Tekken vs Virtual Fighter (ps3 , xbox 360)

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Tekken vs Virtual Fighter (ps3 , xbox 360) - Mar 22, 2006 10:27
It would be cool if they remade this game that was on sega 32x in better graphics.
Now you can share your favorite two games made with characters from SEGA and Namco.

Akira vs. Paul

what do you guys think?
Shenmue' s all time fan

Terry Bogard
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RE: Tekken vs Virtual Fighter (ps3 , xbox 360) - Mar 22, 2006 12:41
*sigh* If only that Sega Namco merger had happened
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Tekken vs Virtual Fighter (ps3 , xbox 360) - Mar 22, 2006 18:01
heh, was going to launch into a tirade about this being an easy argument / thread and VF dominating TK but now I' m a smiling, a crossover game could have been great!

*sings* ' not gon-a hap-pen, no.. not gon-na happen ' in the style of turk

wheres my tamborine & bandana !?

Am quite sure that banana and bandana were separated at birth

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RE: Tekken vs Virtual Fighter (ps3 , xbox 360) - Mar 22, 2006 23:24
Sega and Namco would have been much better than Sammy/Sega. I for one would have prefered them at least being bought by a company with a real gaming history, not some company that ruins the company by " restructuring" for " productivity" .
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Tekken vs Virtual Fighter (ps3 , xbox 360) - Mar 22, 2006 23:33
Hey Dan, what game did you choose when you won?! I don' t remember seeing you post on the winners thread...

Terry Bogard
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RE: Tekken vs Virtual Fighter (ps3 , xbox 360) - Mar 23, 2006 04:22

Sega and Namco would have been much better than Sammy/Sega. I for one would have prefered them at least being bought by a company with a real gaming history, not some company that ruins the company by " restructuring" for " productivity" .

Here here..

Sega and Namco are VERY much alike, especially in the arcade area. I saw nothing but great things coming about from their merger. I was incredibly disappointed when Sega went with Sammy instead..

And actually, in regards to the Sega-Namco merger, from what I read it wasn' t Namco who was buying Sega, the offer that was on the table was that the two companies would merge and the Namco name would be dissolved, it would just be SEGA, which, as much as I adore Sega, I did NOT agree with at all. Why should Namco' s name disappear? They have a long rich history in this industry as well.

SEGA-NAMCO just sounds like a f' n AWESOME name!!!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.