All Microsoft need is Virtua Fighter 5 exclusivity, and 360 would sell out within hours...
That would work. but it doesn' t have to be VF5.
The only way microsoft is going to see a huge leap in sales in Japan is to secure the sequel to a highly revered series exclusively.
I' ll say it again SEQUEL. Not a remake, not a re-release. They' ve got to get one of the big names to completely commit to them for all new content. New franchises simply aren' t going to get people to pick up the console over there, no mattter who' s making them.
Gamers follow their franchises. If the only way to play the next FF or Dragon Quest or MGS was on 360, 360' s would move.
That' s how Sony did it. They made sure the games the Japanese where going to buy anyway were on their system.