Can we stop with the stupid PSX thing now?!
The console was abbreviated in Japan to " PS" but was often abbreviated as " PSX" by American gamers, as this was Sony' s internal code name for the system while it was under development (PlayStation Xperimental).
I mean, do you still call your Dreamcast a Blackbelt, Katana or Dural?! Do you still call your Gamecube a Dolphin?!
This... a PSX.
AAA titles that was good enough to face of n64.
Like what?! FF?!
Yeah Playstation had some very cool titles, but Playstation' s domination over N64 wasn' t because of the games. N64 had games like:
Mario Kart 64
Mario Party
Paper Mario
Star Fox 64
Super Smash Bros.
Super Mario 64
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Majora' s Mask
Blast Corps.
Conker' s Bad Fur Day
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
GoldenEye 007
Jet Force Gemini
Killer Instinct Gold
Perfect Dark
...and the quality of any of those games eclipses most of what Playstation had.
The biggest contributors to why Sony' s lesser pwered console dominated over N64 were Nintendo' s choice of medium which resulted in higher manufacturing costs which meant much higher game prices. N64 having an unpopular controller and much fewer games.
Sony and Sega used CD-ROM discs to store their games and discs were much cheaper to manufacture and distribute, resulting in lower costs to third party game publishers. As a result many game developers which had traditionally supported Nintendo game consoles were now developing games for the competition because of the higher profit margins found on CD based platforms.
It' s one of the biggest reasons why Squaresoft (then) abandoned Nintendo in favour of Sony.
The market share was even closer tha people think, ending at 40% and 51% respectively. Just because Playstation continued to sell and eventually reched 100000000 units sold doesn' t mean anything. How long did 64 continue to sell after 2001 when Gamecube was released?!
Sequels that were never made, but should have
Totally Rad!

< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 20 Mar 06 23:27:00 >