Outfit reviewed

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Vx Chemical
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Outfit reviewed - Mar 16, 2006 03:28
The Outfit has been reviewed on teamxbox.com gotten a decent score, 8.3. It looks quite interesting when i read it, mostly for the single player, i wouldnt care about the MP, since i have GRAW and soon Quake 4.


Mass X
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RE: Outfit reviewed - Mar 16, 2006 03:34
Ya its been performing about how I thought with mixed decent reviews ranging from 6.5-8.5.

I tried the demo but was annoyed by a few things.
1-the guns seem unbalanced,weak, and pretty much useless.
2-the guns are limited.
3-when stop blew up the remains and debris would vanish after a few seconds.(which is why I cant wait to see Strangleholds " Massive D" enviroments)
4-Controls ,especially vehicles, were a bit annoying.
5-Couldnt access the buildings.

Actually I think I complained about this stuff alread havent I? Anyhow I think it' s fun for the most part, just not quite worth the $60.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Outfit reviewed - Mar 16, 2006 03:38
I wouldnt pay 60 for it, maybe trade some game for it when its released, we' ll see. But ill be busy for a long time with GRAW and Oblivion!