Sequels that were never made, but should have.

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Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 20, 2006 13:54
Once in a blue moon i dig around in my old game collection, and i run into a few games that would rock if they were remade.
And maybe the folks who made the games might agree with me, maybe to the point of wanting to do something about it.
But alas, the game industry is less about game content, and more about compensation from the massive budgets most of these game are produced with.

But maybe you have always wanted to see a game remade, or maybe this game was in the process of being made (like eternal champions) and was canned for unknown reasons.

What games would you being willing...nay enthusiastic about dropping a cool $50?
What console should it be for....Should it be made for a console? Maybe for all of them?

What would just friggin rule, and what new features would you want to include to make it as good/better then it' s original.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 20, 2006 14:01
I want a proper sequel to ALEX KIDD IN MIRACLE WORLD.. All of the previous game elements with sidescrolling 2.5D graphics...

I want an awesome remake of the greatest motorcycle racing game on the planet, SUPER HANG-ON!

I' d LOVE LOVE LOVE a proper remake of the original Space Harrier, not the abysmal crap we got in Sega Ages 2500 series: Space Harrier.

I want a friggin sidescrolling Shinobi game! Enough with the 3D crap.

I' d LOVE another Klonoa game.

I' d love a remake of the original Sonic Adventure. Keep everything as is, just improve the graphics and add in more levels and characters to play as. Yuji Naka, that means we keep the individual character quests, not the $hitte you pulled in later Sonic games by mixing them up and having players alternate between different characters throughout the main quests.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 20 Mar 06 6:03:28 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 20, 2006 14:06
You have my vote!

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 20, 2006 21:00
Revenge of shinobi brought up to date, still a 2D game, and streets of rage 2 (4 or whatever) (finally) - shame they missed the DC, they would both have been awesome on that hardware. Yuzo Koshiro to do the soundtrack on both too..

Wonder why SOR4 was canned by Sega US before they had even seen it on the basis that it was 2D. It was good enough for 20 years of gaming!

Oh boy I' d go into a game induced coma If those games were ever released!

Oh and I' m totally with Terry on Sonic Adventure on next gen, but leaving the game engine as it was! Yes please! I still play it and love it as is!

I hate the continual char selection in hereos :( was lame, but only because I built myself up expecting a SA calibre title!
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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 20, 2006 21:16
Starcraft? :)
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 20, 2006 23:55
I want a Third Chrono game. Bad.

Also a sequel to Shadows of Destiny, and a sequel to Einhiender. Then I' m happy.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 00:19
Blue dragon is the unofficial sequal to Chrono Trigger,if sakaguchi was still dev games for square-enixm they would have named it " chrono" something,especially when akira who did CT with sakaguchi is also doing BD now.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Mass X
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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 02:21
Some recent games I would like to see continued:

Armed and Dangerous, this game was friggin hilarious. The gameplay was pretty repetitive but still fun. But ya I loved the humor of it.
" O god they' ve already dressed my son as a women and shot his leg off what more can they do to him?" " I...I think they are giving him a circumcism...sir..." You have to see it to get the real joke of the scene.

another Lucas Arts game I hope to see continued is Mercenaries. I loved the game engine that was used. Blowing vehicles up was very reminiscant of those Halo videos people made of launching the warthog.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 02:29

Starcraft? :)

You know, i read somewhere it was being done.

I dunno, maybe i should find where it is before the " research/link" nazi comes to call me names again.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 02:54
Some good games have been mentioned, though on the SoR4 note... I didn' t know it was apparently a 2d version... I heard they cancelled it because the genre wasn' t popular enough or something stupid like that... though it was such a long time ago now that my memory may have fogged over.

Burning Rangers - Now i don' t know who of you played this, and of those who enjoyed it... But BR was even on the saturn something i was looking for the dreamcast to remake bigger, and better. I was kind of hoping for some online support up to 5 players (even these days) for co op with communicator... so it could be just like it was on the Saturn, but with real people helping.

NiGHTS A reamke would be great, not sure about a sequel given sonic teams latest stuff, but if they could do it well, then a sequelwould be great. (with upgraded original included)

I agree about a nice 2D shinobi, mix of revenge of, and shinobi 3 - I liked Shinobi ps2, but it was just a future ninja game, it didn' t release to the series to me at all.

I' m drawing a blank, but im sure there is hundreds more..

How about (maybe for a goof) Zombies ate my neighbours, probably online, just enjoyed playing around with that on megadrive in 2 player.
NiGHTS into Dreamcast

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 03:05

Blue dragon is the unofficial sequal to Chrono Trigger

Do you have any further info on this?? I haven' t heard this for sure. I understand it' s a lot of people from the same team, but that doesn' t make it an unofficial sequel to me. Hell, the guys who made grand theft auto are making ping pong now. If it IS, and the story react accordingly, then holy crap my pants batman.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 03:25

Blue dragon is the unofficial sequal to Chrono Trigger

No it isn' t. Since it' s not set in the same world or follows on from where Chrono Trigger left off, or even the same characters, it' s not an unofficial anything. The only connection is that some of the devs working on Blue Dragon were part of the team that did Chrono Trigger.

Square Enix hold the rights to everything Chrono Trigger related. You really think they' d let their only real competition do a Chrono game?!

Blue Dragon is an entirely new IP.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 04:42
Yeah the SEGA games

Guardian Heroes is still my number one As long as is not on the Gameboy
advance and preferably on a console.
I will buy whatever sytem without hesitation I' d take a port to a console
Shen... lol

Streets of rage new done with care by original team console doesn' t matter.

alll the Sega games mentioned previously

Shining Force 3 style

Alien Storm

Super Ninja Boy

Snake Rattle and Roll

Tetris Attack

Legend of Oasis\The Story of Thor 2

Biker Mice from Mars (racing) don' t know it there was any other type

X-perts I liked the idea didn' t get to beat it only rented

A real Secret of mana sequel with multiplayer like those being made
but on a console
ClockWork Knight taking into the adventure realm like they said, I believe,
Knight On Knight was planned

Skies of Arcadia/ Enternal Arcadia I just got mad... seroiusly

Blue Stinger I know I liked it

Outtrigger as long as the system has two analogs or a C-stick with larger stages
and a real story mode and mission/challanges mode

Albert Oddesey (sp?)

Golden Axe in an quality adventure worthy on Death Adder

Let me sto...


I want another Sega System... But as long as I get this stuff

Yeah Zombies Ate My Neighbor was great.. as long as it is not a forced FPS

I heard that Burning Rangers was originally to be two players And yes I love it..

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 05:05
Genesis (mega drive): Comix zone

Playstation: Tobal

Playstation2: XIII

that' s what i could think of very quickly

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 05:22
Please compare CT with CC,how are they similiar?
And btw,without sounding obessed with sakaguchi,he was the only one from CT who also did CC(chrono cross).
Please tell me whats the similiartiy of CC and CT,expect time traveling?
And when has akira done the art/of charcter/monster enviorment/airships in anotgher game expect CT and Dq8?
This game feel so much a CT in next gen.
And no it doesnt have any time travelning what i know.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 05:23
Yep so many more games there i would like, sotry of thor 1/2 were great, comix zone too... Golden axe, yeah good stuff
Panzer Dragoon Saga (remake) with a full upgrade of zwei included for free
The 2 player i saw about in BR, did they not have some battle mode thing, or was it taken out? Prob for the best the saturn struggled with the game already - transparencies were not it' s strong point

All aboubt sega man
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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 05:25

Playstation2: XIII

Just buy your ps3 ffs :P
And btw when i buy mine,i probably gonna buy ff12 to it,as a launch title for me :O
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 06:05
we need a true sequel to the Goemon game, preferably 3D, the 3D sidescroller sequel was good, but not as good as the original.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 06:54
Goeman to ps2 was being dev,but ken stopped it,konami was dev the sequal from the n64 rpg which was great,if you ask me :P even if it had those japanese laughter that was sick :)
Well ken stopped it,claimed some games must have a graphic standard quality,this he said cause xbox just had was on its 2nd year,and had better graphic,very strange/disgusting move by ken.
All swedish magazine wrote about it,and wondering if nintendo/sony/ms really should step in and tell dev what they think is allright,would the psx has been born if all bad looking games wasn' t being made on psx for ex?
And yes, psx won thank to having 10000000 games,that could be chipped,and some AAA titles that was good enough to face of n64.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 07:26
Can we stop with the stupid PSX thing now?!

The console was abbreviated in Japan to " PS" but was often abbreviated as " PSX" by American gamers, as this was Sony' s internal code name for the system while it was under development (PlayStation Xperimental).

I mean, do you still call your Dreamcast a Blackbelt, Katana or Dural?! Do you still call your Gamecube a Dolphin?!

This... a PSX.

AAA titles that was good enough to face of n64.

Like what?! FF?!

Yeah Playstation had some very cool titles, but Playstation' s domination over N64 wasn' t because of the games. N64 had games like:

Mario Kart 64
Mario Party
Paper Mario
Star Fox 64
Super Smash Bros.
Super Mario 64
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Majora' s Mask
Blast Corps.
Conker' s Bad Fur Day
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
GoldenEye 007
Jet Force Gemini
Killer Instinct Gold
Perfect Dark

...and the quality of any of those games eclipses most of what Playstation had.

The biggest contributors to why Sony' s lesser pwered console dominated over N64 were Nintendo' s choice of medium which resulted in higher manufacturing costs which meant much higher game prices. N64 having an unpopular controller and much fewer games.

Sony and Sega used CD-ROM discs to store their games and discs were much cheaper to manufacture and distribute, resulting in lower costs to third party game publishers. As a result many game developers which had traditionally supported Nintendo game consoles were now developing games for the competition because of the higher profit margins found on CD based platforms.

It' s one of the biggest reasons why Squaresoft (then) abandoned Nintendo in favour of Sony.

The market share was even closer tha people think, ending at 40% and 51% respectively. Just because Playstation continued to sell and eventually reched 100000000 units sold doesn' t mean anything. How long did 64 continue to sell after 2001 when Gamecube was released?!

Sequels that were never made, but should have

Totally Rad!

< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 20 Mar 06 23:27:00 >

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 08:07
I want to see a sequal to seamann on xbox 360.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 13:12
Maybe some more earthworm jim?

oooh oooh!!! a big budget scorched earth!

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 15:59
I' d like a sequel to Psi Ops: Mindgate Conspiracy! The game was out on PS2 and Xbox, it ends with a to be continued, so i hope its likely that we will se the sequal sometime, it was one of the first games to use Havoc, really cool physics, psi abilities mixed with shooting, very nice!

I cant quite figure out any other game i want sequels fore! Maybe its because most games shouldnt have sequels :P

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 18:37
i want an Eternal Darkness sequel....

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 21, 2006 23:29
Hey I forgot about Mystical Ninja/ Goemon those were delicious

I would Remake all the Zeldas up to Wind Waker on the Rev, GC if they
want, in complete 3D And add a 2 player option

Sega really has a lot of games that they could just remake with care and
I would buy them all

Dark Savoir with a major rehaul graphically and gameplay wise

All the classic 2D Sonic remade in Adventure 1 flavor keeping as close to
the level design as possible.

Fighter' s Megamix...I just got mad again... Needs New leadership
based on their Games

Maybe Enemy Zero I could never beat it because my disk 3 messed up (after fouond out what to do)
But the graphics would have to be outstanding

I cannot believe I did not say this before Dragon Force
with just more movement abilty and full 3D free roaming If I was working on that Dev team as a producer the game would be so great ... I just got sad


Contra done right

There can be so much

SpaceHulks " Ezekiel...Adondi....Aradiael" can' t say I can spell any of the names
But I really liked the team aspect ot the game muliplayer would be great.

Kirby hey
< Message edited by Kannon -- 21 Mar 06 15:34:31 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 22, 2006 00:08

ClockWork Knight taking into the adventure realm like they said, I believe,
Knight On Knight was planned

Blue Stinger I know I liked it

ABSOfrigginLUTELY!! I loved Clockwork Knight 1 & 2 and REALLY liked the Japanese version of Blue Stinger with its dynamic camera angles. The U.S. version had the crappy ' fixed' camera.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 22, 2006 01:07
I second, third, and fourth the eternal darkness sequel idea!!!! If you haven' t played that game, you' ve missed out on a unique, and amazing game.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 22, 2006 02:31
I second the dragon force statement, can' t believe i forgot about it, wish they at least release the sega ages version in the west.
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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 22, 2006 03:52
I wouldn' t mind a D3.

I loved D, Enemy Zero and D2 and although i would settle for a D2 remake, a D3 would be nice...


The tentacle rape scene was a bit much though...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 21 Mar 06 19:58:45 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 22, 2006 04:40
D-2 was a pretty interesting game, really drew me into its dark game world. So they actually kept the tentacle scene in the U.S. and European versions?
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 21 Mar 06 20:41:14 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 22, 2006 05:04
I remember when the dreamcast was about to launch, and they were showing all the games it was about to launch with, and most were pretty sweet.

But i remember looking at D2 and thinking " now that looks nextgen"

And surprisingly, even though it looks aged, it still holds up!

In fact, i can' t think of one dreamcast games that doesnt hold up..

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 22, 2006 05:06
In the US version i think, but the European version was censored...

With this, Shenmue, Virtua Tennis and Sould Calibur, i was so sure SEGA couldn' t lose...

Terry, are you multi-linguistic?

Terry Bogard
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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 22, 2006 05:10
Not a chance! But I wish!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 22, 2006 05:15

How do you manage when playing imports then?!

Specifically Japanese games like Ossu! Tatakae! Ouendan!...

Terry Bogard
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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 22, 2006 12:38
That' s on my TO GET list...

As for imports in general, TRIAL & ERROR.

Alot of the stuff I enjoy playing (2D shooters, platformers, racing games, action games, fighting games, Wrestling games) you don' t really need to have any kind of a firm grasp of the Japanese language to play and fully enjoy them.

Of course, it goes without saying that if I were a fan of RPGs, especially story-driven ones, I' d have to steer clear of the import versions since I wouldn' t be able to follow the story as well as the directions given to me as to what to do or where to go. But since I' m not a fan of RPGs or Strategy games, no problems there.. I DID however play through the Japanese version of Kingdom of Paradise for the PSP and finished it all on my own. The first true blue RPG I ever completed from start to finish on my own and it was in Japanese! But that took a lot of backtracking though, but I was so in love with the game that I didn' t mind it much.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 22, 2006 18:11
I love getting jap imports, they make my day! With my regulation 7 DC the chap threw in some obscure platformer which was (at first) complete guesswork to get to the game itself! Cut to an hour later, you know in a rudimentary fashion - ( defo trial and error Terry!) and it might just be me, but I think this breaking down the barriers makes you feel more not less involved with the game experience, almost another layer of challenege, then understanding! RPG' s from Japan have always had me running away crying from ye old game shopee as the artwork and covers always look so tempting, yet i just know I wouldnt have the foggiest what was going on!!

Dark Savoir - now that was a cool RPG!
< Message edited by jtypecav -- 22 Mar 06 10:12:13 >

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 22, 2006 23:39
I' d love to see a remake of Chase HQ.

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 22, 2006 23:43
Sims!!!...oh wait...nvm...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Marcelo C S Vega
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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 23, 2006 10:36

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RE: Sequels that were never made, but should have. - Mar 31, 2006 06:50
" Huh huh. They should, like, make a sequel to that one Beavis & Butthead game for that one console that, like, sucks now.

" Heh, yeah. That' d be pretty dang cool. Heh, Heh Heh. You said Sequel. "

Seriously though, I' m holding out for the Sam & Max sequel that should have been made 5 years ago.

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