Hello, My name' s Mass X and ima chronic poster

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Mass X
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Hello, My name' s Mass X and ima chronic poster - Apr 14, 2004 18:05
I am an excessvie forum poster....it seems when Im not doing nething else, Im searching the net for lil bits of info and news just to relay back here...heheh just thought I' d put this up. No real reason , just for random fun

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RE: Hello, My name' s Mass X and ima chronic poster - Apr 14, 2004 20:08
as long as its interesting and/or informative, keep it up.

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RE: Hello, My name' s Mass X and ima chronic poster - Apr 14, 2004 20:15
I also find that I spend a lot of my time searching through entertainment news and forums.
I enjoy it.

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RE: Hello, My name' s Mass X and ima chronic poster - Apr 14, 2004 21:10
I enjoy being up to date on the latest news and happenings.

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RE: Hello, My name' s Mass X and ima chronic poster - Apr 14, 2004 21:33
I currently spend all my time at home either on forums or playing games. I' ve been on forums more than games though lately. I' m a big poster too. Notice the highest post count here...
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: Hello, My name' s Mass X and ima chronic poster - Apr 15, 2004 05:52
Mass X, i rely on people like you to keep me informed. I don' t get to forums as often as I' d like, and I don' t get a lot of free time right now (curse you grad school!) So I need your informative little tidbits to keep me posted on teh what' s what. So keep it up! Thanks.

My name is Heather and I am an avid reader (who wishes she could post more)

Mass X
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  • Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Hello, My name' s Mass X and ima chronic poster - Apr 15, 2004 19:24
A healthy addiction I do find the forums better then actual news sites. The varity and ppl just make for a good time. The the lil bits of info you pic up from others is always helpful

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RE: Hello, My name' s Mass X and ima chronic poster - Apr 30, 2004 15:15
i think forums are cool but leave too much room for lies and assumtions about things. but i feel that it is a great way to meet ppl and get info on the stuff you like

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RE: Hello, My name' s Mass X and ima chronic poster - Apr 30, 2004 15:29
i always forget to post. i spend all my time free time at home playing games now. before i didnt have time and i was suffering withdrawls but now, heh heh, game on!