Will StarCraft: Ghost go next-gen?

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Will StarCraft: Ghost go next-gen? - Mar 26, 2006 01:25

I have, admitedly, lost interest in this game ages ago(luckily, one might say)- but i appears that there is a chance of it not being released anyway. Saying that, though, it seemed pretty inevitable after the first two or three years.

Still, there may be some of you that were so hyped up about the game that this will all come as a huge dissapointment.

In the long run, it could possibly turn out to be one less game to dish your dosh out for.

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RE: Will StarCraft: Ghost go next-gen? - Mar 26, 2006 04:00
...F*ck ' em...

...i' ve stopped caring.... ...
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RE: Will StarCraft: Ghost go next-gen? - Mar 26, 2006 04:59
Two years ago it looked fantastic but they managed to completely ruin it!

It is a waste of an awesome licence, ...it would have been better in a different developers hands!!!

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RE: Will StarCraft: Ghost go next-gen? - Mar 26, 2006 05:27
Dark Sector will succeed where Starcraft: Ghost has failed.

Of course I' d rather have a third-person camera behind a nice looking female character, but whatever...

It' s funny how similar the gaurds look in the two games, with a blast shield that is open, and allows you to get a sniper kill, but closes once they sense danger.

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RE: Will StarCraft: Ghost go next-gen? - Mar 26, 2006 08:08
...i was gonna settle for Tomb Raider: Legend....
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Vx Chemical
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RE: Will StarCraft: Ghost go next-gen? - Mar 28, 2006 17:34
They should have done this a long time ago!!

I wouldnt be surprised though if the game doesnt appear at all, i wouldnt be their first cancellation, if anyone remember Warcraft Adventures!