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New on Marketplace
Mar 30, 2006 21:01
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RE: New on Marketplace
Mar 31, 2006 00:32
Yeay!!! been waiting for this and Graw which is weird because I usually hate ghost recon but saw the advert and it totally sold it for me.
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RE: New on Marketplace
Mar 31, 2006 01:01
Wasn' t the ad just some pre-rendered cgi that looked and played nothing like the game? (like the intro movie..) It was in the UK anyways! Why is that even necessary with 360 games, surely GRAWs graphics can sell themself.. Just finished d/ling the Battlefield demo, gonna go fire it up now! EDIT: umm, just tried it and when it gets to ' verifying EA Online connection' it kicks me out of the demo! That sucks. Is this my uni firewall/connection or is the demo doing this for others too?
< Message edited by choupolo -- 30 Mar 06 17:22:20 >
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RE: New on Marketplace
Mar 31, 2006 03:33
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter' s graphics can DEFINATELY sell themselves. The stupid thing about the UK ad is that Ubisoft are now being sued because they DIDN' T use ingame footage and misled people. Some people are pathetic! I wasn' t keen on the first Ghost Recon, but 2 and Summit Srtike got me completely hooked. The online over Xbox Live was awesome! EDIT: umm, just tried it and when it gets to ' verifying EA Online connection' it kicks me out of the demo! That sucks. Is this my uni firewall/connection or is the demo doing this for others too? I didn' t initially have any problems, but it' s now doing to me what it did to you, and i don' t have a firewall stopping it. It' s either a problem with EA' s servers or an incompatability issue. When i played it it was great and looked fantastic, no lag whatsoever and excellent sound. I just need to get it working AGAIN now!
Game Junkie
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RE: New on Marketplace
Mar 31, 2006 03:44
Isn' t Activision also being sued for the misleading comercial of COD2 they recently released?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: New on Marketplace
Mar 31, 2006 03:54
Really? Damn, what' s wrong with people?!
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RE: New on Marketplace
Mar 31, 2006 04:12
Maybe they have had enough of companies using this bullshit to sell their games. I know I have. Personally I think that companies should use a mix of in-game (cutscenes and gameplay) and pre-rendered footage in their ads.
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RE: New on Marketplace
Mar 31, 2006 05:39
Heh, when I used to get games for my Acorn Electron, the gfx on the back of the cassette(!) box showed BBC Micro gfx and made me think " coool" . Then when I finally loaded it up (20 min loading screens! What was Gangsta saying about the 20 second ones in Burnout? lol) the gfx were shit! How naive I was, hehe. Misadvertising does suck though... Ooh, GRAW demo' s out. Too bad I bought the game already!  What I really want on Marketplace is Street Fighter II, and for Hudson to get off their asses and release Saturn Bomberman!
< Message edited by choupolo -- 30 Mar 06 21:45:43 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: New on Marketplace
Mar 31, 2006 05:48
Maybe they have had enough of companies using this bullshit to sell their games. I know I have. Personally I think that companies should use a mix of in-game (cutscenes and gameplay) and pre-rendered footage in their ads. I thought people with just a bit of sense didnt rely on commercials for games? Instead they should use reviews and ingame videos from screens. I know i do, and i learned my lesson when i bought O.D.T for the PC, Here is the Playstation review, and im sure the PC version was worse, i saw the commercial on MTV