I' m just a bill

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I' m just a bill - Mar 17, 2006 11:46

I' m going to talk for a moment about video game politics before getting to video games.

On Monday I posted a link to the Video Game Voters Network, because I think it' s important for us gamers to be aware of these issues. I' m just going to touch briefly on why.

I' ll start by saying that I don' t think M rated games should be sold to minors. That' s my personal take on it. I don' t think an eight year old kid should be able to walk into a store and purchase Postal. If I had an eight year old son, I probably wouldn' t buy him Postal. However, if I had a fifteen year old son, and I knew him as a person and felt he had a firm grasp on the lines between reality and fiction, right and wrong, I' d probably go ahead and buy him Postal.

And that is where the heart of this issue lies for me. I think that video games should be regulated, but I don' t want them regulated by the government. I have two main reasons for this.

One, letting the government step in takes the responsibility off of the shoulders of the parents, and you know what? Fuck that. Parents need to be responsible for their children, and I' m sick of the government legislating morality for these lazy people. If you' re not ready to sacrifice the better part of your daily life for a good fifteen years, don' t have kids.

< Message edited by fourohthree -- 17 Mar 06 3:46:34 >