...what about 2005' s best game,
Resident Evil 4?....
...regarded as the best because of it' s ability to mix Western Bravura with Japanese class??.... ...at least in my opinion....
...generally, i get pi$$ed at both territories these days, for not being good at exceeding in BOTH ideals..... ....i love photo-realism and the west' s penchant for high octane action and adventure..... ....but western fps' s and adventure games generally seem.... .. ...standard and average?.... ...getting the job done and not much else??...
...like it' s always the same basic crappy type character models.... ...extreme detail in the environments and characters (like moving clothes and hair), motion capturing, good voice actors etc is always lacking in my opinion....
...especially considering that the endless amount of specs/graphic cards etc. the M$/PC community is always raving about, seems to count for sh*t when the final product is released...
.... like they are more concerned with developing a new processor with higher specs etc, than they are with sitting down with the current generation' s hardware and putting the time and effort in optimising it' s full capabilities....
...that' s probably why the ex-box had such few classy, polished, jaw dropingly gorgeous titles... ..the majority of which were made by Team Ninja....
.....and why do PC developers seem to be so extremely lazy (or unskilled) when producing PC to ex-box/360 conversions??.... ...i realise that most M$ fans typically own PC' s too, but what about the rest of us??... ..why should we non-PC owners have to put up with endless crap, late and lazy conversions ?.... ...
...i just wish that the Asian developers would concentrate more, on more adult themes.... ...in their movies, anime and manga they love guns, subversive subjects and blood...
...but when they decide to make a new Playstation game, it' s generally kiddie/consumer crap like Brain Train or Dragonball Z...
...Bottom Line?....
.....i want M$ to say developers: " 720 will
not be announced 3 years from now... ...take your time getting to know 360
then spend another 5 years developing your best material" .... ...and... " f*ck next year' s graphic card" ...
...and the Japanese developers to grow some balls and stick up their collective middle fingers to children, old people, girls and dweebs (especially dweebs!

.....a Japanese made FPS would be
totally awesome also...
....PS: is there any chance Onimusha 4 will be released on ex-box?.... ...because it looks like utter crap on the PS2.... ...i haven' t seen such big release visual sh*ite since Devil May Cry 3 ....