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The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 23, 2003 23:08
Including Dave and Buster type establishments, when' s the last time you' ve steeped into an arcade? For me, around Thanksgiving
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 23, 2003 23:25
Last time i stepped into an arcade was The Casino on Totenahm Court Road London with Adam Doree where i was fortunate enough to see adam get his ass kicked at Virtual fighter 4 .. REPEATEDLY! .. After wich we bumped into a delightfull young lady who had a little trouble finding her way home .. My good self and Adam promply led her to the nearest bar, plied her with drink (wich Adam payed for) resulting in her sucking the skin off my old chap! .. Cheers Ad .. True story .. ..::GhOZt::..
' Im old enough to know better but young enough to not give a fuck!'
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 23, 2003 23:29
Adam got his ass kicked at a videogame and he runs a gaming site....lol
Peter Skerritt
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 24, 2003 00:16
I actually frequent Kahunaville, which is kind of like a Dave & Buster' s, about once a week. I play stuff like Star Wars Trilogy Arcade, Daytona USA 2, Silent Scope EX, and Golden Tee Golf.
Peter J. Skerritt, Jr. Freelance Writer (Video Games) Multiple World Record Holder: Sea Wolf (10,800 pts on 5/31/2001) and Mania Challenge (1.24 million pts on 6/1/2002) " A winner is you!"
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 24, 2003 00:47
Kahunaville in Wilmington, DE last July. I miss the good ol fashion Arcades with Cigarette burns on the console, and smoke, long lines, and fanboys.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 24, 2003 01:00
Last time I was in an arcade was about a year ago, in an airport, on my way down to Miami. They had an entertaining soccer title, although I can' t seem to remember the name. My all time favorite still happens to be the Sniper game, Silent Scope EX I believe it was. Ah, the good old days!
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 24, 2003 01:37
Last time I was in an arcade... was.... umm... I don' t even remember.. Probably 2-3 years....
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 24, 2003 01:42
Last time for me was this summer, It was a pretty cool Arcade in Newport, RI.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 24, 2003 01:47
IMO, arcades just don' t have the appeal they once did... I blame the schools.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 24, 2003 01:51
true, they don' t, but DDR was cool in the arcade, and they had some old shooter games that were fun.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 24, 2003 01:52
Hmmm, I went last Thursday to an arcade. I can be seen regularly kicking tail on Daytona USA (whatever the newest one is) and practicing the mainly forgotten art of Skeetball.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 25, 2003 16:04
Whenever I go into Blackpool with a few friends when I' m home during the summer we always go through an arcade and have a look at the latest stuff they' ve got (and of course go on Star Wars - Pod Racer, but they' ve got rid of that now) So it' ll be last summer.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 25, 2003 17:58
Last summer I think when visiting Gröna Lund, I was mighty disapointed. Sure fighters and gun games are fun for a while but where are the shoot ' em ups?
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 26, 2003 13:37
Last time... I think that would be at least 2 years ago. We don' t have many arcades left in Holland anyway.
I Don' t Think, Therefore I Am Not.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 26, 2003 23:13
Probably about a year ago! Shame aint it? Arcades are becoming scarce where I live. [VA] There is an arcade in my local mall that I saunder into every now and again just to see if anything new is crackin.
Nas Escobar
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 27, 2003 06:39
Last time I remember going to an arcade was when I saw X-Men the movie with my brother, I' m not sure when that movie came out but it was probably 98-99, i havent been to one it probably 3 years. That was in NYC it was a cool arcade... i forgot where it was, I moved from there like 3 years ago and forgot everything... uh I think 64th street in manhattan and uh... " time square" comes to mind? I know its like really near to the lincoln tunnel cause I went to it all the time cause I went to New Jersey to my brothers house on the weekends and the little buses to go to NJ were like 3 blocks away from the arcade so I took the opportunity to go there everytime I went to NJ its a pretty famous arcade anyone know what its called? Damn I forgot... Edit: Its also like a block away from a terminal where you catch the big ass busses to go to any surrounding state. I' m sure anyone from NY knows which one im talking about.
< Message edited by Nas Escobar -- 2/27/2003 6:47:34 AM >
Adam Doree
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 28, 2003 18:51
Actually the last time I was in an arcade was Lazer Park in Times Square. I needed change from the ATM in order to get severely drunk in O' Lunneys.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Feb 28, 2003 22:56
Who needs an arcade when you have a next gen console? Been about 4 years for me.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 01, 2003 01:09
Arcades to me still have that feeling, you know what I mean?
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 02, 2003 00:39
The last time I was in an arcade was 3 years ago. I was playing Marvel vs Capcom .
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 09, 2003 01:40
I visit arcades every week, if only to keep my playing skills up. Done a but of work on Initial D, looking foward to FZero and Dodonpatchi 3.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 22, 2003 23:01
Yesterday, I make regular visits to the arcade to play the numerious challangers at F355 challange. I love Monza sooo much!!
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 23, 2003 00:01
Actually its a bit disappointing how little most of you guys visit the arcade. There' s always something new to see or a new challenge or just the social playing atmosphere.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 23, 2003 14:22
Toast, Recently arcades are not updated as much as they used to be. I use to go regularly to see the new releases, not now there is no point. I know for a fact my local arcade wont be getting Virtual On:Marz or VF4:Evolution, and all the games they have there, I have played to death. In the Arcades local to me there is hardly ever soemthing new so see, and also cash is a big problem, I dont want to spend my cash on the same old things, I want to play it on new, original stuff!
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 23, 2003 16:31
It has been 2 years for me
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 24, 2003 03:09
Been at least that for me too.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 24, 2003 12:42
The only times I go is when I' m on vacation somewhere and I' m bored. There mostly are arcades at the places I go. But when I' m at home I never go to them.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 24, 2003 22:42
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 26, 2003 17:18
LMAO! Now that' s the only time I enjoyed a tamagotchi!
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 26, 2003 23:57
Osamagotchi my friend! It is indeed great!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 27, 2003 14:18
Too bad he doesn' t REALLY die... I mean, you can' t be a real Osamagotchi when you don' t die, right?
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 27, 2003 20:13
Well I' ll be opening my own arcade later this year and I hope to make it the best in London which isn' t difficult at the mo. There' s always something to see and its good to have regular competition. I feel high prices have also contributed to the drop in business.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 27, 2003 23:33
Dude! That is awesome! Good luck with it. That would be sweet to own an arcade!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 28, 2003 15:07
Yeah! Totally cool! Good luck with it. Hey, Kikizo members can go free one time, right?
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Mar 29, 2003 14:31
Yeah well I' ll definately have some games lock-in nights. Its being funded by myself and I' ll be working with experienced ex games store managers to make the best import anime shop in the uk. The arcade will be in the basement with a continuously upgraded games line up cover all era' s of Arcade gaming. All Jap machines will be imported if they don' t get a uk release. I' m also looking to hook up a Guitar Freaks and Drummania if I can find a link cable. An early website will be up in about 10 weeks with the main store in September - October. Expert gamers will be welcome, anyone who knows me and been to my house knows I' ve met a fair amount of experts over the years that I' ll bring down to do the business. Games should also be very cheap to play where possible but this will depend on space. I' ll do another post on it nearer the time.
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Nov 17, 2003 13:35
I usually dont go to arcades until vacation. (a lot more fun than a museum with my parents)
Terry Bogard
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Nov 17, 2003 21:25
I' m an arcade gamer first and foremost, consoles come next.. No matter how powerful the consoles get they' ll just NEVER be able to replicate the feel of true arcade gaming. The atmosphere, the environment, the standing on your feet for 10 hours straight playing games. Sigh....
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Nov 19, 2003 10:06
Just to update, my arcade now won' t be opening till well into next year. But the delay will make it even better and should really turn a few heads
The flat shaded polygons are much more rounded here...
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Nov 19, 2003 13:55
Nice to see you here again Toast!
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RE: The last time you' ve been to an arcade
Nov 21, 2003 13:41
sometime within the last year. remember playing jurassic park 2 and 3 there. I use to play the house of the dead games a little in the arcade either at the boardwalk or at sony theathres. sony is cool for having arcade games at their movie theathres new ones too.If they had ninja gaiden 1985 arcade game back in the arcades that would be sweet.