Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves!

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Chee Saw
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Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 24, 2006 07:08
AAwww YEAH!!

Download SEGA Genesis and TurboGrafx 16 games to Nintendo Revolution

It' s like a dream come true!
< Message edited by chee saw -- 24 Mar 06 0:58:29 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 24, 2006 08:13
NOW I have soiled myself silly... The region-free PS3 news was definitely drool-worthy but this is definitely soil worthy.

Keith Kourage in Alpha Zones, Ordyne, Dragon Spirit, Dragon Saber, Mystic Defender, Shinobi 3, Insector X here I come!!

Next-generation is going to be an AWESOME time to be a gamer as its set to cater to both school and new skool gamers!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 24 Mar 06 0:17:39 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 24, 2006 08:15
tell me this is a hoax!! I will join you in the pant soiling otherwise!!!!!!!!



Game Junkie
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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 24, 2006 13:30
Just when you think Nintendo has their thumbs up their ass they fucking drop this bomb shell. Even if its about a decade too late this is still pretty damn sweet. I might even get a REV after all.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 24, 2006 15:19
Just wait and see... a ton of currently apathetic people will suddenly proclaim " Genesis rulez" just because its games can be played on the Revolution.

All I' ve gotta say is they' d better have more than the paltry 512MB of storage space on that thing. Other than that I' d rather play those games on the consoles they were intended for, as no emulation is perfect. Some people say modding a console is raping it, well I say emulation is raping the game. Ever listen to Phantasy Star 2 on emulation? No emulator has ever gotten the sound correct for that game. The best thing about this is that hopefully this brings the value of the real games down a bit so I can afford the few I still do not have.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 24, 2006 15:51
I think its good, gives me a chance to try out some of the old games i missed, now that im only a second generation console gamer!

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 24, 2006 18:43

well I say emulation is raping the game

I partially agree, they always seem to emulate these games in 480i never at their original 240p resolution, it really pisses me off.

Just look at KOF 2000 on PS2, perfect 240p res, then look at 01,02 in their 2D only modes (and Sonic Mega Col), bloody flickery 480i. Hopefully Nintendo does the right thing and displays these games at the same rsolution as their original consoles, if not, the whole virtual console idea just got much less appealing.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 24 Mar 06 10:44:58 >

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 24, 2006 22:32
I used to be of the same opinion as you Joe about the 512 memory thing, and I suspect it could ship with a gig, but after seeing how the price of SD cards is dropping, I' m not too worried. I just got a 2 GB for 69 bucks on sale. Give it 7 more months, and those prices are going to drop even further. So let' s say I can buy 4 GB of SD memory for 119 dollars in November. That' s the same price as the xbox hard drive here in Canada. Now with revolution we are assuming all the emulation software is built in. On 360 it' s stored on the hard drive, so your 20 gig is only actually 13 gigs. That' s fine, that' s still MORE than enough room for me. But I look at the 4 gigs, and realise how small these games are that I' m going to be downloaded. Heck, the biggest of them will be the N64 games at 64 megs a pop. I can hold all the games and saves I could possible want. Not only that, but If Nintendo is doing things right, I should be able to go and plug that SD card into my computer to backup those files. If I can do this than I can backup my card, wipe it before my vacation to disneyland, use it to take photos of Mickey Mouse terrorizing little kids, come back and use the card on my revolution again after I put the files back on. I sure hope that' s how it works anyways.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 24, 2006 23:59
Once the Revolution is out and the Genesis emulation is in place, I demand that ALL of you play Castle of Illusion!!!!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 25, 2006 01:24
Terry u have taste, Shinobi 3 killed it, the best one so far, gameplay music, graphics was on fire..

Im not overly excited by this news, but i would of been if they said it emulated Mega CD (Final fight cd, snatcher), 32x (Chaotix, Stella assault) and Sega Saturn (too many too mention) games..
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 24 Mar 06 17:25:37 >

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 25, 2006 01:49
I soiled myself?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 25, 2006 04:37
Terry you mean the mickey mouse: castle of illusion?
If yes, I played it already - What about world of illusion?

It sounds like a neat feature, as for backing the files on to your PC... I don' t know... Seems like there would technically be no issue, however if these are pay to download games (which they are, right? haven' t been following) then there is the risk of people putting the games on the internet to share... As such people would be getting all their games for free. - Doubt nintendo would be happy about that (IF they are paid for)
NiGHTS into Dreamcast

Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 25, 2006 08:51

Terry you mean the mickey mouse: castle of illusion?
If yes, I played it already - What about world of illusion?

Yes, Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse! And even if you' ve already played it, play it again , it rocks TOO hard to not play again!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Chee Saw
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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 25, 2006 08:56
I wonder how the emulation will look on an HD tv? Should be interesting.

I hope they eventually allow you to download Actraiser! I loved that game! How about Shining in the Darkness! Phantasy Star!

Anybody else looking forward to particular games?

Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 25, 2006 09:07

I hope they eventually allow you to download Actraiser! I loved that game!

Actraiser was a majestic experience!!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 25, 2006 09:27
HDTVs absolutely destroy old 240p games. They end up looking so blocky. Old games are best played on a regular analog CRT TV that can do 240p on the system it was intended for. ActRaiser rocks on Professional Mode! I think Yuzo is in Chicago right now for a concert.

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 25, 2006 18:23
I' ve always hated nintendo, and i always will.

They don' t deserve the wonders of my youth...They tried to crush those.

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 26, 2006 01:58
Nintendo.. i once ' hated' nintendo but once i grew up, Sega went 3rd party i Realised that they have the same overall ideas about gaming on a whole (tho Sega was more experimental).. they both strive mainly on releasing AAA quality software that pushed gaming even further trying to out-do each other and them self' s.

I so respect Nintendo nowerdays. without them this industry would be a total ZZZZZZZZZZZ..

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 26, 2006 07:08
I don' t think you can say that it' s emulation on REV - since emulation is mainly viewed as something homemade and mostly not perfect.Rev will get a 100% working versions of those games - it' s more like a conversion.

Modding your console is what? That' s just retarded.

The good news is that they keep making other deals so at E3 there will be more announcements of that nature for sure.

It' s just amazing.

It' s not exclusive though , so XBL Arcade could get some too.

< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 25 Mar 06 23:09:23 >

Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 26, 2006 07:18
Trust me, it' ll be emulation. Sonic Mega Collection and all of those other collections are ALL emulation. On the Phantasy Star Collection for the Saturn, you can even extract the ROMs and play them on any ol' emulator.

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 26, 2006 07:33
It' s definately emulation! Just like 360 has to emulate Xbox games, Revolution will have to emulate non-Revolution games through the Virtual Console.

It' s emulation because it' s emulating a different graphics chip to the native one in the console. NES, SNES and N64 all use different hardware (obviously) to render the games and so Revolution has to emulate that hardware.

Microsoft' s difficulties are down to the NVIDIA GPU in Xbox and the custom built ATi card in 360. 360 has to straight up emulate the NVIDIA chip and Microsoft have to pay NVIDIA to do so.

Sony, up until PS3 have made all their own hardware, so they simply have to incorporate the same technology into PS3 (otherwise they' d have to emulate it).

Nintendo could easily stick the same hardware (the actual stiuff on a smaller scale) in Revolution (N64 being the most technical to reduce in size, but DS is superior hardware so it wouldn' t be very big anyway) and avoid having to emulate it. But since it' s so easy to use software to emulate NES, SNES and N64 games, it' s easier and more cost effective to emulate them.

Oh, and before anybody starts to contradict me, the definition of software emulation is...

A software emulator allows computer programs to run on a platform (computer architecture and/or operating system) other than the one for which they were originally written.

It' s not exclusive though , so XBL Arcade could get some too.

Very true and already being done.

Personally i want SNK stuff on Live Arcade, and i REALLY want the Dreamcast rumour to be true!

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 27, 2006 01:34
Downloadable PC Engine games? Awesome news! That system had some fantastic games (the best console version of StreetFighter II for one). Great move by Nintendo.

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 28, 2006 04:20
At least it will be a 100% accurate emulation :)

Nintendo is doing so many things right latelly that it' s almost ...suspicious :)

Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 28, 2006 04:30
How do you know it will be 100% accurate? We' ll have to wait and see. The only way it could be 100% accurate is if the games run in 240p.

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 29, 2006 13:52
I am not soiling myself for anything nintendo is doing..

Just putting it out there, if sega were to get back into consoles, then soil i shall, overwise it' s a footnote.

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RE: Nintendo news! EVERYONE soils themselves! - Mar 30, 2006 04:20
i know this news should be cool...

i love my old genesis games...

...but i still don' t care.

if they announced this for DS, that would excite me because there' s a chance i would actually play those old games in a portable setting. but realistically, i' m not going to spend a lot of my sitting-at-home-in-front-of-a-full-sized-tv gaming time on emulated genesis stuff. that time is reserved for current games.

kudos to the big N though. looks like they have their head on straight this time around