but the games will still be visually impressive but most importantly, they will be much more fun to play with a Revolution controller.
And with the low development costs for the Revolution we will probably see five great Revolution titles for each PS3/360 title.
Porting a 360/PS3 title to the Revolution might turn out to be difficult but porting a Revolution title to PS3/360 will be 100% impossible!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 2 Apr 06 0:27:22 >

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 08:31

If you only considered breathtaking games to be good then you' re just impressed by graphics and deep story telling.

you' re totaly right but not just by that please

You probably hate arcade games. It seems gameplay means nothing to you.

i does mean a lot to me , and i don' t hate arcade games but i won' t buy an aracad game for 60 euro, they are so short and repetitive most and most of them. so yes i love when i playe some of them but then my interests goes down after couple of days .... Gameplay means a lot to me and i can play a horrible-so so looking game if it has a good gameplay or a good story or both (katamari- wild arms - samba de amigo - final fantasy 6 (play it in 2000)

and PSP doesn' t have big guns yet IMO, may be GRan theft auto (but that' s not a big gun for me)

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 08:47

you don' t see burnout in DS right ??or prince of persia or splinter cell ?

Burnout and Splinter Cell have already been released on DS my friend!

with those specs many games won' t be ported

Game engines are generally made so that they can be scaled to the required hardware, just like PC games are. You' re COMPLETELY wrong!

PSP is not a strong oppenent why?, because iot lacks great games , it lacks big franchise,

Virtua Tennis?! Grand Theft Auto?! Street Fighter?! SOCOM?! Wipeout?! Daxter?! SSX?!

Are they not big franchises?!

i guess that' s why PSP is in bad position , it doesn' t have the big guns , it' s not the stylus that made all this difference


Wario Ware Touched!, Yoshi Touch & Go, The Rub Rabbits! and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow are some of the best games on DS and some of THE best handheld titles you can buy, and how do you play them?! They ALL use the stylus!!!

DS is both dual and touchscreen, that' s the fucking point!!! It' s not been the success it has been just because of Mario. You want a handheld Resident Evil?! Well you' ll find Resident Evil: Deadly Silence on DS.

You' re an idiot!

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 08:54
Douche ->
And BTW How the fuck did you know that was my Tokelau Registration, I' m gonna kick your ass!!! (And, I have played super smash brothers on the N64, and On the SNES I played Super Mario Bros, Mario Is too hard, Super Smash brothers is friggin fun as hell but it' s also filled with dumb characters, yes I grew up with playstation, because playstation owns, my family owns, and you can sux my cox :P)
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 08:55
Majik you' re crossing the line again...

i' m sure 100% that if PSP has some of these exclusive true games (not ported or like metal gear solid acid) here are some

Final Fantasy
Devil May Cry
God of war
Resident Evil
Gran turismo
Metal gear solid
Soul Calibur
............ the list is fucking huge

man i wish if PSP had its original AAA games , but they are extrmely rare and it' s not daxter who will make sell PSP millions you know that ...

don' t fucking play the dumb with me, those are the big guns not some stupid SSX or street fighter or wipeout, those games help but not enough , PEOPLE expected a Ps2 disguised in PSP

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:00
Hooray For Ico!!! (Owns)
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:02
I think u' s are going abit off topic here guys.

Terry Bogard
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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:05
If the PSP wasn' t a strong opponent then the sales of the PSP and DS wouldn' t be as close as they are in the U.S. and Europe... Sure the DS is TROUNCING the PSP in JAPAN, but that' s the only place where it' s leading by a significant margin.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:05
I think you is are. ;) BTW. I heard that the DS owns in Japan, but that' s because Japan is on the other side of the world. The alternate magnetic field gets to their brains so they is are (yea is are) on alternate polarity, that' s why microsoft games suck, because they' re in US, and why underwear is in vending machines there, while here we gots mentos. DO YOU KNOW WOT IM SAYAN???
< Message edited by kickass331 -- 2 Apr 06 1:07:35 >
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:08
What the fuck is " the dumb" ??? That' s not even English!

Majik you' re crossing the line again...

Blow me bitch. Perhaps if you stop posting bullshit then people will maybe post in your stupid " What do you expect from the next-generation" thread...

PEOPLE expected a Ps2 disguised in PSP

Rubbish. Maybe YOU did, but you can' t talk for the majority.

PSP has great games and many games that are just as good as their console counterparts (Virtua Tennis for example), ...and you' re right, it doesn' t have Final Fantasy or God of War, ...but it has games like Pursuit Force, Lumines and even Grand Theft Auto in it' s technically brilliant form and it STILL isn' t half the unit DS is.

It' s NOT the games that are the problem. What do you want, more fucking sequels???

Gran Turismo Mobile is due this year and in November you' ll be able to play PSone games from your memory stick so stop fucking whining!!!

Don' t play dumb?! Well you' re the stupid retard that thought we were serious when we said PS3 would also make toast!!!

I think u' s are going abit off topic here guys.

Duely noted
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 2 Apr 06 1:10:14 >

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:10
That is funny :l0l:
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:21

Well you' re the stupid retard that thought we were serious when we said PS3 would also make toast!!!

this is hilarious , i never thought you are THAT stupid to think that i' m THAT stupid, seriously man , you are a mistake of nature..

Rubbish. Maybe YOU did, but you can' t talk for the majority.

people expected the same quality of games , people say that psp is a disapointment in gaming and there are a lot of ports, things are getting beter lately but only lately...

grow up.

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:22

That is funny :l0l:

What is?

I have decied now,im not getting a REV.
I dont wanna play another mario sunshine,and use a freaking remote control to jump mario with.
No thanks.
NR might sell cause of the nintendo name and the price tag,but its gonna be crap i assume,and no im not a fucking fortune teller,.and im not always right,but as it is now,they better show something fucking amazing at e3 or they can fuck off...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:24
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:30


Zelda to snes and n64 is some of the best games ever made,but thats doesnt mean im gonna go easy on Nintendo every time.
I thought i was gonna have my zelda in november 2005,now it probably gonna come when NR is...

Im mad.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:35

people say that psp is a disapointment in gaming and there are a lot of ports, things are getting beter lately but only lately...

You' re asking for bloody ports, ...see...

man i wish if PSP had its original AAA games

So you mean you want brand new, original and exclusive versions of the games you listed, formatted for handheld use on PSP???

No chance. Want to know why?!

It wouldn' t be a worthy investment for the developers to spend the amount of time, effort and money to create an exclusive to PSP version of one of those titles. It' s much easier and cost effective to simply port or adapt a currently existing game for PSP.

Gran Turismo for example is already coming to PSP, but it isn' t an all new and exclusive version just for PSP, but rather a reworked GT4. GTA: LCS is being reworked for PS2, ...why?! Because it' s cost effective!

people say that psp is a disapointment in gaming

Which people?! Your friends?!

Shit, the PSP' s biggest fucking flaws are the stupid analog nub and retarded Sony D-Pad!!! The games are fine.


How the fuck can YOU call ANYONE anything whatsoever. Look at yourself...

< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 2 Apr 06 1:37:56 >

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:48

So you mean you want brand new, original and exclusive versions of the games you listed, formatted for handheld use on PSP???

No chance. Want to know why?!

i know that now but when i first heard sony will launch psp that what i had in mind and that' s what a lot of people had in mind , i don' t need your approval .

the point of aaaaaalll this discution is :

PS3 is not PSP, the was will be the same between PSP and DS as with rev and PS3, this time ps3 has all its arsenals and you are right when you said it won' t be the same difference between game cube and ps2, but ps3 will still be more popular unless if it launch with a very high price (over 600$ )

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:51

btw can anyone finish this? :S btw the sound is aaweome,espeically the zelda stuff late in the game.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 09:56
PS3 will be popular regardless, but it' s not like the consoles will be directly competing.

Revolution will be cheap enough for people to buy it as well as one of the others and will offer a completely different kind of experience. That' s why Ninendo has distanced themselves from 360 and PS3, ...they aren' t going to even TRY and compete but are instead going to offer something ifferent that you will be able to have alongside your PS3 or whatever.

What Nintendo is doing is smart.

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 10:00
yes,they know most people wont get ps3+xbox360 instead NR as a compensation next to their main console like 360 or ps3.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: You Think this will be possible on the Rev? - Apr 02, 2006 10:00
Nintendo is like the sidesalad , is that how you call that ??

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