Nintendo GO ????

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 30, 2006 02:21
Well, i can see what the person who put it together was getting at, but i can' t see it on the console or even on any game packaging.

I hope they go with N5, i don' t don' t think Revolution is a games console name. I understand why they have used it as a codename, and their is TONS of stuff they could so as far as marketting is concerned but i don' t buy it.

On a slightly different subject, i think Nintendo and Microsoft need to stop pissing around and help each other out. With Rare games on Revolution and Nintendo games on 360 it' d be awesome. It' d work too because of the huge differences in the two machines.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 29 Mar 06 18:24:02 >

Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 30, 2006 06:40
Wow. The " Nintendo GO" logo sure looks similar to this:

Things that make you go " Hmmmmmmmm...."
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 29 Mar 06 22:41:35 >

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 30, 2006 06:47

Now THAT is hillarious!

Sites like engadget, 1up and joystiq are still mulling the logo over. That' s brilliant!

Did you just happen accross it or did you know where it was from when you saw it?!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 29 Mar 06 22:48:02 >

Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 30, 2006 09:36
I grabbed it from another forum where someone posted it.

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 30, 2006 10:33
A friend told me at IGN bloggers they said they soon (later tonight) have NR specc,and its 100% legit.
He also gaved me the link showing it,but...dont know if its truth...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 30, 2006 11:06
9pm tonight. But by whose clock?

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 30, 2006 20:46
From what i understand, the actual system specs for both Hollywood and Broadway have been leaked by development studios.

IBM' s " Broadway" CPU is clocked at 729MHz, according to updated Nintendo documentation. By comparison, GameCube' s Gekko CPU ran at 485MHz. The original Xbox' s CPU, admittedly a different architecture altogether, was clocked at 733MHz. Meanwhile, Xbox 360 runs three symmetrical cores at 3.2GHz.

Revolution' s ATI-provided " Hollywood" GPU clocks in at 243MHz. By comparison, GameCube' s GPU ran at 162MHz, while the GPU on the original Xbox was clocked at 233MHz. Sources we spoke with suggest that it is unlikely the GPU will feature any added shaders, as has been speculated.

So with a CPU that closks in at 729MHz, and a GPU that clocks 243 MHz, the system is actually superior to Xbox from the starting point.

What gives Revolution a significant boost over the original Xbox is the fact that Nintendo have had ATi custom build their GPU so it will be able to achieve great results from lower power through Nintendo' s new displacement mapping technology.

Suffice to say, as i had previously stated in December, Revolution will be able to do pretty much double what Gamecube can do, and then a little more. So games that looks twice as nice as RE4 and Twilight Princess should be available at launch, and then even nicer looking games coming later.

This is as expected and isn' t a bad thing at all!

2 x these...

...should be as good looking as 360 launch titles at the very least...

Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 31, 2006 05:49

So with a CPU that closks in at 729MHz, and a GPU that clocks 243 MHz, the system is actually superior to Xbox from the starting point.

                 Xbox        Revolution
 Processor      733Mhz         729Mhz
 GPU            233Mhz         243Mhz
 RAM            64MB           88MB

The Revolution is a little bit better than the regular old-man Xbox.

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 31, 2006 05:57
It' s impossible to tell how much just yet because the GPU' s will be very different. We do know that it' s been designed for use with Nintendo' s patented displacement mapping which should give it a visual superiority to Microsoft' s first console.

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 31, 2006 06:06
I am not going to buy it becuase the ps3 and 360 have much better graphics! they ROXXARS!!11!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 31, 2006 06:10
Are you guys forgeting that it' s the controller that makes the Revolution worth buying? And that " something" that Nintendo hasn' t revealed yet.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 30 Mar 06 22:10:39 >

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 31, 2006 06:29

With Rare games on Revolution and Nintendo games on 360 it' d be awesome. It' d work too because of the huge differences in the two machines.

IGN posted an official comment from MS/Rare that says something like " hell NO" to Perfect Dark , Goldeneye, Conker and so on ,for Virtual Console ...a shame.

About CPu' s and GPU' s - Are you guys retarded?

Clock speed means nothing.

Xbox 733? Rev 729? oh yeah sure the only problem is that Revs CPU is PowerPC so it' s 729 MHz equals at least 2x 733MHz of PIII CPU.

Clock speed comparisons?

So any 4GHz Pentium4 PC would be faster than X360?

So fuckin stupid ...
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 30 Mar 06 22:31:19 >

Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 31, 2006 06:47
Dude. You don' t have to insult myself and others just because you don' t agree. Calling me retarded and fucking stupid accomplishes nothing.. I have a dual 1Ghz Power PC mac and it is not twice as fast as a dual 1Ghz Pentium PC. Apple dropped PowerPC because of its limitations. You can' t say " Clock speed means nothing" . If that was the case, there would be no point in increasing clock speed in processors.... EVER. The SNES 3.58Mhz chip would be fine. I mean clock speed doesn' t mean anything, right?

I' ll wait until the games come out, but I' m not expecting the Revolution to blow me away graphically or sonically.

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 31, 2006 07:20

Are you guys retarded

Well out of order friend. You shouldn' t bring remarks like that to the table because i know for a fact that you don' t know EXACTLY what you' re talking about. So unless you have a technical qualification that you can wave at us with an air of authority on the subject, perhaps it would be best to keep your frustration to yourself. Just a thought.

Even with the closk speeds, you' d have to know which of IBM' s core designs the chip will use. Since Xenon and CELL are based on the same PPE design, it' s possible that IBM would use the same, but it could also easily be a 970FX derivative. But since it' s supposedly just an extension on Gekko, which was a PowerPC 750CXe modification then we' re probably looking a POWER4/5 based chip, and if it' s 5 then it' ll be a dual core processor.

A further hinderance is not knowing how big the on-die (if it is) L2 cache is and whether if it is based on the PPE design, it a single or dual?! If it' s bigger than 360 or PS3' s (which if feasable) then with less power they can achieve better performance from a single or dual threaded, low power usage PPE by simply loading up on L2 cache.

Broadway could also easily feature Gekko and Xenon-esque read and write streaming modes that would allow media data to bypass the L2 cache, maybe even the L1 to go straight between the bus and PPE cores, thus lowering the load.

But because we only have limited information right now, it' s all theory. The only think we can currently do is compare it to whatever is the closest match.

Lighten up a little.

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 31, 2006 19:44

You can' t say " Clock speed means nothing" . If that was the case, there would be no point in increasing clock speed in processors.... EVER. The SNES 3.58Mhz chip would be fine. I mean clock speed doesn' t mean anything, right

The talk was about comparisons - so yes CLOCK SPEED MEANS NOTHING when you compare two different CPU' s

i know for a fact that you don' t know EXACTLY what you' re talking about

Heh yeah , you also knew that intel chip is faster than POWER PC one based on clock speed alone - nicely done MR KNOW-IT-ALL (ONLY-NOT-SO-GOOD)

and if it' s 5 then it' ll be a dual core processor.


The only think we can currently do is compare it to whatever is the closest match.

Sure that' s cool - but you really sound serious guys when you compare those clock speeds - it didn' t really look like you realise it' s not a good way to compare two machines

Joe aren' t you the one who calls people retarded for using the official shortcut for gamecube - GCN?

I guess you' re pretty sensitive after all :)

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 31, 2006 21:06

Heh yeah , you also knew that intel chip is faster than POWER PC one based on clock speed alone - nicely done MR KNOW-IT-ALL (ONLY-NOT-SO-GOOD)

What are you talking about?

The talk was about comparisons - so yes CLOCK SPEED MEANS NOTHING when you compare two different CPU' s

Really? Erm, there are multiple ways to compare different CPU' s if you know who' s made them. While it' s far from perfect, knowing the clock speed will tell you a fair amount about where it falls in the power scale, but you have to know who made the chip (and we do). But perhaps you know more than me and can enlighten us as to how you would compare them?!

Joe aren' t you the one who calls people retarded for using the official shortcut for gamecube - GCN?

It' s almost as bad as calling the Playstation a PSX...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 31 Mar 06 13:10:38 >

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Mar 31, 2006 21:22
Gangsta (LOL) since majik klnows what hes talking about when it comes to system specifications and how they work, what are you trying to say? That hes actually wrong, because hes actually spot on dude.

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 01, 2006 00:27

You know Majik not everyone is on 6 hours a day everyday.

Hehe , now that is funny Sh$T.!!

Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 01, 2006 04:59

Joe aren' t you the one who calls people retarded for using the official shortcut for gamecube - GCN?

I think that is retarded just like Nintendo' s official " shortcut" for the GameBoy Advance SP, which is AGS (smart people do not work at Nintendo). But I' ve never come on and said, " hey you motherfucking idiot! GCN is stupid!" I think perhaps people not being impressed with the Revolution strikes a personal chord with you. I think you are a fanboy. There is no other explanation.

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 01, 2006 05:21
I have to agree with the majority here Joe, Alltough it cannot compete with the likes of PS3 or 360, it is hard to determine how devolpers might use these ' xbox specs' to their full potentail, Did you ever think Resi 4 was possible on the Cube? Specs alone dont paint the full picture, The ps3 might be able to do 43Billion Floating point by-linear calculations per millisecond but what does that tell us what the games are going to look and play like? the 360 might only do 40Billion of those, who cares? the Rev might only have 733MHz, but this isnt no normal dell pc your buying, you cannot critize it straight away for having lower specs. You just dont know what the games will look like, but one thing is for sure, is that they will look good and better than xbox games.

For a person who promotes retro gaming and the power of 2d gaming I am surprized you havent gained an respect for what Nintendo is doing.

It ant no powerhouse, but sometimes music is better when played on the 5 mark. Instead of 11.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 01, 2006 05:38
Joe didn' t criticize the specs though...

I said that Revolution was superior to Xbox and he simply quoted me and noted that the clock speeds weren' t far superior but only slightly better than Xbox. Which they are when you just look at the figures...

For some unknown reason Gangsta took offense and started calling people retarded and stupid!

Joe in fact said...

I' ll wait until the games come out, but I' m not expecting the Revolution to blow me away graphically or sonically

...and there' s nothing wrong with that.

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 01, 2006 08:42

You know Majik not everyone is on 6 hours a day everyday.

Hehe , now that is funny Sh$T.!!

Majik is a lot fuckin smarter than you mate. Perhaps you wish you were on a games development couse too eh?
< Message edited by Sulphur_Genius -- 1 Apr 06 0:59:45 >

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 01, 2006 10:16
The specs for the Rev (a.k.a. go) aren' t probably going to be up to par with the 360 and ps3, but if the gameplay is good that' s what should really matter. Nowadays people are too much into the graphics than gameplay and if a " next gen" system doesn' t have almost life-like graphics then it' s not considered next gen. Honestly, that was back in the 16 bit and 32 bit era when we could say about a game' s or system' s graphics being better the next gen, but now we should be able to make games that are focused more on gameplay. That' s why I think like the ds is kicking the psp' s ass, it has better games on it, even though the psp has better graphics. But each to his own.

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 01, 2006 12:27
Dear me Its not nice to insult people and their intelligence

ORIGINAL: Sulphur_Genius
Jeez! It ISNT " GO" for crying out loud.

Majik has already mentioned it and i mentioned it in my previous post. Since the slide originated in Japan, and " GO" is Japanese for " Five" then " Nintendo GO" simply means " Nintendo FIVE" or " N5" .

It wouldnt be called Nintendo GO in the west, it would be called " Nintendo GO" in Japan. For me and you it would be " N5" .

Its also still speculation!

ORIGINAL: Sulphur_Genius
Gangsta (LOL) since Majik klnows what hes talking about when it comes to system specifications and how they work, what are you trying to say? That hes actually wrong, because hes actually spot on dude.

ORIGINAL: Sulphur_Genius

Majik is a lot fuckin smarter than you mate. Perhaps you wish you were on a games development couse too eh?

Yes u are smarter than me!! (u missed out the ' r' in course btw)

If you do finish your development ' couse' and qualify, I' ve found a great Development team that i think could suit you!!!! check it out:

< Message edited by f3hunter -- 1 Apr 06 4:50:55 >

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 01, 2006 16:02
we do the same couRse dickweed

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 01, 2006 16:14
I didn' t get offended by anything said here - it' s just silly to compare systems by CPU clock speed - and it' s even more stupid to spend so much time doing it.

Revolution will be significantly less powerful than both competitors and what' s more it doesn' t have any unique shader abilities in it' s GPU (which I thought it will)

I don' t really think it' s stupid to compare it to other systems - many sites do it , but if you think you have any idea of how it fares in comparisons because you know some clock speeds - you guys are mistaken.

The most limiting factor for Rev in my opinion is RAM - I expected a bit more I guess.

I also don' t think those games will look as good as I thought they will before those specs.

Fanboy or not - your comparisons had nothing to do with reality and I just said it' s retarded to do them , not that all of you are @!#$%^&^%$#@ or whatever.

since you don' t take me seriously maybe you should take a look at the original story on IGN - guys with devkits who gave these specs said it' s definitely more technically advanced than original Xbox , but not as powerful as 360 or PS3 - and from your briliant comparisons(CPU Rev-729 Xbox-733) CPU seems to be even worse than the one in Xbox while GPU seems to have some neglectable clock speed advantage.

Anyway if you like to play smart with majik there' s no better place for that than Kikizo Forums I guess :)
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 1 Apr 06 8:43:15 >

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 01, 2006 21:48

we do the same couRse dickweed

oh right.. whatever u say M8!..


We should just see how this things hang TBH..

My guess is tho, that Nintendo really know what there doing and built the rev to have enough power to make some cracking-looking games.

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 02, 2006 00:36
I was going ask that we keep on topic but it seems that we are back on track again.

My guess is tho, that Nintendo really know what there doing and built the rev to have enough power to make some cracking-looking games

Agreed. I' m still mystified as to how Capcom got RE4 looking so good on Gamecube, ...i mean, it looks nicer than all but the very best Xbox games (and even that' s debatable!!!) ...

It won' t be as bad as people are now expecting that' s for sure, and we should see a couple of games in this next month or so, almost certainly before E3 rolls around.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 02, 2006 02:46

The talk was about comparisons - so yes CLOCK SPEED MEANS NOTHING when you compare two different CPU' s

Tell that to the SNES vs. Genesis vs. Turbografx-16.
Each demonstrated speed advantages over the other.

Personally, while I' m no technical guru or whatever they' re called I think ALL of the elements that make up a game system means something. And that includes " bits" as well. I' ve never been of the belief that " bits no longer mean anything" as I' ve seen many people claim in the past.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 1 Apr 06 18:48:53 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 02, 2006 07:36
Revolution will be 64-bit. PowerPC doesn' t go any higher than that, and it' s only recently that they' ve even been able to obtain a 64-bit architecture (aka the G5).

The Gamecube Nintendo was 32-bit.

Oh.. almost forgot: The Neo Geo was 16-bit, but you already know that.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 1 Apr 06 23:38:49 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 02, 2006 07:47
I always LOVED just how hard SNK was pushing that " 24-bit" Non-sense, lol..
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 02, 2006 08:06
How many bits was the Dreamcast?

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RE: Nintendo GO ???? - Apr 02, 2006 08:19
PowerPC 970 (based on POWER4) was introduced in 2003 and was their first 64-bit processor proper.

POWER5 is the first to be dual-core.

IBM only use a handful of baseline chips, and simply modify them to their clients needs/requirements as they have done with for CELL and Xenon (Waternoose), and will also have done with Broadway.

So as i already said, Broadway will be either based on POWER4 or 5 architecture and could be dual-cored. I doubt we' ll know for sure any time soon though.

It should be noted that both Xenon and CELL are also 64-bit processors...

How many bits was the Dreamcast?

An idiot would tell you 128-bit, but it wasn' t.

It had an SH-4 (SuperH) and the core ran at 32-bit. People say 128-bit because it had a 128-bit FPU (Floating Point Unit), but that doesn' t make it a 128-bit chip.

The same core was used in Naomi and Atomiswave arcade platforms too.

You should understand that when you say 16/32/64/128 bit games consoles, it' s not the processor that the number signifies.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 2 Apr 06 0:32:38 >

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